so this is what i have to say

Nov 05, 2008 13:31

i didnt vote because of many reasons ..
1) I dont believe obama, he makes all these promises and puts so much hope in people BEFORE becoming president.
2) Mccain had to pick a stupid ass vice president
3) i like obama
4) i like mccain
5) i want my inheritance
6) i want change

people always jump down my throat when i say that i like mccain. which i find funny because if they are such an "american" and care so much about this country, they would let someone speak their mind and let them believe in what they want to believe just like they do themselves. they tell me im stupid and make rude noises before i can even explain myself. i have huge morals and i am a registered republican. yes, i dont agree in a lot of what republicans "stand for" or get a bad rep for. like not being open minded and what not. but i believe in the fundamentals they bestow and the core of their believes, God. I really do like mccain, i think what he did for our country is almost unbelievable. he endured 5 years of complete torture, refused to go home because there were other soldiers who were there longer than him, and fought for this country in a time of need. i really just want to give him a huge hug and when i look at him i see trust. now palin on the other hand, she can go back to alaska.

now obama ... i think its great he has promised us a better tomorrow, change, peace, and all of that jazz. but can he really do it? he has set the bar SO high. if he slips one bit hes going to get a lot of shit ... people are saying "YES WE DID" .. but we havent exactly "done" a lot yet. yes, its a huge deal he became president and that is, well, a major step into change .. but i want to SEE what he does. I am excited about it, i have faith in him and i think he will do great things, but for some odd reason when i look at him, i get a very bad feeling. I dont want to at all, i think its great he won, but im not going to get overly excited yet. and i dont like the whole taxing thing .. because my grandparents have worked their whole lives for what they have and want the best for me which means a big inheritance, and if obama takes that away from me and my family, ill be pissed dude.

well thats really all i have to say, my mom wants to move to australia and i told her to chill out. she thinks its the "end of times" and i need to start going to church more incase in 4 years the world ends. she has kind of become a little nutso ... which is weird because she is usually really cool about everything. my grandma wanted mccain to win but told me she is excited about obama and thinks he will do great .. thats why i love her. and the fact she told me to have a drink at 12 pm because my morning sucked.
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