Hopefully the last gray day..

Mar 31, 2010 21:17

So, I'm really getting into sparkpeople. I put in my fitness stuff and they yelled at me for doing too much exercise for the amount of food I'm eating. But ti's nice that it lets me track our my route that I take so I know how many miles I did walk. I really like that about the site.

I can't wait for the sun to come out.  An occasional rain is nice, and indeed necessary. I love how green everything looks, especially with everything starting to bloom. But 3 gray days in a row is almost too much for me. I get sleepy and unmotivated. I feel like I drink more caffeine on rainy days than on sunny days. Maybe I should go to bed early so I can try to get at least 8 if not more hours of sleep.

So, I've been reading more in the village book and W informed me that I could submit to the author any typos since the book is not technically published yet.

This means that I'm going to go through the half that I read and find all the things that bugged me. The typos have been striking me and sticking out way too much for me. So, my pickiness might come in handy in helping this guy present his message in a more professional manner. Thankfully, I agree with his message so it's not turning me away from it, but people who don't agree will be turned off by it because he can't be bothered to get it proofread. I'd still suggest getting it and checking it out even though there are currently lots of types. Or at least what I think is a lot of typos.

And now I'm self conscious of my posts....

village, sparkpeople

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