30 day memes, Day 8

Jun 26, 2010 18:34


Day 08- Your favorite Quinn/Puck moment

Quinn: Did you love me?
Puck: Yes. Especially now.

I don't ship it at all, but I think this was an incredibly sweet moment.


Day 8 - Your least favorite episode

Cook, 3.02. Everything about this episode screams over the top, pointless, unrealistic, and worst of all, Cook. I'm glad I stuck with the second gen despite my initial doubts, because it got really good, but this episode made it quite difficult...


Day 08 - The pairing with the most baggage?

Again, I don't really ship it (save for one or two particularly spectacular fics), but nothing quite says baggage like 'I got pregnant by your best friend and then lied about it for a few months'. I mean really, it was total Maury/Jeremy Kyle material.

pairing: puck/quinn, cook, skins: gen 2, pairing: finn/quinn, glee, 30 day meme, skins

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