I'll Give You Shelter, Out of the Rain

Jun 24, 2014 19:42

Title: I'll Give You Shelter, Out of the Rain
Author: all-time-billie
Rating: PG
Pairing: Matt Flyzik/Danny Kurily
Summary: It's raining outside so Matt decides to help Danny get away from the rain and the cold.
Disclaimer: I own nothing except for the story.
Author's Notes: Prompt: Shelter
Title credit: Hedley - Shelter
This took me so long to write but there it is... I honestly don't know what to think about it but yeah... Fuck it...

For most people, rainy days were depressing but, for 16-year-old Matt Flyzik, rain was fascinating. This is the reason why, as soon as he came back from school, he quickly got changed out of his soaked clothes and sat on the edge of the living room window, watching the heavy rain fall down and the small drops making their way down the windows. Occasionally, a car would pass by but no one was walking by because, as soon as you stepped foot outside, you were soaked from head to toe. At least, Matt thought that no one was walking by until he saw a boy with a white shirt and black jeans sticking to his body because of the rain. He immediately recognized Danny Kurily. He was a year younger than him and they had many mutual friends. Alex and Jack had introduced them to each other a little over a year ago and Matt had quickly fallen in love with the younger boy.

He knew that Danny’s house wasn’t anywhere near and before he could stop himself, he was out the door, screaming the brown-haired boy’s name. When he heard his name, Danny turned around, his eyes searching for who was calling out to him and quickly, his eyes found Matt’s figure, standing on the front porch of his house. Danny quickly ran to him, shivering as he stopped in front of the porch.

“What are you doing here in the rain? You don’t even live close to here.” Matt asked, motioning for the younger boy to come up with him out of the rain.

“I had to stay at school a bit later to talk to one of my teachers and I didn’t have a ride home…” Danny said, still shivering in the cold air, his clothes dripping with water.

“Do you want to come inside? At least until the rain stops.” Matt said.

“Well, if I’m not bothering you that’d be great.” Danny replied almost shyly.

“You’re not bothering me at all. I wouldn’t even ask you if you were. Now, c’mon, you seem cold.” Matt said, leading the brown-haired boy in. “Do you want some clothes to change in? Yours are completely soaked…”

Before Danny could even say a word, Matt was dragging him upstairs, to his room, looking through his wardrobe to find some clothes he could lend to Danny. He finally found a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and placed them on his bed.

“I’ll let you change.” The black-haired boy said, walking out of the room and closing the door.

A little after, Danny came out of the room, his soaking wet clothes in hand. “Uh, what do I do with those?” He asked, still looking a little shy.

“Oh, yeah. I’ll take care of that. You can just go downstairs, make yourself at home... I’ll be back soon.”

Danny went back downstairs, sitting on the couch, in front of the TV and still shivering slightly.

When Matt came back in the living room, it didn’t take him long to realize that Danny was still cold. He quickly took off his sweatshirt and handed it to Danny.

“But aren’t you gonna be cold?” The brown-haired boy asked, pulling on the slightly oversized sweatshirt on anyway.

“No. I wasn’t so cold. You need it more than me anyway.” Matt said, placing an arm around the younger boy and rubbing his arms to help him warm up. Danny snuggled closer against Matt, loving the feeling of the black-haired boy’s arms around him. He buried himself deeper in Matt’s hoodie relishing in the scent that surrounded him.

“So, better now?” Matt asked.

“Yeah, but that still feels great. I like it.” Danny said, pressing himself against Matt.

The black-haired boy blushed but didn’t make a move to pull away from Danny.

“You’re really comfortable, y’know.” Danny said, pressing his back closer against Matt’s chest. Matt felt his cheeks heat up even more and, obviously, Danny saw it. “You’re blushing. It’s cute.” The younger boy pointed out, deciding that his new goal was to make the older boy blush more.

They stayed in silence a little while, Matt starting to relax a little more even though the younger boy’s body was still pressed firmly against his.

“Your hoodie smells great, just like you.” Danny said, breaking the silence. Once again, Matt blushed and Danny decided to point it out. “You’re blushing again.” He said, giggling.

“Danny, stop it.” Matt whined, trying to hide his face from the brown-haired boy.

“You’re gonna have to get used to it with me.” Danny said, smiling playfully.

Matt looked up as Danny turned around slightly and before the older boy could process what was happening, Danny’s lips were pressed against his own. It was a quick and innocent kiss but from the look on Danny’s face when he pulled away, it was evident that he meant it.

“How did you know…” Matt stuttered, still surprised.

“Alex told me.” The younger said. “I didn’t know if it was true or if he was fucking with me but I decided to try and by the way you kept blushing earlier, I thought, maybe it’s true.”

“That might’ve ended up well this time but next time, remind me to never tell Alex anything. Apparently, he can’t keep his mouth shut.” Matt mumbled.

“Yeah but he only told me because he knew I also had a crush on you and that you were too shy to even try anything but that’s okay ‘cause it’s kinda cute.” Danny said, smiling and settling back against the older boy contentedly.

pairing: matt flyzik/danny kurily

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