Another update

Sep 24, 2006 23:54

So, Rosh-ha-Shana holiday is over, and tomorrow is work again. But I must say that I think that I actually rested pretty well - didn't do anything today too - and I'm not disgusted from the thought that I'll have to resume my working routine from tomorrow.  And I'm taking back what I wrote earlier about the "Daywatch" movie - I was comparing it to the book, while as an independent work it's quite good.  One thing I did do today was to try my mp3 player - the sound is great, I only have to get used to it :-)
On another note, something I wanted to write down for long: I came back from the mall (went to buy an organizer) and started talking with my mom about our relatives and friends my age - that some have already left their parents' house while others didn't and we both agreed that leaving parents' place should be done at an appropriate time, not just to prove a point that one is mature or independent. So - I don't even remember how, but our conversation touched an immigration issue and I told mom that although I rationally feel and understand that us immigrating to Israel was the best move that we did, I still feel that something has gone wrong, that my life should've been different, that something was taken from me. I actually understand that this is probably a psychological issue, and that another factor to why it is hard for me to let go of this feeling is that I feel that the immigration was forced on me and was not of my free choice - I was only 10 when we immigrated, so of course, I was just brought from one country to another. Another problem is that I feel that I don't have a culture that I can call my own - I'm kinda taking everything from everywhere without feeling that I belong to any specific culture/tradition. My friends who also immigrated feel the same. One said that we paid a high price for being the citizens of the world. So, my feeling is that I ( or shall I say we, cause my friends feel the same ) both have everything and nothing. Well, but on the other hand - I must admit that I don't WANT to be defined by cultural/racial parameters - I'd like to be defined as an INDIVIDUAL. In sum - life is good :-)

phylosophy, psychology

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