Terry had always enjoyed the holidays, even before his family had quadrupled. His father had always made an effort to make sure Terry had great gifts, and he took the time off despite being a workaholic all other times of the year. Their first Christmas together had been an interesting one. He was a bit resentful of his father's overly anxious
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She was happy for them, knowing that Daphne was probably very much looking forward to the question being asked. But it was still a topic she didn't much like thinking about (knowing she and Riley had been together for nearly six years now and still no real discussion of the matter).
She turned toward her brother and her cousin, her brows furrowing as she took in the sight of them.
"Why does it seem as though the two of you haven't eaten in days?"
Though, as the years passed, the days didn't seem quite so bad. His family had banded together, Terry and his step-father entered the mix, and time had worked its magic on his wounds. Slowly, his father's absence didn't feel so painfully overwhelming anymore. This year there was even more cause for celebration and Drew found himself more excited for the big event than he realized.
But his mum's cooking was an entirely different reason to love Christmas all together. He was halfway through his second plate when he heard Marlow's comment.
"It's not every day I get a meal like this. I'm going to savor every bite," he told her, fork half way to his mouth.
One that Jonah's stomach certainly appreciated.
"Oy- I've got my meal plans, remember?" Jonah perked up from across the table, narrowing his eyes at his sister knowingly. "I've been on kale shakes and lean protein for the past three months. This is golden-"
"You ought to let yourself breath in between bites, darling," Rowan interjected politely from the other end of the table. "You might choke-"
"You should listen to your aunt, too, Andrew," Catherine added, shaking her head despite the smile on her lips. It had taken a long time for her to start enjoying the holidays again.
Drew groaned, throwing a look over the Jonah.
"How are you even surviving on that rabbit food, mate?"
"He's sneaking pastries with Ella Montgomery-" Marlow couldn't help herself, the gossip column providing her with too much fuel for the fire when it came to the two of them. "So, I think he'd doing just fine, right, Jonah?"
"Was this before or after the Holiday Party?" he asked, voice lower now.
His eyes flickered over to their parents and was happy to see they returned to their in depth conversation - which he could only guess was about laundry detergent or the proper vacuuming strategies for straight carpet lines.
"I don't know what you're talking about-" he said, calmly, trying to bring his face back to a neutral setting, ignoring the red flush creeping into the back of his neck. "Besides, weren't you busy yourself at the holiday party?"
A wry grin tugged at his lips. Jonah might have had his social insecurities with the general public but he'd never miss out on a proper comeback to a family member.
"Yeah, maybe I was-" he countered, pouring gravy over his plate. "But at least I remember taking Jemma home-"
He nudged his cousin gently, careful not to draw the attention of their parents.
Marlow scrunched her nose, bringing her wine glass to her lips to distract herself from the thought of her brother and her cousin bringing women back to their flat... The one they shared...
She tilted her head tot he side.
"You didn't-" she paused, pursing her lips slightly. "Do you mean you both took them back to your place? Did you guys realizing what was happening at the time? That seems a little..."
It hadn't been like he planned it that way. After all, he had shown up to the party with Mandy - platonically. It wasn't' until the night was winding down that he found himself with Jemma at all.
Really, they hadn't realized anything until the following morning - thankfully.
"I wouldn't have- I mean, I have more decency than that," he said.
He still wasn't entirely sure what came next for them, if anything at all.
"Mate, have you two talked since-" he trailed off, knowing his family being so present (and more than likely eavesdropping in some way).
"I ran into Mandy though-" he groaned before taking a good long sip of it. "I still can't figure her out."
"I didn't realize you and Mandy were still-"
She didn't finish the sentence, not knowing quite how to phrase it. She had liked Mandy well enough when they were dating, though her odd friendship with Draco Malfoy always set off a dozen alarms in her head. Still, she was a sweet girl, considering.
"Are you still interested?"
Leave it to Marlow to hit the nail on the head. Truthfully, Drew had no idea what was going on with Mandy or what his feelings were trying to tell him. Up until their mistletoe kiss he thought she had moved on.
"I don't think Mandy is a good idea right now. We broke up for a reason," he told her, purposefully dodging the question.
While the war had been long over Drew still remembered their fight Dumbledor's Army. He couldn't stand behind her decision to side step the war when so many people needed their help.
Jonah had never really connected with Mandy. His own issues aside, he never quite trusted her, never really knew what her deal was. It was obvious she liked Drew but she also had a variety of friends that Jonah couldn't stand. Not to mention she was nowhere to be found during the War.
But he'd never really made that known until now.
"I don't think you two have- erm, grown in the same direction-" he said, then, before busying himself with the label on his beer bottle.
"We don't 'mesh'-" he said, using air quotes to emphasis a phrase he often heard Daphne using (and usually she was using it to explain her relationship with Mandy to Terry),
"I shouldn't have agreed to go to the ball with her. I don't know what I was thinking."
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