A few last links.
Charlie Jane Anders, on io9, calls it a long con, "because all along, Lost seemed to be a story. Until the end, when it wasn't. In the end, it was just a bunch of stuff that happened."
Gerry Canavan
makes a fair point:
Surpassing the self-indulgent self-reference of even the Seinfeld finale, but without the irony, the plot of the final season has been a literal recapitulation of the viewers’ own vicarious participation in the series all along, with the major characters’ entire narrative arcs transformed into tiny testaments to the greatness of the series itself.
"Loose ends hung off the whole damn arc like cilia off a Paramecium," says Peter Watts, regarding all those
unanswered questions.
And finally, from the Onion, the joke that couldn't not be made:
'Lost' Possibly Still Airing In Parallel Dimension, Desperate Fans Report.