It's tasty

Jul 28, 2009 09:35

Who: Ch'son, Javeri, Nenita, P'draig
[ Taneith, Chadamalith, Safriath, Jekzith ]
Where: Bowl outside the weyrling barracks
When: Just after dinner on day 24, month 4, turn 20
What: Javeri's returning from dinner and runs into a couple of weyrlings. Chadamalith takes delight in tweaking tails even after the weyrlingmaster joins them.

Dinnertime has come and gone. Although it's not been that long. Javeri's been around the barracks mostly working the early morning shift since she's up at dawn anyway. Also Chadamalith's always happy to see the babies. He turned up the day after the hatching and was content to sit quietly and stare at all the younger dragons speaking to them if they spoke to him, but mostly just watching. Staring at them and their riders and any comments made to his rider are not passed along. His rider right now is heading back to the barracks after taking a quick dinner break. She brings with her a basket filled with fruit. Quite possibly not for her blue, but for the weyrlings. Although he's likely to try to beg some of it anyway.

With dinner in her stomach and in all likelihood, Safriath's as well, Nenita and the young gold have come outside to enjoy some of the last rays of the day. This isn't totally without purpose and the weyrling has taken to oiling the dragon while they're outside, as opposed to just standing out there and staring at the sun. The arrival of Javeri gets some notice and she pauses in her slow, application of the soothing liquid to look in the bluerider's direction. "Hello!" She calls out, cheerfully enough for the moment.

Taineth precedes Ch'son as they come out of the barracks, the latter with his orange headband tied around his head, one hand covering one eye then the other, and the former with his wings spread out to either side of himself as he walks, held clear of the ground but only barely at some points. "Stop doing that," Chaes says, shaking his head. He's still limping slightly but it doesn't really seem to be bothering him too terribly. "Oh, hey!" hands go down when Ch'son notices his two favorite females.

Maybe he was headed back anyway or maybe he knew she had fruit but Chadamalith's nap across the bowl ends and he lazily glides himself over to where Javeri is at with someone else. When he touches down he sits still and watches from a distance waiting to see what will happen. The bluerider doesn't even look back at him. "Evening, Nenita. How're you two doing?" Then there's Ch'son arriving and she grins at him. "Ch'son. Can I call you Chaes still? Or will you get upset with me. And hello, Taineth." Then she looks at Safriath and says, "And good evening, Safriath." To the weyrlings she says, "I brought some fruit back in case anyone wanted a snack."

Nenita takes a step back from her lifemate as the young dragon begins to raise her wings and turn around. Jeweled eyes whirl as Safriath contemplates the people and the other dragons that are around them. Oiling rag dripping from one hand, "We're going good. Just trying to catch whatever's left of the sun. What do you have there?" She asks, looking curiously to the basket of fruit. The sound of Ch'son's voice behind her results in a glance over the shoulder and then a little wave. "Hey, there. Feeling better today?"

Dragon> To Chadamalith and Taineth, Safriath turns herself around, lifting her wings into what she probably thinks is a flattering pose. << Hello. Are you both enjoying the last of the sun? It was quite lovely out before. >> Something else is lovely. Her. Hide all glistening from the recent oiling of it. Have you noticed? You should. - Those are some of the undertones she conveys to the two males nearby.

Dragon> In return there's an infusion of cornflower blue and the strong smell of citrus. << Good evening, children. >> Chadamalith doesn't move, but he's been playing statue since he hatched. << The sun is lovely to watch going down, but I prefer to see it come up. Infinite possibilities as opposed to the ending. Although each has their place. >> His head swivels from dragonet to dragonet. << Your riders are well? If they are hurting and do not speak up you must tell us so we might make them better. People are not always aware of themselves. >> (Chadamalith to Safriath and Taineth)

"You can call me whatever you want, Javeri," Ch'son says without missing a beat and he offers her a quick grin even if he's blinking a little too much. "We're good. Stop it," the last probably for the bronze that's stopped moving to watch Safriath with a slight tilt to his head, wings moving to mimic her pose. He's ignoring his lifemate for the moment. At least the instructions. "Feeling okay. Little stiff. Goes away, though." He's talking about his leg, right? "I'll take fruit."

"Fine by me, moppet," Javeri tells Ch'son with a laugh. She moves to set her basket of fruit down near the weyrlings. "Help yourselves. Ignore the fruit beggar behind me. I see him and he doesn't get any more." No wonder Chadamalith is more interested in the dragons. If he already knows no fruit is to be his. Looking at Nenita she nods. "Sunset's good. Maybe she'll get a taste for it and won't try to have you up at dawn later on. We've always been early risers though. "Just make sure you both take care of your wounds and if they look to be developing problems let someone know. You don't want to upset them at this age by getting real sick."

Dragon> Thoughts are marked by colorful dots of light as the young bronze considers his clutchmate's pose. He can do that, too. << It's lovely out now, isn't it? >> It's not a question, exactly. << Ch'son is fine. Nothing he can't handle. >> Of course he is. (Taineth to Safriath and Chadamalith)

When it becomes obvious that Safriath's attentions are no longer on having Nenita focus purely on her for the time being, the weyrling pushes the bucket of oil off to the side. "Excellent. Well, I guess. It could be sore and inflamed which would be unpleasent." Hopefully she's talking about his leg too. Dropping the rag onto the side of the bucket, she goes and grabs a nice looking redfruit from the basket. "She just seems to like the sun in general. I've always been something of a cave dweller but I get the feeling she's not going to be too alright with that." While biting into the fruit she rolls her shoulders and nods agreement to the instructions on wounds.

Dragon> To Chadamalith and Taineth, Safriath rustles, languidly allowing her rich tones to roll out and towards her two companions. << Yes, I suppose. The colors are beautiful. But the sun was stronger just awhile ago and it felt so nice and my marvelous hide. >> See, marvelous. More stretching and posing of her wings. << Hurting? >> Whirling eyes find their place on Nenita. << Like her shoulder? I believe it to be fine. >>

Ch'son moves to take a piece of fruit from the basket and then he settles himself down even though Taineth looks back at him. "You heard her. You'll be upset if I get real sick. Go bitch at whathisname." There's only a pause before he's saying, "Right, Kolniveth." He goes about eating his fruit. There's talking?

Dragon> The scent of citrus grows stronger and the faint background music behind his words takes on more of a merry piping tune. << You are young yet to be trying to sway a male with your looks. >> This clearly to Safriath although he doesn't cut Taineth out. << One should be clear on what is inside before trying to get attention with the outer layers. It is through self-contemplation and seeking connections that are not superficial that we attract each other. >> An important lesson and the cornflower intensifies in color to wrap around all Chadamalith's words. << The sun will come back. It goes away and returns. That is its nature. The nighttime sky is its compliment and beautiful as well. >> (Chadamalith to Safriath and Taineth)

"At least when you get a weyr she can sun on her ledge while you sit inside," Javeri tells Nenita with an encouraging smile. "Chadamalith hates being inside. He sleeps on his ledge most nights even. He's got this...compulsion for open spaces." Looking over her shoulder fondly at the blue she blinks and then turns back around. "I'm glad you're doing good though. It can be hard enough the first few sevens without being injured too."

Nenita glances down at the other weyrling, lifting her eyebrows at she can only assume is some internal conversation the rest of them aren't privy to. "It should be alright in another couple of days I think. It's getting kind of itchy right now. And if I scratch it too much the scabbing kind of flakes off." She pulls the collar of her shirt back to reveal it. It's still sort of ugly but not anything you'd vomit at the sight of. The posing of her dragon is regarded with a cool expression before she settles attention back on Javeri. There's a 'what are you going to do' eyeroll before she takes another bite.

Dragon> To Chadamalith and Taineth, Safriath's 'feathers' are evidentally ruffled by this. Her wings shut down aprubtly and her head is turned up royally and /away/ from the older blue. << I am not trying to sway you. It just merely important you observe all the beautiful things in life. I am very beautiful. Something you should observe. Like the sun. >> Whatever impact he was attempting to make on the young gold is evidentally lost as she turns wholly away from him to waddle and hide behind Nenita.

Javeri examines the wound from her spot and nods. "Just don't scratch. I know, I know. You know that. But I think it's my job to tell you." She smiles faintly and shakes her head. "And I have to do what I'm supposed to do and all that. Including tell you things that you probably know." Looking at the gold she laughs. "Chadamalith was talking to her. He does that to dragons. I think if she were a green and an eventual potential lady to woo he might be different with her." Shoulders shrug. What can you do?

Dragon> << You are no more or less beautiful than anything else that exists in the world. >> Chadamalith points out gently to the queen. << You must learn that. >> (Chadamalith to Safriath and Taineth)

Nenita laughs as she pulls the collar back into place and gives the scabbing a pat of her hand. "I understand. I probably need a little kick now and again to stop myself from doing it." There's a roll of her eyes, glancing back at the dragon that's now behind her. Looking as if she's been snubbed of all things. "Is that what's going on? She's telling me about how wonderful and perfect we are again." Towards the assistant she begins to speak as if she's divulging a terrible, terrible secret. One that no one else knows! "Javeri. Did you know... That Safriath is the most beautiful creature that has ever walked the grounds of the planet? Or will ever fly in the skies?" The young gold is not looking amused by this talk, as she casts something close to an annoyed look at Nenita as well now.

"Stop talking about scratching," Ch'son murmurs up from his fruit devouring, shifting his leg as though now that itching is being mentioned, it's starting to become a very real feeling. That's about all he's picked out from the conversation for now. Taineth's attention shifts between watching Ch'son eat, which he does very well by the way, and paying attention to the other dragons.

Dragon> To Chadamalith and Taineth, Safriath with some shortness, << You're wrong. >> And then as if that just solved everything, she goes silent happy to brood behind Nenita as if she'll save her from all of this. Which she doesn't seem to be! << Nenita! >> And then that conversation goes private.

Dragon> A considering thought enriched by pinpricks of golden lights is offered to the gold despite the blue's words, << You are very gold. >> It's a compliment. Something that he can't ever quite be. << And shiny. >> (Taineth to Chadamalith and Safriath)

From the caverns, P'draig appears having squirreled away to catch a quick bite. The Weyrlingmaster strides at a good pace rather than a relaxed amble, eyes going to the little cluster of weyrling and baby dragons near Veri. Jekzith's been dozing it seems on the far side of the Bowl but he wings over now with a chipper warble. "Hey there," Paddy greets as he draws near, catches the tail end of Nenny's remarks. "She'll have to duke that out with Aath," he jokes, hands sliding into pockets.

"Not even if we offered to scratch for you?" Javeri asks although she's laughing as she says it so is clearly not serious. "But seriously if it gets bad see a healer ok? It's important you can tell when /you/ feel something as opposed to /him/. Especially itching." Ohh! Teacher statement! But then she's looking at Nenita and shaking her head. "Sorry. He'll do that. If he really truly bugs her just tell him and he'll let her be." When Jekzith appears Chadamalith stirs and sends a citrus smelling << Good evening! >> to the brown. << The babies are feisty. >> That part he shares with those babies. Maybe he wants to see their reaction. "Hey, boss," his rider then says to Paddy.

"Right. I'll try not to mention how good it feels to scratch the wound while it's healing. What /great/ satisfaction I get from the experience." Nenita tells Ch'son, voice dripping with contentment as she makes little scratchy gestures in the air. There's a cheeky smile and another bite of the redfruit as she turns to the weyrlingmaster's. "Oh, I wouldn't worry about it. I think she needs the perspective. Plus if she's tangling with Chadamlith she's not rambling to me which I've found is occasionally a relief. Even if I do love her." To P'draig she grins, "Which I'm sure she won't mind doing. She's... something."

"It's really not fair if you keep teasin' me, woman," Ch'son says around a mouthful of fruit to Javeri but not as though he doesn't want her to keep doing it. Flirting is a hard habit to break. "There's itching. And lights. And constant talking." The last is said a little louder and distinctly in the direction of the bronze that's busy furling and unfurling his wings, lifting them up and around. The weyrling with the orange headband stops mid bite to look at Nenita, eyes narrowing. "I'm gonna pay someone to bring in a bank of snow and then I'm gonna toss your ass in it." So there. << Feisty? Is that like flashing? >> All curiosity from Taineth now.

"Sounds like it so far, Nenita," P'draig says with a further laugh and quirks brows for the air-scritching. "Scabby boo-boos giving people fits already?" he asks next and gives Veri a little wave. "Hey, hey. Nice evening, hm? Good for some fresh air." Ch'son's remarks draw his gaze thattaway though and clears his throat. "Respect, please Ch'son. At least a first name, not 'woman', you're clutchmates now." Jekzith warbles again, head cocking to the side. << Are they? And nope, it means you're full of vigor, Taineth. Nice wing flaps, >> the brown compliments with a splash of mental orange. << Looking good I'd say, everyone. >>

"Sorry," Javeri says with a glance to P'draig. "We were teasing him." She gestures to a basket nearby that has fruit in it. "I brought fruit for them all though. I thought it'd be good to keep in the barracks so if they just needed a bit of a snack they could get one without running off." Her head shakes though and she tells Ch'son, "Hey, at least there's noise? Chadamalith was so quiet sometimes I couldn't be sure he was really there." But she knows now because even though she said no fruit she tosses a half-peeled orange over her shoulder so the blue can snap it out of the air and rumble contently. Shaking her head at Nenita she grins, "Well, I'm sure he'll have lots to say to her. If she complains let me know and I'll distract him so he lays off. Like with fruit. The blue rumbles again. << When you are older I will take you to the trees with the fruit. You may try it. >> He's so giving! Because surely they'll all love it too.

There's more happy smiling for Ch'son and she pulls the collar of her shirt down whenever he looks at her next. Slowly, fingers lingering, touching smooth skin and then... she /scratches/ and smiles slyly. "Mmmm... So good." So there yourself! << Oh, thank /you/, Jekzith. Are they the right size? >> Comes the thick, soothing tones of Safriath. And if she uses this as an excuse to show off again, who's going to complain? "If she gets to be a little too much like Lady Holder, I'll try and rein her in." Though there's a dubious expression for that attempt.

<< Vigor, >> Taineth says that word, rolls it around in a dazzling sparkle of lights. And then it's gone. Compliments are more important than vigor. << Thanks. >> Mostly modest. Ch'son looks at Javeri and then Nenita before he looks at P'draig, obviously unimpressed. "Right. So'm I supposed to get any respect, too, or is this one of them lady things?" Because he's totally noticed the scratching that Nenita is doing and he's started trying to scratch a little off to the side of his wound with a glare at the gold weyrling.

"Fruit's good, there's usually some bread and cheese and stuff like that brought in for a little while longer," P'draig notes to Veri with a grin. "Couple of weeks at least, but then the staff'll be expecting to see them seeing to themselves. Bet that made him happy though, getting it together," a nod for Chadamalith. Paddy looks between Nenita and Ch'son, catching on and snorts softly. "/Nenita/, are you /baiting/ him?" he asks, good-naturedly enough. "Though you know Ch'son, there's a difference between teasing and calling someone 'woman' like that." He winks over at the bronzeriding weyrling and leans back against Jekzith's side a little, looking up at the brown as he spreads his wings in turn. Motley. Maple. << Everything looks just right from here! >> he proclaims merrily. << And it'll be fun to go tree-hunting again, Chadamalith. >>

"Yes, but fruit is more healthy than bread and cheese," Javeri tells P'draig with a laugh. Because it's not just the blue who loves fruit after all! "And definitely more tasty." Judging by the way Chadamalith flutters his wings and actually looks content instead of just there he must agree. << We all look how we should. It is how it should be. >> This is said with all due gravity. An important lesson. << You must learn these truths. They will help you find your way. >> But he's not so serious as to not bounce music when he answers Jekzith << We have not gone tree-hunting in some time. >> Meanwhile Javeri's looking from weyrling to weyrling. "Respect should go both ways, of course. And if Nenita baits you then you can bait her right back, Chaes. Because fair's fair. Just remember if it gets out of hand and your dragons get upset you're not going to be happy. It's always best to play nice in the first few sevens." She pauses and then glances to P'draig with a wink as she says, "But if you two have enough energy to be baiting each other like this I'm sure there's something you're missing doing."

For all that glaring Ch'son is doing at her, Nenita doesn't do anything but smile. She gives him a swift playful wink before dropping her hand away. Innocent cough, "Baiting him? Of course not. I'd never do anything like that to a person." Which is possibly a boldfaced lie as she smiles and steps back to put a hand on Safriath. The connection brings a measure of calm to her face as she glances back. For the gold the contact results in her settling those wings down to pay more attention to her weyrling. << Oh, what do you know? I wasn't talking to you anyway. >> Safriath responds to the blue in a grumbling tone. Nenita must have caught some part of that as she puts her hands on the dragonet's snout. "Shhh. You're going to get us in /trouble/."

Ch'son stops itching even if he's not quite ready to. A glance is given to his eaten fruit after he takes the last possible bite but he refrains from throwing it at anyone and instead pushes himself up onto his feet, nudging Taineth who's still moving in a posing sort of way for the other young dragon. "Aren't you tired of that yet," quieter, then louder, "Might want to work on your lyin' there, Nen. I'm sure that's a skill that'll come in handy for you." Big grin. Then to Taineth, "I thought you wanted to take a walk, man."

"Not for weyrlings who're not getting a lot of sleep and need energy," P'draig answers Veri. "They need their protein," the weyrlingmaster explains with a laugh. "Tasty though, I'll give you." He smirks at Veri's lecture mode just a little and reaches over to gently shoulder-punch the bluerider. "Mind your assistant there, weyrlings," the Weyrlingmaster says, though it's in a quasi-teasing way. Resolutely bright: << Definitely. Tree-hunting is fun. And it makes for you know, really interestinf flying, >> the brown tells the little guys.

Because Chadamalith is not all serious he turns his head to study Safriath. << I know many things. Like how easy it is for one's rider to miss a spot on your tail. >> Dragons do not lie of course! But some of them might phrase things so as to see if they can cause a kerfluffle. The blue rises to all four feet and spreads his wings out. When they settle back in he stands there silently and still. Javeri seems unaware of what her blue said because she's not laughing or looking mortified. "Oh, ow! I'm wounded!" she says with a laugh. With a grin and a little wave to everyone she says, "And since I'll be seeing you all in the morning I'm going to go home now and see about getting some pottery done. Behave." She glances at the brownrider and adds, "That goes for you too," with a wink. Then she's leaving them to it so her and Chadamalith can head out for quiet time.

"Perhaps you can work on your charm while I'm sharpening my skills at lying. I hear that bronzeriders are supposed to have it by the bucketful. You might find it useful." Nenita replies easily to the other weyrling. She smiles again even as she has that soothing 'stop trying to get me into trouble' hand on Safriath. Turning back to Javeri again, "Oh, you're leaving. Good night, see you bright and early in the morning." Aside to P'draigh, I'll work on that too."

**awlm, ~javeri, ch'son, taineth, jekzith, ~chadamalith, safriath, p'draig, nenita

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