Sep 15, 2005 01:11
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1. gum: Extra
2. restaurant: Olive Garden i think.
3. drink: Water
4. season: Fall
5. type of weather: fresh smelling air and cool with a light wind.
6. emotion: Happy
7. thing to do on a half day: sleep
8. late-night activity: sex, online, homework
9. sport: don't really care
10. city: i don't have one
11. clothing store: Macy's, Old Navy
_______When was the last time you_______
12. cried: today (thinking about how i want jasmine to have everything)
13. played a sport: never unless u call dance a sport or bowling
14. laughed: today talking to my new buddy
15. hugged someone: today and everyday: Don and Jasmine
16. kissed someone: today and everyday
17. felt depressed: always
18. felt overworked: Everyday
19. faked sick: don't know long time ago
20. lied: depends on the topic j/k i don't know
_______What was the last_______
21. word you said: bye
22. thing you ate: Chocolate chip Cookie
23. song you listened to: R Kelly Sex Me (hot song)
24 thing you drank: bottled water
25. place you went to:Shoprite
26. movie you saw: some of the Forgotten
27. movie you rented: so long ago don't even know
_______Who was the last person you_______
28. hugged: Jasmine
29. cried over: Jasmine
30. kissed: sexually Don, regularly Jasmine
31. danced with: Don
32. shared a secret with: Kelly
33. had a sleepover with: ?
34. called: oddly enough, Brendan
35. went to a movie with: Don
36. saw: Don and Jasmine sleeping
37. were angry with: Brendan
_______Have you ever_______
40. danced in the rain: yes
41. kissed someone: yes
42. done drugs: yes
43. drank alcohol: yes
44. partied 'til the sun came up: yes
45. had a movie marathon:yes
46. gone too far on a dare: yes
47. spun until you were immensely dizzy: yes
48. taken a survey quite like this before: Probably
_______My life_______
49. name: Tasha
50. gender: Female
51. birthday: November 23, 1981
52. relationship status: Married with child
53. nationality: Italian, Greek, and German
54. occupation: bookkeeper
55. i'm feeling: sleepy
56. i'm listening to: nothing-dead silence
57. i'm doing: this survey, thinking about how i should be doing homework instead
58. i'm talking to: Laura (sister)
59. i'm craving: sex, attention, and a new job
60. i'm thinking of: too many to tell
61. i'm hating: Shoprite
62. love is: worth living
63. my first love: Don
64. my current love: Don
65. love or lust: Love, but lust can be very fun
66. best love song: don't have a favorite
67. is it possible to be in love with more than one person at the same time: ?
68. when love hurts: oh well it happens
69. is there such thing as love @ first sight?: maybe for some
_______Opposite sex_______
70. turn ons: eyes, body, smile, just about anything can turn me on
72. do your parent's opinion on our gf/bf matter to you?: No
73. what kinda hairstyle are you into?: close cut or shaved
74. what is the sweetest thing a girl/guy has done for you?: too many to say
75. where do you go to meet new people?: school, moms at daycare, don't try to meet just happens
76. are you the type of person to HOLLA and ask for numbers?: used to be (fun)
_______Picky picky_______
77. dog or cat: both
78. short or long hair: long hair
79. sunshine or rain: sunshine
80. hugs or kisses: Both
81. summer or winter: Winter
82. written letters or e-mails: Written letters or emails as long as they tell the truth
83. playstation or nintendo: Playstation of course
84. car or motorcycle: Car
85. house party or club: don't care
86. sing or dance: sing
87. freak or slow dance: depends on the mood
88. how are you today?: playful
89. what pants are you wearing right now?: blue sweats
90. what shirt are you wearing right now?: tee shirt
91. what does your hair look like at the moment?: up in ponytail
92. what song are you listening to right now?: none
93. how is the weather right now? nice and cool in my place, but outside muggy and rain
94. who was last person you talked to on the phone?: Brendan interesting enough
95. last dream i can remember?: I can't remember