field day '05 was amaziiinggg .. i love c/o '05 to death ! yeah so it was frickin hot all day and i got sunburnt but hey i took a bunch of pics that i know youll enjoy ! k well this post is kinda boring cuz thats exactly what i am right now -- ill update later about my night with kik and shit. k loveyoubitches ! peace out <3
- everyone and their feast !
- taylor is a hot motherfuckerr ya'll !
- alex , kaitlyn , me , ewww im hideous but otherwise this is a cute pic !
THE TWO EMILYS ! iloveyoucarollo
- me , roxy , rollo .. ily guys !
- what am i gunna do without this girl !? I LOVE YOU BROOKE !!
- me and shannon marie ; im gunna miss you so much you have no idea ! <333
- me and kiki .. how gangster am i ?
- my loves !! tayt , brooke , shannon , & muah -- i love you girls !
- me and kik after field day , look how red i am !