Apr 10, 2005 08:57
Soooooo...what to write today. Well, brother got a phone so now people can text the crap out of him so that was a fun thing for him. New phones are always fun to play with...except at first it wouldn't download texts but he got that fixed. I went to a wedding yesterday. It was a hawiian lua theme. The wedding was on the water and the groom hired a real hawaiian dance/show thing for entertainment. I feel sooooooo sorry for the groom! He is sooooooo whipped...ALREADY!! I dunno peeps. Weddings always get me thinking about stuff. What is wrong with people! Like marriage ya' know? Do you know anyone really that can say they REEEEEEALLY love their spouse? And if they say they do they surely have something to complain about! Like major stuff too! Orrrrrrrr...like a lot of chriatans I know, they say it's all good but if you really pay attention to them and watch them interact, they aren't REEEEEEEEAAAAALLLY happy. So, of course, I think , why the heck do people get married? I am thinking there are goods in singleness and goods in marriage. I think people wnat o get married so they can share their life with someone. Seems like you are so happy when you are dating and then of course the wedding and honeymoon are wonderful and then all the issues and crap start to come out then people start to complain and guys usually complain they don't get enough and girls that they don't listen or take them out and then they ususally want out and go out and party all the time and get drunk or sleep around become workaholics and the like. This marriage, I am expecting an affair within three years. Horrible to say but MAN!!! He is whipped!!! And a man can not be run by a woman...it kills their manhood...steals their testicles if you will. I am serious!! The next time you are around couples, like in resturants, church, wal-mart, grocery stores...just watch how couples interact with each other...I can just about gurantee most or all of them the woman is telling the guy what to do. It's not suppossed to be that way!!! ORRRRRR...the guy is overbearing and abusive. Woman have done themselves a terrible injustice by taking the reins. We were made to be the second in command in a relationship with equal participation and thoughts and say. I flourish when a real man is in the right spot. I am more able to be the woman God meant for me to be. I really do not like being the "leader". I get frustrated and cranky. I'm just like "just do it and stop asking me!!!" rrrrrr!! I'm rambling and prolly no one get's me...oh well...anyone want a deeper explanation or a better one just ask....I am always happy to!! Men want a beauty to rescue for all of their days on this earth and truly woman want to be the queen/princess by their prince charming's side. So what's the solution you ask? I think people have to learn about themselves and be healthy on the inside and know what you REALLY want and don't compromise on what you want. Know the things that are most important and DON"T COMPROMISE!!! You can't look at a person and hope they will get better or be different or say "well, they'll grow up" true they will but into what? And if things start to going sour you really have to ask YOURSELF have I changed....Ugggggggggh!!! Sorry for my rantings but being at that wedding did it for me!!
OKay...I got that out of my system...I think I am going to go eat some breakfast and get dressed and such