Another step in my thesis, fma poll link, linguistics homework link

Apr 25, 2007 22:36

I did finish to write a presentation of my work sofar on my thesis. It was much quite simple and looked very nice and structured. I probably was over complicating it ... but I still wasn't sure that it was ok, until I actually told it in our group. I did include the results of my seminar paper. So - it went really well, the group accepted it with interest, the prof gave me good tips and guidelines for the future work and - what I hoped that will happen - she said that I can safely write the thesis proposal. Wohoo! ♥ I'm so glad! And she started to think already who can be present at my thsis proposal defense. She proposed Chuck - I said that I have no problem doing it in English, but she also wanted perhaps Wexler, cause he knows Russian and perhaps even someone who's doing psycholinguistics or experiments. Yay, heh :D I will have to learn by heart all the small details of Russian and of similar experiments and be really really ready: I DON'T want ANYBODY to ask me something that I won't know. Although from what I heard these gatherings are quite friendly and not formal. But it is graded. I want a 100 and I'll have it :D

I got an inspiration to finally write it like 4 hours before the lesson. I came to Eistein st and understood that I have no strength to start working. So I decided to take it easy. So I sat at the "Arcafe", had coffee and cake and then cola. Read a self-motivational book. Didn't rush myself, just took my time. The entrance to the Ramat Aviv mall is very relaxing: it is surrounded by a pool, in which there are water lillies and goldfish. Very calm and relaxing. I bought a digital camera, so after I read the instructions I'll finally take photos of my university and its surroundings. And for some reason my head is spinning quite badly, so I'll go to sleep.

But not before: perhaps it was already posted, but I saw it just today - a new FMA popularity poll. The translation of it is in the last comments. Ed wins in most of the categories. He even beats Envy is a theoretical crossdressing contest :D

And, if you even wondered how a homework in linguistics looks like - here is how a homework in phonetics looks like. The person who posted it asked for help doing it and got mildly chewed up. His excuse though is that he is not a native English speaker. Although on the other hand, when we had a course in phonetics in our uni, we were instructed to mention what is our mother language on our homework papers.... But perhaps his teacher has other methods...

school, personal, fma, linguistics

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