Nov 13, 2006 04:22
Killing me softly with his song
This is the story: when I got home from Bradley I was in this weird haze and downloaded a bunch of old Fugees songs. I didn't even notice I downloaded them until Tuesday when I was going through my i-tunes.
That past analogy basically has sum up my life for the past couple of weeks. Doing things that feel out of character and then realizing days later how big of a change that was. Do get me wrong, I don't mind the changes. None of the changes do feel great and new but I'm not quite conferrable with them yet.
When did I become a smoker? Is a prime example of this new phenomena that is my life.
I'm in the process of writing my second creative writing story. It feels great when I write. I like it.
I don't get what this is anymore? It feels great, really it does. But I just don't feel it all the time but, you are growing on me so much.
Time. That’s all, time.
Tonight was my last night at Starbucks. I think I'm going to have a really good chance to go back to my former store for Christmas but I kind of don't feel like I should. Working at Origins with Mollie is looking better and better every day who knows.
I want next weekend to happen SO bad. It sounds so perfect right now.
I hate the way I feel around some people know. I feel like for them to know me, would make them think I'm the weird, clingy, awkward friend. And it shouldn't be that way at all. I hate it. I hate the reason why I feel people feel this way towards me.
My roommates life’s still seem to continue to be the source for my most interesting and funny stories. I LOVE the fact that the cops have been called twice to my room (I was absent both times) and my suite mate has yet to be arrested or even talked to. Wow.
Basically. I feel a beard coming in the next couple of weeks.
Brace yourselves.