Internet Radio - August 13, 2009

Aug 07, 2009 10:59

Episode Nine airs this Thursday, August 13th, at 10 PM EST.

BTR Goes Transatlantic as Misty Flores and DosSemanas Discuss "Los Hombres de Paco"

For anyone who thought the "International Day of Femslash" was a bit of an exaggeration, look no further than "Los Hombres de Paco". No, that's not a telenovela from across the border, that's a police comedy-drama airing across the ocean in SPAIN. As it turns out, however, a couple thousand miles of salt water and a language barrier can't compete with the power of the Internet when it comes to hooking American fans with its well-written canon lesbian pairing of Pepa and Silvia, or "PepSi". Especially when my guests make it as easy as possible for new fans who don't speak even a lick of Spanish to be pulled in. We'll be talking to random_flores, talented PepSi fanfic author and writer of the Spanish-to-English episode recaps available at And I'll be reading from an online Q&A I conducted with dossemanas, owner and maintainer of the Youtube channel PepSiEnglish, where thousands of subscribers can find compilations featuring every Pepa/Silvia scene with English subtitles. We'll talk about how PepSi's popularity spread from Spanish to English-speaking communities, what makes PepSi so special for my guests, and what you can do to help save PepSi in the wake of recent tragic developments.

Hope you attend!

Sincerely, Allaine

P.S. Actually, it won't be me reading from Dossemanas' Q&A. Since Dos couldn't make it, I've recruited dramaminequeen to help. If you were at the 2004 Radio Play, you'll understand why.
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