May 05, 2003 20:04
it has been a long like week for me and so much has went on that i dont want to talk about it all so i will sum it up i have been getting ready for state and the last week has been like that... block schedule sucks and i hate it and yea.... physics is rockin and i love it ... cant wait till next year when i get to take ap i know that sounds lame but that is how i feel.. ap test is tomorrow and i didnt study, but then again you cant really study for english, just a bunch of essays and ish... dang.. i went to state champs this past weekend from thursday to today and it was so fun... i had too much fun... everything just made me laugh and tam has a list of 51 things that were funny and i really need to get her to type that ish up because that would so cheer me up when i need it. me and kam did good for us and we didnt break... it is cool though becuase competitionw as majorly good and amazing. i love watching everything! there was a dance yesterday and it was extremely ghetto but yea it was great.... this past days have been amazing.. great!