Today's post - part 1. Channelings, spiritual issues, astrology.

Mar 10, 2007 11:47

First of all, channelings. The Crimson Circle guys really rocked this month and released a really really cool channeling. Showing here. It covers a wide variety of subjects, including ... TADA, astrology! :D In fact, they begin the channeling with the reference to astrology and Mercury retrograde. And they say that (and I agree):

"Interesting astrological aspects taking place right now. They don’t rule you. They are tools for you. They are tools for you to reach out and grab and use in your life. When energies such as a moon or an eclipse or things like the Virgo or Pisces aspect... these are all opportunities or potentials for you. ... you can reach into it and take its potentials and use it in your creatorship work and your teaching work on Earth. It doesn’t have to put you under. It can empower you. It can bless you.

Astrology, a beautiful tool for you, but yet over the course of time, over the burdens of consciousness, many people tend to think that these are things that rule you - houses that rule you. Not at all. They’re potentials that you put in your path to serve you. Reach out and grab into the Moon, into the eclipse right now. Grab what you need. An eclipse is a time of changing, a time of shadowing, a time of moving into a new cycle. Reach out and grab exactly what energy you choose in it for your life. But beware. Those energies are potent, because you have activated them. You have brought them into your life, and they do work."

Other topics that this channeling covers are: a possibly coming energy crisis and the need to develop new energy sources, a need to develop a new type of psychology, the dynamics of making a choice, affirmations.

Another topic that they discuss is the relationship with Self:
"... Finally, the human gets to a point of wanting to develop a relationship with themselves. It is a spin-off or an offshoot of the spiritual and consciousness awakening. They start trying to find out who they are. But they often get stuck here. There hasn’t been any training in developing a relationship with Self, a relationship with your body, a relationship with your identity in this lifetime.

You have a very, very odd relationship with yourself... we’re not talking to just you Shaumbra, we’re talking here to humanity in general... One of the first things you learn to do is start to develop a relationship with your body. It’s rather difficult because there is an association with the physical body but also actually a disgust or a wanting to have a disassociation from the physical. You curse your body because it keeps you here on Earth. You’ve gone through difficult births. You’ve been in car accidents. You’ve been beat a few times and you blame your body. So it creates a very warped relationship. You think of yourself as your body, but you don’t necessarily admire that body for many, many reasons. So part of the whole process of developing the relationship starts with the body.

Teachers, when you get a human to start talking to their body rather than running from the body, you’ve made a big step. When you get them to breathing into their body that’s a huge step. Humans resist the breathing. We see it all the time. They take a few breaths and say, “Okay, I’m done. (laughter) That was enough of Andra for one day!” Because true breathing demands being in the present moment and so many humans are out of their body. It demands being in this reality right now. True breathing starts to open up consciousness and awareness and while that might sound good to you, most humans have a hard time handling the limited consciousness they’re in. They don’t want more consciousness. They don’t know what they want, but they don’t want more consciousness. To them it’s overwhelming on every part of them.

As the human develops the relationship with themselves they also start developing a relationship with their mind to the point where the mind is no longer their mistress, the mind is no longer the seducer, the mind is no longer the game. They understand their mind for what it is - a part of them but not all of them. The mind is no longer the battlefield, the mind is no longer the thing that is constantly disorienting them.

You see, most people blame it on the mind. It’s not. The mind serves a very sacred and blessed purpose. It is not the mind causing the disorientation. That’s why we say humans are going to get stuck in this evolving consciousness at a certain point because it is mind focused, because they don’t know anything beyond the mind. They’ve never felt their soul or their spirit. When they talk about it... listen to them talking about their soul, some of them. They have no clue. It is from the mind and the mind doesn’t know. The mind hasn’t experienced it yet.

As a person develops a relationship with their body and their mind, the next thing they start developing is the relationship with their - what you would call - spirit or divinity. This is where you’re at right now, Shaumbra. You are learning to develop that full relationship with your Self, with what you would call your soul. We’re going to change that name in an upcoming Shoud and we’ll explain to you later why we’re doing that.

You’re developing a relationship that goes beyond the identity that you are right now. You’re developing a relationship with your full Self and it’s not what you have thought it would be. It’s not going to be what you can even think it is today. Your Self, your divine, your soul, something quite different. You’re in the process of developing a relationship with it. Sometimes it seems that you’ll never find it, that you are out of sync with it, out of balance with it or perhaps your soul is off somewhere else. Well, it actually has been. (Tobias chuckles) But now you’re developing a new relationship with your Self, with your soul, with your spirit, whatever you want to call it. It transcends the human relationship you have. It transcends what you have thought it would be."

The final point that they state is:
"Do not compromise anymore. One of the reasons for the disassociation with your soul between the human self and the soul self has been the human propensity to compromise over and over. Your energies and your body are highly compromised. The energies and your mind are so compromised that you don’t even know or remember who you are. You’ve compromised yourself.

Now, here’s where the debate comes in. There’s a difference between being stubborn (laughter) and not compromising. We are talking about you with your Self, with your core values, your core beliefs, your core essence. Don’t compromise it with your Self or with others. We’re not talking about day-to-day when you’re at a traffic light and - what do you call - a four way stop and you say, “I’m not going to compromise this morning. I’m going to go right through!” (laughter) There is cooperation that is needed.

We’re talking about when you compromise your core values to either try to appease other people or more likely because you’re afraid of being your own I AM and because you’re searching for your Self, your awareness, in other people or outside of you. You compromise when you search outside of you.

You compromise yourself when you search outside of you for the answers. You compromise yourself when you are always giving in to other people and letting them come and feed on you. You compromise yourself when you have a core belief or a core passion, something that excites you but you’re afraid to expose it to the world so you notch it back twenty gears. You compromise yourself when you know something, but then the doubt comes in. You hold back.

You know what happens when you hold back energy in the New Energy? It comes out anyway. It will explode, it doesn’t matter. It wants the joy of expression. It wants the joy of expansion. And if you hold it back because you’re compromising yourself, it’s going to come out anyway.

No compromising! Do not compromise your core values. Again this doesn’t mean don’t cooperate with others, but there have been too many times recently, in the last couple years, where we are watching you, we are tuning in to you and we see you are so lit up, so excited, so in a knowingness, but the moment you walk out that door of your house, you compromise yourself. Why? Maybe you don’t believe in yourself strongly enough. Maybe you haven’t developed that relationship with yourself. Maybe you distrust yourself. Maybe you’re afraid of the world outside of you is going to crush you, is going to ridicule you. Well they’re already ridiculing you anyway. What does it matter now?! This has to do with being true to yourself. Being true to your Self.

Now, it’ll be interesting to see how you’re going to debate this, what you perceive to be compromising yourself. What your homework for this next month is to take a look at how often you are compromising. How often you are giving up your energy. How often you are looking outside of yourself for the answers or relying on other things or other people - including us angelic beings.

Then take a look, every time you compromise yourself, what it does to your energy, you see. Watch how energy plummets, how energy falls, and you go back into old consciousness. You flee back to old and puny belief systems, you hide behind those like a coward would hide behind trees."

Also, in their Q&A part of the channeling, they mentioned another "address" to look into, if one wants to learn how to create abundance. Namely, Abraham. I looked through this site and listened to their recordings there and liked very much. (In general, it's nice that there is all the Internet and MP3 players technology - I love technology :D). Basically, they explain the mechanism of creation, and how to make it conscious and therefore, create exactly what we want. Yesterday I even bought a book of theirs (we have it in Hebrew, very nice, very nice :D).

That concludes the part one of today's post (must go things to do). Stay tuned for the next part which will include: school drama, tips for good presentation, art and FMA fanart.

channeling, astrology, spiritual

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