
Oct 19, 2006 18:57

last night I took aderol for the first time and drank lots of beer and smoked good weed, just to get the mindset across.

I had a conversation with myself last night.

I figured out whats going on, think of the last like five years or so as the span of the roman empire. It was GLORIOUS. fights were small friends were good, drugs were plentiful and as fucked as we all were none of it mattered by friday night.

now Rome is burning and all the shouts and screams and logic I can force out of my tiny smoke riddled lungs means nothing becuase I never actually use my voice and i can only really put my thoughts together when I'm alone and content.

my job now is to play the backround music and enjoy the warmth of the flames that are eating away at the foundation of my existance.

I'm really glad no one really reads my live journal entries like this make no sens nd besieds bitching these are the only ones I make.

also I feel really happy right now, first time in a while. It's weird in light of all the recent events.
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