May 24, 2010 09:38
on the menu of things my Stupid Dogs! eat that they aren't supposed to is ... toad.
Although it was more of a toad sampling than a toad consumption, thank goodness.
When I went to get them from the corral for breakfast, G'nort was trying hard to bring the toad in to the house to continue playing with. The first good news is that Karma and Stormy didn't decide to pick a fight over the toad, which is an improvement over last fall. The second is that when I convinced them to leave the toad in the corral, and then went back to remove the toad's theoretical remains, the toad had righted itself and moved about half a foot. I picked him up with the pond skimmer and relocated him to an area outside the corral. When I checked back about 40 minutes later, there was no toad to be found. So he could've survived -- or he could've become prey for someone else. Either way, I think the dog's consumption was very minimal, which is good news, since I'm on my way back to the vet's again to deal with their tummy woes.
Speaking of the circle of life, I think my friend the carpenter bee may be in trouble. :( She has her home in a pretty thick dead yucca stalk. And Karma and I like to chat with her in the evenings when she's hovering by the yucca. But the weekend's heavy winds blew her stalk sideways, if not outright over. And this morning there was an opportunistic woodpecker knocking away on the side of the stalk, in pursuit of her larvae, I'm guessing.
And the dogs were barking at a mysterious noise on the carport side of the house at 3:00 last night. For variety in their ongoing plot to not let us get a full night's sleep more than a couple of times a week. And, this AM, my nose suggests that what they were barking at was a skunk in the laundry room. I have a load of laundry going now, and no close encounters, so I'm hoping the skunk has moved on, not found a comfy hidey hole.