Sep 06, 2004 23:41
ooooooohhhhhhhh we watched the RiverKiller tonite on A&E. Gave me the willies. But then i am easily spooked at anything remotely scarified, even some scoobyDoos get to me every now and then. "You Darned Kids! I wouldn't a been caught if it wasn't for them and their nosey dog!"
heeheehee. I loved Scooby. Lately me and eric have been watching old A-Team episodes. Those guys were so fuckin funny, ever notice how lotsa bullets fly but hardly anyone gets hurt? And Murdoch has to be my favorite. I had a Murdoch handstamp when I was a wee one, and I used to go around stampin everyone's hand. My mama also made me a Mr. Socko sock puppet too. I guess i was a freak (lookin back on it all).
But Mr.T is just too funny. That dude and all his blingbling. Eric's right. B.A. Baracus was the creator of blingbling. Him and his eagle-feather earrings. Damn those were the days.
Nothing new to report on the Gibbs homefront. same-o same-o. appears that there may be a rapist on the loose in town. ooooohhhh it's time to lock the doors. I just love living in a town where nothing really happens.:)