30 day memes, Day 14

Jul 04, 2010 15:51


Day 14- A scene/moment that made you happy

In the first 13, Will was a dumbass, especially when it came to dishing out solos. Lea/Rachel is amazing, but the other girls (espesh. Amber/Mercedes) needed a chance to shine. And Cory's voice... It has it's charms, but he's got nothing on Chris, Mark and Kevin. When Burt inadvertantly pointed this out to him, it made me wish he was my dad very happy.


Day 14 - A scene that makes you happy

Emily and Naomi at the loveball. I'd rooted for these two since day 1, and I was so glad to see them get their happy ending. Sure, they were headed to angst city in the next season, but at this moment they were happy, and that made me happy.


Day 14 - What is your favorite book pairing?

Sirius/Remus. I can't find any pictures of them together in which Sirius doesn't look insane, but I find these two adorable together. 'Embraced like brothers' my ass, Rowling, they were totally fucking and you know it...

skins: gen 2, harry potter, glee, pairing: emily/naomi, burt hummell (badass), pairing: sirius/remus, skins, 30 day meme

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