A fun musical challenge!

Nov 05, 2006 16:59

They say that music is an international language. And a music to a movie or a TV series must illustrate it. So, the following link leads to a short musical piece from a mini-series which is very popular in Russia. This mini series, however, in not a "native" Russian or an original story, but is shot after an internationally known and very very popular series of stories, which were also adapted for TV and other media in many other countries. So - I challenge you to listen to the musical file and try to guess what - or to be precise, who - is the mini-series about. Dave, I'm sorry that this challenge will be nothing to you - please don't give away the answer :-) :-) :-)

And for these who may take this challenge seriously, :-) :-) :-) here's some trivia:

*These stories are so popular, that the main character is very often treated almost as if he existed in flesh. 
*The Russian actor that portrayed the main character is the only actor from Russia that received an Order of the British Empire for this acting role.
*In the very first story, the main character scolds his future companion for revealing him that Earth revolves around the Sun - and thus clutting his memory with information that is not necessary for his work.

Now, of course you don't have to guess it and I don't even know if it is possible to do for those who didn't see a specific show. But I have always wondered, whether a music can be that "transparent" :-) :-) :-) ....


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