Bestest friends to the end!

Oct 08, 2009 16:43

Who: Javeri and Loe
Where: The Sandbar
When: Afternoon on day 19, month 12, turn 20
What: Javeri and Loe bid each other a tender and fond farewell. See! I said not all goodbyes would end in sex. Although Loe totally wanted it too!

With only a few days away until she's officially transferred and all Javeri's got little worthwhile to spend her time on. So instead she's wasting it in any assortment of ways between trips to Igen to make attempts for Chadamalith to get to know his new wingmates. Today though she's remained at home for the most part working on a few things in her weyr and only just recently emerging from it to appear at the Sandbar still splattered with clay and barefoot. Her company at the moment at her small table are some grilled fish and fruit kabobs and a glass of whatever it is she's drinking this afternoon. If she's not sitting under a rain cloud of gloomy neither is she laughing it up with anyone.

When Loe comes in, with a swift, harried step, directly for the bar where she puts into the conversation to beg demonstratively, "Please, please please, pretty please, give me something to make this day just a little less miserable." She even puts her head down on the counter while the stoic barkeep tosses from juice and some booze in a glass. Her gratitude comes out just as excessively, "Thank you. Thank you thank you." And she sucks down a few mouthfuls before turning around. Only then she sees Javeri. "Oh, for the love of Faranth's gold ass," she sighs out, eyes turning toward the ceiling.

Not so engrossed in what she's doing that she can't notice who comes and goes Javeri's aware of the headwoman before Loe notices her. "Bitch, bitch, bitch," she says with an oh, so friendly smile. "Won't change anything, but that is why people come to a bar." See? See how nice she is being? Not nice enough to ask the other woman to sit of course. There's nice and then there's masochistic. But what's a little 'friendly' banter between two people in the same place?

"It could. Maybe it'll make the rest of the day just fly by and all the people entertaining if not actually pleasant." Loe returns Javeri's sweet smile with one of her own. It's a sweetness contest, a sweet-off, sickening sweetness. "So how -are- you, Javeri?" The very person Loe expects to be entertained by. "So sorry to hear about your boat." See? Such a sweet smile.

"That's our headwoman. Always looking on the bright side of things," Javeri replies as she lifts her glass in a toast to that fact. "Why, who could remain gloomy around you of all people? I bet everyone just perks right up whenever you walk into the room." Such compliments too! She means every single one and everything. "I just feel so bad for you that you're having a bad day." There's nary a flicker to change her sweet and concerned expression even when the Layabout is mentioned. "Thank you so much for the sympathy. I was just telling someone the other day how /much/ that means to me."

"Well, I -am- just the personification of sunlight and joy," Loe answers modestly, giving the blonde hair a toss over her shoulder and lifting her drink to suck down a bit more liquid fortification. "Just think, if you'd sold the boat to the Weyr, we'd be the ones taking the loss. Your loyalty to Ista really has been so noble. Are you sure you want to leave us?" Her eyes go to Javeri's glass. "Needs a refill?" She's already lifting a hand to signal the bartender to take care of it.

"What loss?" Javeri asks with a continuation of her friendly as can be smile. "I made enough on the sale to finish paying off what I owed to my original investors and to store a nice sum away for a rainy day. And Ista always has rainy days." Nevermind the fact she's leaving Ista for a bit. "The bright side is now that I've thought of the idea someone with less creativity can come along and just copy it for themselves. Maybe even the Weyr! Some people, you know? They're really only good at taking money from those who have ideas. Never have their own. It's a sad way to live I think." She lets the drink be ordered without even a glance to Loe's hand as it signals. "But as to leaving here, well, I have lived here an awful long time. Chadamalith says it's good to get out of one's skin to truly understand what's underneath it."

"Well that is good to hear. Still, my understanding is that you are now without a boat, which I'm very sorry to hear." So sorry. Such sympathy cannot be contained while sitting and so the headwoman continues to stand. "It's true. Some credit must always be given to the person who first had the inkling, though I do think there's always room for some creative and profitable expansions on a notion. They'll never be able to say they came up with it all on their own, but perhaps some solace can be had with all that money." Ho hum. Mention of the blue, however, makes Loe smile more genuinely. "Chadamalith has always struck me as a rather wise, astute, dragon."

It's a good thing Javeri didn't offer her a seat then because the sympathy might have exploded from its containment field and made a mess for people to clean up. "I suppose if money is what someone wants," she agrees with a shrug of her shoulders. "I've never been driven by the need to accumulate marks like it's some sort of competition with others. Like having more of them will make me somehow better. It really only ties you to them." Shaking her head she lifts her glass in a toast to the blue. "He's rather brilliant other than his inability to see beyond a pretty face. Or what have you. For all he loves to tell me it's what's inside that counts sometimes he just can't seem to unfocus from some silly little green." There's a little shrug and 'what can you do?' sort of amused expression for that.

"I supposed your generous spirit just means more marks for those who want them." Not that Loe could think of anyone like that. "So he's excited about the move? Are you? Not to worried about being homesick?" Did that question sound almost... not fake-sweet but normal? It's possible. "Of course, Ista is always a few wing beats away for you, isn't it. Where did you say you were moving to?"

"Oh, he's looking forward to it. Chadamalith says it's time he learns something new. He's learned all he will of Ista for now. When he returns it will be all different. Or he will." Javeri has to stop and she looks somewhat confused a moment before shrugging it off. "Well, either way. He says it is a learning experience. I'm not sure he quite gets the whole have to work with a whole new wing and not distrust them like they are out to get us thing, but he'll adapt." Someone else may have gotten a different answer, but for the headwoman there's just a simple, "Oh, it'll be tough adapting to something so different, but I'm looking forward to the change. Things here many outsiders. Perhaps being one myself will convince me they're not all hideous people." Another sweet smile and no mention of where she's going not that it's a secret or anything.

"I'm sure he'll have a great time. Different fruit," Loe says with a knowing grin. However, as she takes another taste of her drink, her glance slips sea-ward and her faux-sweetness fades abruptly. Apparently that game got old. "So, you're really going huh? I wasn't sure if it was just a rumor. You moving somewhere secret?" Since even when asked, Javeri didn't volunteer the location of her new home.

There may be some satisfaction in winning the who can be more annoyingly sweet game, but if there is Javeri internalizes it to savor later. "No reason to stay," she answers with a shrug. "Only thing that matters is coming with me. Places are all the same." From the woman who always said she'd never consider living anywhere else. "It's no secret. I just didn't figure you really cared. I always hate answering questions someone's asking just to be polite when you know they don't give a damn about the answer. Seems a waste of everyone's time."

Now that the sweetness is done, Loe can openly roll her eyes as Javeri's lengthy explanation. "Yeah, because going on and on about why you don't answer isn't a waste at all. And it's just -so- much quicker." She goes to drink again and finds out, with a frown and a pout, that she's reached the bottom of the glass already. "Okay, so that didn't help at all," she grumbles at the empty cup.

"I'm just going to miss our little talks ever so much," Javeri says as she stands up. "I could just cry." Clearly the conversation interrupted her meal since it's mostly untouched, but that doesn't stop her from heading out it seems. "Don't worry, your poor little ego is going to be safe soon enough. I'll be off to Igen in a couple days and you can surround yourself with sycophants once more." Big word. She's probably been saving it. Probably repeating it over and over too sometimes to make sure it comes out without a stutter. "Faranth forbid someone not like you after all. Why, it should be a crime. It's been a pleasure, but I do need to run."

"Yes, with you gone my dominion will be absolute," Loe returns, voice thick with sarcasm and arms folded with a finger tapping her empty cup. "Good luck to Javeri. I hope Igen is everything you want and you don't miss us too much. I wouldn't want you to worry your little head about visiting all the time." She turns away, back to the bar, setting the cup down with a bit of force. "More please."

She doesn't even try to have the last word. Although it's quite possible 'bitch' escapes at least once while Javeri waits on the beach for Chadamalith to get her.

loe, ~javeri

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