Hey, Old Friend

Mar 26, 2015 13:01

Title: Hey, Old Friend
Author: all-time-billie
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Rian Dawson/Mike Fuentes
Summary: Rian meets an old friend in a park and decides to help him.
Disclaimer: I own nothing except for the story.
Prompt: Beggar
Author Notes: Hey! It's been quite a long time I didn't post anything but school y'know... Anyway, I actually have 3 more one-shots written (2 from this 100 prompt challenge and another random one...) I just need to find some time to type them but they should be posted soon. This one was quite hard to write because I literally had no idea what to write but it's finally done and now it's posted so I hope you like it :)

Just another morning like any other day. This is what it was for Rian. He got up early, ate breakfast, got dressed and, looking outside, decided he’d walk to work because it was nice and warm outside and he lived only a couple of blocks away from his workplace. On the way, he stopped at a small coffee shop, buying a coffee like every morning, keeping the change for the beggar he knew would be outside. He was always outside, near the park that was right next to the coffee shop. It was part of his routine for almost two weeks now. The first time he had seen the man, he felt as if he knew him. He couldn’t remember where, but he knew he had seen him at least once. He knew by the way the man looked at him that he probably remembered him too. That morning though, it seemed to hit him. The man was Mike Fuentes, a guy he had been in high school with. He had a lot more tattoos and his hair was longer but it seemed so clear now, he couldn’t believe he didn’t recognize him sooner. Rian stopped next to him before finally saying something.

“Mike?” He asked, making sure that it was actually him.

“Yeah. You’re Rian Dawson right?” The man said, looking at Rian a little unsurely.

“Yeah! I can’t believe I didn’t recognize you before!” Rian said, smiling brightly at the taller man.

“Well, it’s been a while and I’ve changed, I guess.” Mike shrugged it off, feeling a little embarrassed that the first time he saw someone from high school, he was begging for money, sitting on a park bench.

“Well, uh… I should probably go if I don’t want to be late.” Rian said, after checking his watch. “It’s been nice seeing you again.”

He would’ve really wanted to stay longer with Mike but he really had to go to work.

Him and Mike hadn’t been really close in high school until senior year. Their group of friend kind of merged together when Rian’s best friend, Jack, started dating Mike’s friend, Jaime. They had been quite good friends for a couple of months after that but had soon went their own way after high school, losing any contact they had with each other.

Every morning, Mike was sitting there and their routine continued. One day though, it was raining. Rian couldn’t help but think about Mike all day. He had nowhere to go and he would have to spend the night outside. On his way back from work, he spotted Mike, sitting outside the coffee shop, soaked to the bone. He stopped the car on the side of the road next to Mike.

“Hey Mike.” He said, dragging the man’s attention. “You’ve got nowhere to go right?” He asked.

“Actually no.” The tattooed man replied.

“Come with me.” He said.

“I can’t just, I mean, you don’t have to…” Mike said.

“I’m not leaving you outside in the rain!” Rian insisted. “Come on.”

Mike got up and walked to the car, trying to look reluctant even though he was extremely thankful. He got in the car and Rian started driving back to his house. Mike was expecting Rian to live in an apartment with a girlfriend or something but when the smaller boy got in the driveway of a house, he was a bit confused.

“What the fuck do you work as? You actually own a house?” Mike asked.

“Yeah. I’m a dentist but my parents already had quite a lot of money.” Rian explained.

“Do you live on your own?” Mike asked, not seeing any other car in the driveway.

“Yeah.” Rian replied, unlocking the door and walking in, Mike following.

“Uh, where’s the bathroom? I’d get changed if you don’t mind.” Mike said, motioning to the soaked clothes he was wearing and then to his backpack.

“First door on the right.” Rian said, pointing to the hallway.

Mike felt a little bit uneasy that Rian was taking him in without asking anything but he quickly forgot about it and decided to just enjoy it for the time he could. He had food, a shower, a roof and even a bed because Rian had an extra room in his house. When Rian left for work the next morning, it was still raining. Rian didn’t even hesitate in letting Mike stay in his house for the day. He knew he was taking a risk because he didn’t know Mike that well, after all, it had been a long time that he hadn’t seen him. When he came back that night though, Mike was still there and everything was alright.
While they were eating that night, Mike decided to finally ask Rian for help. He had been thinking about it all day but he didn’t know how he could bring it up.

“I wanna get a job.” Mike said bluntly.

“Great. Do you have any idea where you could work?” Rian asked.

“Not really. I only have a high school diploma. I’ve worked in a coffee shop though about a year and a half ago. I got fired so that’s how I ended up on the streets but I’ve got experience with that I guess.” Mike said. “I guess, coffee shops, fast foods restaurants and stuff.”

“Sure. If you wanna stay here while you try to get a job you can.” The smaller boy said.

“Ri’ you’re already doing so much for me, I can’t ask you that.”

“Seriously Mike, I don’t care. It’s actually quite nice to have someone around.” Rian said, hoping that it would convince Mike to stay.

“Alright then. I’ll stay.” Mike said trying to sound defeated even though he never actually wanted to leave.

So they spent hours that night making sure that Mike was ready and the next day, as Rian left for work, Mike started going places to offer his services.

Things went better than he expected and he even had some interviews but he didn’t expect much out of those.

“Y’know, I expected you’d already have a steady girlfriend and maybe even a kid on the way by now.” Mike said, one night while him and Rian were watching TV.

“Yeah, a boyfriend maybe but not a girlfriend.” Rian scoffed.

“Oh! So you’re uh…” Mike started unsure but was quickly interrupted by the smaller male.

“Yes, gay.” Rian said. “I thought you already knew. I had figured it out in high school y’know.” He added.

“Well, we had never really talked about it so I didn’t know.” Mike said. They stayed silent for a little while before the taller boy spoke again. “That would’ve been good to know earlier though. I kinda had a massive crush on you back then.”

“Really?” Rian asked, eyes going wide.

“Yeah, actually, it happened before we even first talked to each other.” Mike said, thinking back to the first time he saw Rian in junior year, in English class.

“I can’t believe it! I mean, I was just some kind of weird, fat, nerdy kid. I don’t even know how people weren’t ashamed to hang out with me.” Rian said, unbelieving.

“Well, you might’ve looked kinda weird but I actually thought you were kinda cute in a way. The first time I saw you I was in junior year, in our English class. You arrived 5 minutes late, all lost and confused because you couldn’t find the classroom.” Mike remembered.

“Yeah, then I made a fool out of myself ‘cause a kid told me I was in the wrong class and the teacher had to come get me back in the hallway because I was actually at the right place.” Rian replied, remembering how embarrassed he had felt at the time.

“Yeah, but Jimmy had always been kind of an asshole.” Mike said, laughing. “You’ve kind of changed though. I mean, physically. You hair is shorter, and you actually wear clothes that are the right size.” The taller male joked.

“Yeah. And I lost weight.” Rian added.

“Yeah. You look fucking good though.” Mike said, shamelessly checking out the other boy.

“Well, you haven’t changed that much but you were already pretty hot back then.” Rian replied. Of course, the boy had many more tattoos and his hair was longer but he was already tall and skinny back then and his face hadn’t changed much.

“Y’know, I thought I was over that crush but when I saw you again, I realized that I was not.” Mike said, taking a chance to get closer to Rian, a playful smirk on his face. “You’re even better than in high school actually.” He said, leaning down to let his lips brush against Rian’s. The smaller boy pushed back against Mike’s lips, initiating a real kiss. He fisted a hand at the front of Mike’s shirt to bring him closer to him as their lips moved against each other’s. Mike’s hands slipped under Rian’s shirt, his fingers against the heated skin. They separated for a brief moment, both boys panting.

“I’ve wanted this for so long.” Mike said through his labored breath. “This and so much more.”

“We should probably go to my room then.” Rian panted, getting up.

Mike wasted no time, also getting up and following Rian eagerly to his room. Once they got there, he quickly pushed him against the wall, their lips finding each other and hands under each other’s shirts. Soon enough, Mike slipped Rian’s shirt over his head, his lips immediately going to Rian’s collarbone before the material even touched the floor, his teeth nipping at Rian’s neck and his tongue soothing the bites. Rian threw his head back, banging it on the wall but the pain didn’t even register through the pleasure.

“Fuck Mike…” Rian moaned.

Mike smiled against the smaller boy’s neck, taking his hand in his and leading him to the bed. Rian laid down and Mike climbed over him.

“I want you so bad.” The taller whispered huskily.

“Then take me, I’m all yours.” Rian replied, his voice almost shaking with anticipation.


The next morning, when he woke up, Rian expected Mike to be next to him, still asleep but when he reached to the opposite side of the bed, instead of the warm body of the taller boy, he was met with a cold empty spot. He turned around, fully opening his eyes to confirm that, the other boy really wasn’t there. He got up, shivering as his feet touched the cold floor and walked silently to the kitchen to finally find Mike sitting at the table with a bowl of cereals in front of him.

“Hey.” Rian said as he sat in front of him.

“Good morning. I was hungry and I didn’t want to wake you up.” Mike said, feeling like he needed to explain himself when he saw the look on Rian’s face. “I’m sorry that you woke up alone. I was planning on waking you up once I was done eating.”

“It’s okay.” Rian said, half-lost in his thoughts. He wasn’t sure how to act after last night but Mike seemed totally normal. Was this because last night didn’t mean anything to him or because he just wasn’t confused about anything at all? So many questions were running through his head. Were they just fuck-buddies or did Mike want more? Did he think it was a mistake? Maybe it was just a one-time thing.

“Ri? Are you okay?” The taller boy asked, breaking Rian’s train of thoughts.

It took some time for Rian to answer. He wasn’t sure if he actually was okay. “Last night, did it mean anything to you?” He asked instead of answering Mike’s question.

“To me? Of course it did!” Mike said without any hesitation. “I mean, if you think it was a mistake it’s okay but it actually meant something to me. I’ve wanted this for longer than you can imagine.”

“No, I wanted it too. I really did, I just wasn’t sure about you.” Rian said, unable to look at the taller boy.

“Is it because I wasn’t there this morning because like I said, I’m really sorry. You just looked so peaceful, I couldn’t bring myself to wake you up.” Mike admitted.

Rian didn’t want to lie to him but, at the same time, he felt stupid for having all those doubts. Mike had seen right to the reasons of Rian’s questionings and even though he couldn’t lie to him, the smaller boy still couldn’t admit that something as stupid as waking up alone had brought up those doubts. “What was it to you exactly?” He asked, once again avoiding a question by asking another one.

“Rian, I don’t want you to hate me if it didn’t mean the same to you alright. If the feelings aren’t mutual, I’d really appreciate that you tell me now. It meant a lot to me, it wasn’t just a casual fuck or anything and I hoped you felt the same but if you don’t, it’s okay, I understand.” Mike explained.

“It’s the same for me actually. I’m sorry I just didn’t know what to think of it this morning but I like you a lot too and I uh, yeah.”

“Rian, would you like to be my boyfriend?” Mike asked.

“Yeah, of course. I’d love to actually.” Rian said, smiling.

“Nice! Now that this is out of the way, stop doubting me!” Mike joked.

“I’ll go take a shower, I should get ready for work, it’s getting late.” Rian said, getting up and pecking Mike’s cheek as he passed by him.

When Rian came back from work that night, he was welcomed by an over-excited Mike jumping on him and kissing him passionately. When they pulled away, Rian didn’t have the time to say anything that Mike was jumping up and down again.

“I got the job Rian! The coffee shop next to the park! I’m starting next week!”

“Awesome!” Rian smiled.

“Thank you so much. This would’ve never happened without you.” Mike said, calming down.

“I’m glad I could help you. It’s not like I didn’t get anything out of it anyway.”

rating: pg-13, mike fuentes, all time low, pierce the veil, rian dawson, standalone, pairing: rian dawson/mike fuentes

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