Mar 30, 2008 17:11
I'm doing something different this year - at the end of every month I'll do a list of books I read that month, and what I thought about them. However, I'm only talking about Books that a.) are not RPG-Books, and b.) I didn't have to read for Uni. So, after Febuary comes March:
2008 so far
Best of Rock & Metal (Rock Hard magazine)
Buch Corum; Das (The Book of Corum) (Moorcock; Michael)
Excession (Iain M. Banks)
Fantasy Roleplaying Gamer's Bible; The (Sean Patrick Fannon)
Foucault's pendel (Eco; Umberto)
Glasperlenspiel; Das (Hesse; Hermann)
Herr der Nacht (Night's Master) (Lee; Tanith)
Isaac Asimov über Science Fiction (Asimov on Science Fiction)(Isaac Asimov)
Nathaniel (Michael Siefener)
Pompeii (Robert Harris)
Punktown (Thomas; Jeffrey)
Ruf des Reihers; Der (Harsh cry of the Heron; The) (Lian Hearn)
Science Fiction Jahr 1995; Das (Jeshke; Wolfgang)
Science Fiction Jahr 2002; Das (Jeshke; Wolfgang)
Spook: Der Schüler des Geisterjägers (The Wardstone Chronicles - The Spook's Apprentice) (Delaney; Joseph)
Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy (Kilian; Crawford)
Amerikanische Polaroids (American Polaroids) (Coupland; Douglas): You can never jsut think about a Doug Coupland book - you either think too much, or not enough. Unlike the last book of his I read, I've decided to not think enough about this one.
Duncton Wood (Horwood; William): Imagine someone too Lord of the Rings, and mixed it with Watership Down, but with Moles instead of Rabbits. Add a well-told love story, and a touch of spirituality.
Handbuch Amerikanische Gebete; Ein (A handbook of american prayer) (Shepard; Lucius) A man in prison stumbles over a new form of prayer, discovers it works, writes a best-seller, finds out WHAT is answering. Not Horror, not Fantasy... something spiritual...
Herren von Quarmall; Die (Lean times in Lankhmar) (Leiber; Fritz) Classical "Sword & Sorcery" fantasy at it's best. I grew up reading this stuff.
Homini Lupus (Noeth; Martina): A novel set in the world of the RPG "Die Chroniken der Engel", and another reminder why I don't like gaming fiction, especially if it's made in germany...
Imperium (Huf; Hans-Christian): This history book takes four historical empires (Egypt, Persia, Cathargo and Rome), and explains what might have lead to their fall. Very interesting stuff.
Letzte Tag der Schöpfung; Der (Jeschke; Wolfgang): Probably the best german SF-Novel I've ever read. It's about an american attempt to steal the oilfields of arabia by sending a team of soldiers and enginieers back in time - problem is, the arabs hat the same idea, and the whole operation practically ruins the time stream. Very thoughtful.
Linke Hand der Dunkelheit; Die (Left hand of darkness; The) (LeGuin; Ursula K.): Probably the best hard look at gender in SF. It'll take me another ten years to read it again.
Republic (Plato): Plato's classical text on the State is facinating. Not a place I would want to live in, but still, interesting stuff.
Wächter der Nacht (Lukianenko; Sergij): You'll excuse that I don't try writing in russian. The best urban fantasy novel I read since American Gods.
booklist 2008