Yeah, so even though my birthday happens to fall on "Jesus Day" I figure I'll follow the "catholic croud" and go along with it.ha
Contrary to what Germaine thinks I..think, I really did enjoy today.
I went over to Germaine's this morning, apperently too early. No one was there, and they told me to wait outside until 13:20 (haha. I like 24-hour time!)
She made me some damn good baked goods, and we just hung around.
Amanda (and some friend of hers, random people are fun),Jessica, and Laurie were there. Twas fun.
Family guy was watched
but noooooo
girls like Degrassi instead
Oh well, I watch Family Guy all the time anyway.
It was still fun
Tomorrow, I think is just going to be a chill day.
I want to take Germaine with us to breakfast.
And I think we'll just hang around. Nothing else to do right?
My car was detailed, and damn I cant wait to see it tomorrow.
I like hand-made things. Because they're hot.
Yay. Thank you Jessica.
And of course, thank you Germaine. For the damn good day you gave me. And for being such a damn wonderful girlfriend. :)
Corny = Over.
Fred rules.