Where's the line between genuine
fusion and outright plagiarism?
Somewhere else than the AO3 Abuse Team estimates it to be, says my gut feeling.
Anyway, judge for yourselves:
The Hobbit/Vorkosigan Saga fusion.
The work the fusion is supposedly based on.
No, it's not the same, word for word (although there are identical passages). But it's the same plot, and I don't mean the sweeping, general one. I mean step. For. Step.
I've read "Shards of Honor" more times than I can count; it was the only thing I had to read during an otherwise boring three-week-long vacation with people I had nothing in common with.
Is it a work of fusion when I can foretell the next action by any of the named characters in the fusion work? Because it's. Exactly. The. Same. As. In. The. Original?
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