Oct 23, 2004 17:27
its so odd to think i'm moving in with my b/f
i dunno
it's quite overwhelming
last night...
was intense to say the least
it sounds humerous, and it was...but then again...it wasnt
my b/f had a party...and we were gonna smoke out of his bong
that he's had for like 3 years
since frosh yr. of college
and it just had all this sentimental value...considering whom he bought it with...and all the memories
(he used to be the BIGGEST stoner everrrrr)
and well, last night...it was on the counter
and dylan's friend ian accidently knocked it over...and it smashed into a thousand pieces
dylan was sooooo sad
god, this story is actually perdy funny
but i dunno...when yr stoned and REALLY drunk...things are a LOT more dramatic than they should be
i've decided that my life isnt really going anywhere
and i have no real direction
that is all.