Oct 24, 2008 20:24

Six months ago I had a not-very-heartening MRI: two new lesions (taken April 2, right before I turned in my first draft of Ch 1). I tried my best to be positive, because three months on the Avonex was not enough time to really expect results and, as the timeline showed, even with the new, ACTIVE lesions, I got a draft done of chapter one. I will say it was fkn hard to be positive. I will say it sucked.

Since then, I've turned in a draft of chapter two, and have started in on chapter three. Today I heard from the neurologist about my October 2 MRI, and it's fairly good news: only one new lesion, and several of the existing lesions have actually SHRUNK. I love that word and its conjugation: they have SHRUNK. I'm going to get my own copy of the MRI to witness the shrinking myself, but for now I'm taking Dr. W's word for it: the Avonex is working.

Can I get some PRAISE for the Avonex!

Tonight is Avonex injection and Battlestar Galactica (my little ritual). I will be so much nicer to it now! Nice sharp, pretty sharp, pretty little load of shrinkage.


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