not much

Oct 27, 2005 21:02

hey whats up? might as well not even ask cause i know the answer. Nuthin. it is what everybody says. thats what i was just talkin to someone about. lol anyways what is up with me you ask? well that is why you are reading this i think. well can you guess what im gonna say? im gonna say nuthin. but really you just say nuthin because whats up is a dumb question. there really isnt an answer to it but that one. so we will say what are you doing? my response now is i am talking to people on aim, and tellin you useless info about a dumb question, lol. Anyways um... this is a busy weekend! i have my surgery tomorrow!!! i hate teeth, i mean why sare there wisdom teeth if they are just gonna pull them out? and why cant eveybodys teeth just be straight? and then they have to switch your appointments 60 times and they always move it to a later date, can i please just get this over with? as it stands right now i get my seperators the day before thanksgiving!!! and then the braces a week later. this will be a fun christmas season for concert band especially when im in a xmas quint, so everybody will hear me because i will be the only 2nd trumpet, out of 2 of us, a french horn, a trombone and a tuba. wow fun. anyways i keep talkin more and more on these things, just ramblin on! Ttyl!
Love always
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