Pics from Heidelberg - batch number 2

Oct 21, 2006 15:48

These two photos are from the memorial to the Jews of Heidelberg. It is build on the place of a sinagogue which was desctroyed at WW2 in 1938. Unfortunately we got to the place when it was already dark. So, on the first photo you can (hopefully) see the "book" that is placed in front of the memorial, which tells the story of the Jews of Heidelberg. On the second photo is the memorial itself, which is actually several lamps placed in a configuration on the ground. We didn't photo it, but on the right there is also a wall with the names of the Jewish citizens of the city who died in the Holocaust.  

The next photos are more happy. The first one features a cart with toys placed in front of the toy store. The second one features flower arrangements seen in Heidelberg's market.

The following photos are just views of Heidelberg taken from the hills that surround it. Of course, they are not just views, but they are fantastic views!

The following photos are taken inside the remainings of the famous old castle that is Heidelberg's (on of the) main attraction. 

And the last photo - a small heard of sheep. Notice that there's one that is black!


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