Booklist 2009 - March

Apr 02, 2009 10:35

Another Month, another round of "Lets see how quick I can dig through a pile of books". What can I say, I've been going through huge amounts of Game Fiction - but I'll try and be better this month...

2009 so far:
Asimov; Isaac - Aurora oder der Aufbruch zu den Sternen (The Robots of Dawn)
Asimov; Isaac - Forward the Foundation
Asimov; Isaac - Die Foundation-Trilogie (Foundation; Foundation and Empire; Second Foundation)
Asimov; Isaac - Die Frühe Foundation-Trilogie (Pebble in the Sky; The Stars like dust; The Currents of space)
Asimov; Isaac - Prelude to Foundation
Barker; Clive - Das erste Buch des Blutes (Books of Blood, Vol. I)
Barker; Clive - The Hellbound Heart
Charette; Robert - Battletech: Ein Erbe für den Drachen (Battletech: Heir to the Dragon)
Charette; Robert - Battletech: Wölfe an der Grenze (Battletech: Wolves on the Border)
Coleman; Loren - Battletech: Die Natur des Krieges (Battletech - The Killing Fields)
Fryer; Jonathan - Dylan- the nine lives of Dylan Thomas
Harris; Robert - Imperium
Keith; William H. Jr. - Battletech: Entscheidung am Thunder Rift (Battletech: Decision at Thunder Rift)
Meyer; Stephanie - Twilight
Moorcock; Michael - Die Stadt des Ungeheuers (The City of the Beast)
Nickles, Michael - Nickles Linux Report
Nickles; Michael - Nickles PC-Report 2006-2007
Stackpole; Michael - Battletech: Coupé
Stackpole; Michael - Battletech: En garde
Thomas; Dylan - Selected poetry
Thomas; Dylan - Under Milk Wood
Tolkien; J.R.R. - The Book of Lost Tales
Tolkien; J.R.R. - The Book of Lost Tales, Vol. II
Tolkien; J.R.R. - The End of the third Age
Tolkien; J.R.R. - The Shaping of Middle Earth
Tolkien; J.R.R. - The Silmarilion
Tolkien; J.R.R. - The Treason of Isengard
Tolkien; J.R.R. - The War of the Ring
Tolkien; J.R.R. - Unfinished Tales
Various Authors - Spiegelshatten (Mirrorshades)
Various Authors - Synergy 1
Various Authors - Synergy 4


Abnett; Dan & Lee; Mike - Warhammer: Der düstere Elf (Warhammer: Bloodstorm): This stuff just reads itself. Family body count: two brothers and a sister. And counting...

Abnett; Dan & Lee; Mike - Warhammer: Der Fluch des Dämons (Warhammer: The Daemon's Curse): Okay, guilty pleasure time: I like Warhammer fiction. And I like evil guys. And Warhammer's Dark Elves are some of the most evil bastards around. So, if you want to see a really evil version of the dark elves (REAL evil, not kiddie-evil-drow like you get them elsewhere...) read this.

Baker; Keith - Eberron: Die Stadt der Türme (Eberron: City of Towers): The first novel set in D&D's newest game setting, and probably the best, written by the setting's creator. A very good mix of fantasy, horror and whodunnit.

Baker; Keith - Eberron: Das zerstörte Land (Eberron: The shattered Land): The plot thickens, with mind-readers, the continent of Xen'drik, jungledwelling Drow and Giants...

Barker; Clive - The Thief of Always: Barker's first attempt at a children's book, about an evil vampiric house that eat's childrens lifetimes to survive. Not as good as Abarat, but still way ahead of most childrens books these days...

Barker; Clive - Das Zweite Buch des Blutes (Books of Blood, Vol. II): I still can't recommend Barker highly enough. If you are interested AT ALL in modern horror. read some of his stories. Go ahead, I'll wait here for you...

Fisher; Marcus - Ubuntu GNU/Linux Das Umfassende Handbuch: Yes, I am now officialy a Ubuntu user...

Kubasik; Chris - Battletech: Das Antlitz des Krieges (Battletech: Ideal War): How cute, a Battletech questioning the morals of warfare...

May; Karl - Durch die Wüste: If you're not german, you won't recognize this one. May was a school teacher in germany in the 1800s who wrote "adventure stories", in which he travelled the middle east and the wild west. The amazing thing is the level of detail he reached. I've seen pictures of the landscapes he described that look EXACTLY the way he wrote them, even though he never left the country. BTW, I learned a lot of german vocabulary throuch these books...

Milan; Victor - Battletech: Auge um Auge (Battletech: Close Quarters): Not bad as Battletech novels go, but I think I've had enough now...

Rice; Peter - Battletech: Fernes Land (Battletech: Far Country): Whoever decided it would be a cool idea to let someone write a Battletech novel with aliens deserves to be shot. Suprisingly not the Worst novel in the series, but I'm not going to read Star Lord ever again...

Rowling; J.K. - The Tales of Beedle the Bard: Trash. Offal. A wasted half-hour. Potter-level goodness this ain't. It's BAD.

Salvatore; R.A. - The Dark Elf Trilogy: You know what I said about the not-evil-evil-drow? This is here. However, still very good book.

Salvatore; R.A. - The Icewind Dale Trilogy: The original dual scimitar wielding drow ranger makes his appearance on my book list. Better than I remembered it, I must admit. Might be the first time I've seen someone put the D&D Alignment system to good use in a novel.

Stackpole; Michael A. - Battletech: Blutiges Vermächtnis (Battletech: Blood Legacy): The second novel of the "Clan Invasion"

Stackpole; Michael A. - Battletech: Dunkles Schicksal (Battletech: Lost Destiny): The third and final book of the "Clan Invasion"

Stackpole; Michael A. - Battletech: Tödliches Erbe (Battletech: Lethal Heritage): The first book of the "Clan Invasion" trilogy, and for most people the high point of Battletech's novels. After these three books the line went badly...

Thurston; Robert - Battletech: Clankrieger (Battletech: Way of the Clans): First book of the Jadephoenix trilogy, a look at the Clans from the inside. Part of Battletechs fall from grace, but still pretty good.

Thurston; Robert - Battletech: Falkenwacht (Battletech: Falcon Guard): Third book of the Jadephoenix trilogy. I wonder where all my Battletech novels have gone to...

march, booklist 2009

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