Aaaaaaawesome weekend. Had Kristin and Jess over Friday night and we babysat my sister. Wow, we were so hyper that night/early morning. Helped out with Brianna's birthday party on Saturday, then had Britt over. Went to Jess's on Sunday to work on our project, then me, Jess, Mitchell, Andrew, and Britt went to the fair. Me and Mitchell won this huge ass monkey, and we named it Spank. I felt sick when I got from home the fair and went to bed.
pictures from friday/eaaaaarly saturday morning. pictures from the fair. edit.
stolen from 'Ade.
1. Grab the nearest book. Don't search for something cool. Grab what's actually closest to you.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
'Robbie kissed Lindsay on the cheek.'