Teatime threesome

Jul 25, 2009 21:55

Who: Hattie, Rhodya, W'ton and Elaruth, Gedroth, and Dasarth
Where: Rhodya's weyr and Elaruth's ledge
When: Teatime(!) on day 18, month 4, turn 20
What: Rhodya has invited Hattie and W'ton to tea in her weyr. It goes well. Until poor W'ton's left hanging. Elaruth is surrounded by men (well, two dragons) and Dasarth does not handle it well at all. There is definitely some posturing on his part.
Told you I'd get that in the title, Rho!

Rhodya's got everything ready for today's little tea party, but that doesn't mean she can't keep fussing over the details. She centers the tea kettle a little more precisely, then does the same for all the cups on their saucers. She rearranges the fresh-baked scones on their round platter. Ducking behind the yellow curtain to her bedroom, she even makes sure that the fourth chair (which she removed from the set, since it won't be needed today) hasn't spontaneously learned to walk and decided to come creeping back into the guest area. While she does all this, Gedroth lies curled up on his couch just outside, scrupulously keeping any part of himself from spilling onto the ledge, which will be small enough for his visitors as it is.

Thinking ahead to spare the ledge there's only one dragon that shows up at the appointed time. Dasarth carries W'ton and Hattie from whichever weyr they were at before to the one they're going to now. << We are here >> he announces to the brown so he might share with his rider inside. As W'ton slides down, quickly, so he'll be able to help Hattie down before she can do it herself, the bronze adds << We might find someplace larger if we all wish to sit together as well. If you would rather have Elaruth up here I shall return to my ledge. >> There's only the slightest of overtones of warning there for the brown. He better not want to make time with the bronze's woman! W'ton waits on the ground to insist on helping down the junior weyrwoman and then he'll offer her his arm so they might step inside together.

Some women might smile, others might insist that they're perfectly capable of clambering to the ground themselves, but this is Hattie and Hattie sticks her tongue out at W'ton before she lets him help her down. Only to ignore him the moment after and instead turn back to Dasarth, to reach a hand out to the bronze and murmur a thank you. Back to his rider again and she grins; nudges him and takes his arm, careful of the flowers she balances with her other arm. Good guests bring gifts, after all. Good guests also give warning of arrival. "Rho?" the goldrider calls.

"I'm here!" answers a bright voice within the weyr, and a second later, Rhodya appears. She's not dressed up, but she is dressed nicely, in a skirt and simple blouse. "Don't you two look sweet," she adds, having caught the tail-end of that gentlemanly gesture of W'ton's. Stretching her arms out, she goes for a hug, picking W'ton first because he doesn't have to move flowers out of the way. "Thanks for coming." Gedroth picks up on that warning tone and lifts his head, peering at Dasarth in silence for a beat before he answers. << I expected that we would move once they got here, yes. Isn't Elaruth's queen-ledge big enough for fit all of us? >> He creeps forward on his couch, craning his neck around for a peek at the gold's weyr.

Dasarth turns his head to regard Hattie when she offers her thanks and then he's done with her. << If she wishes to have us. >> He won't speak for her after all. But what he will do is extend the conversation to the gold and ask << Do you wish us to join you on your ledge? Or is there somewhere else you would like to go? >> W'ton laughs at Hattie's reaction, probably was expecting it, and lets her have her thanks to his dragon before she takes his arm. Then there's Rhodya appearing and going to hug him. He does return the hug as he says, "Rhodya. You are of course welcome. I'm happy we could come." Carefully he does not speak for the both of them. Just in case she wants to say something contrary like she didn't want to come. Not that he expects her to, but one never knows with that crazy Hattie.

Elaruth peers up from the ledge in question, padding right to the edge of it like that might allow her to see better. But company and yay and clearly excitement is the real reason to go rushing - as fast as she ever does - to the brink of her ledge. << If you would like, >> she replies. << There is always room. >> Hattie gets to manoeuvring flowers, of which there are two bunches for some reason, the bigger a mixture of yellows and oranges with slim petals, with what look like overgrown daisies scattered amongst them. "Thanks for inviting us," she says, smiling just a little. "How's things?"

Once Hattie's had time to maneuver the flowers, she gets a hug too! "Oh, things're pretty good. --C'mon in," she beckons them, stepping back a touch so she can gesture at the weyr. "Can I take any of that for you?" And then, while the niceties of getting inside and figuring out the flowers are arranged, she picks up the conversation where she left it. "I really like bein' in a wing, finally, where Gedroth gets to really show his stuff. How about you all? Everything goin' well?" Gedroth welcomes the appearance of Elaruth on her ledge with a cheerful bugle, though he remains huddled on his couch. Guests first: he'll let Dasarth lead the way down.

There's barely enough time to check and make sure he won't be swatting anyone out of the way before Dasarth throws himself from the ledge. Swooping down he circles the bowl until he makes it to Elaruth's ledge. It's easier after all for him to go first than for Gedroth to shove everyone out of the way! W'ton heads inside at the pace the other two set once the hugging is all done. "It's nice to be out of the barracks that's for sure. And done with Jantha being able to make me run laps." Completely undeserved laps from his tone. Him being a perfect gentleman and everything! When they're inside he looks around to see what's changed since last time. "Ahh. The table of emasculation," he remarks with a deep chuckle.

Now that there's going to be company, Elaruth edges back along her ledge to make room and curls up as neatly as possible. When Dasarth arrives, she reaches to greet him, aiming to touch her nose to his. Hattie hugs the brownrider in her usual could-possibly-unintentionally-flatten way and relinquishes the flowers her way, hesitating as she gestures to the second bunch tied with the first."I know this is possibly the oddest thing ever, but the purple ones are for Gedroth. From Elaruth. She thinks they smell funny and that he should smell them too." She shrugs and looks a bit embarrassed, apparently baffled by the whole idea. She even goes so far as to hold her hands up and state, "Don't ask me." Brown eyes blink and she shakes her head. "Anyhow. It's kinda like being an assistant headwoman again. Only not. At all." Which makes perfect sense. Embarrassment again, that is, until she finds the right few seconds to swat at W'ton and chide, "Don't mock other people's furniture, you."

Gedroth hears his name and pauses mid-step off the couch to swing his head around and look. Those flowers tempt him enough to make his nostrils flare, but he resumes moving out towards the ledge. << It was nice of you to send me flowers, >> he sends down to the queen. << I'm going to save them for later, when I have time to smell them thoroughly. >> And then he's off into the air, his broad wings carrying him leisurely down to the gold's ledge. "Oh, he's just jealous of my pretty table," she tells Hattie with a chuckle, walking past W'ton. "We all know he'd've wanted it to go in his pretty pink weyr." She considers the flowers for a moment, beaming at them, and decides the best place for them is balanced on top of her brick wall. "The flowers are just gorgeous, thank you. I'm gonna need to get a vase for them, so I can put 'em some place proper."

"I found this table for her so I can mock it," W'ton defends with a laugh. Then he looks at Rhodya and stage whispers, "Protect me from her!" Cowering away from the goldrider he sniffles loudly. But the sound is immediately followed by a chuckle. "See? She's making fun of my pink walls!" Hands on his hips he looks about five for a moment. "And on a more serious note," he adds a beat later, "Thanks for having us." Lowering his voice and letting out a tiny squeal he gushes to Hattie as he reaches for her hand, "Our first couples outing to have tea! Oh, it's so exciting!" So, yes, he's a little not serious right now. But he does walk to the lovely pink table and pull out a chair. "Rhodya?" he asks before lifting a hand to point at Hattie, "You wait your turn, woman." Because as the gentleman he gets to seat them both. Hostess first of course. Dasarth is a gentleman too! Well, maybe not. He does press his muzzle to hers and then settle down next to her. When Gedroth arrives there's no attempt made to keep him from the queen's other side.

"You're welcome," the goldrider answers Rhodya, probably in the same instant that her dragon says the same to Gedroth. << You're welcome, >> Elaruth quietly echoes, reaching out to greet the brown in the same manner that she greeted Dasarth. And if her eyes look a little too blue and they whirl just a little too fast, well, who's to blame her, sitting there with the boys? Hattie gawks at W'ton like he might just be crazy, an expression likely oft-seen by the bronzerider, then shakes her head again and folds her arms. "Both of you stop it before I take your paints and colouring things away," she threatens, hardly a threat at all with that smirk. "And that voice officially made /you/ more girly than Rhodya and I put together." Okay, so maybe that's a bad choice of wording from her. But she just can't resist, "Behave: it's rude to point."

Playing up the little-kid scenario, Rhodya sticks her tongue out at W'ton and echoes, "Yeah, it's rude!" Then she chuckles, settling into her chair. She takes a napkin - which she folded into an upright circle - and flips it loose, setting it daintily on her lap. "Help yourselves to the scones. I hope you like 'em, I made 'em myself." And they're good scones, too! Gedroth lands on Elaruth's ledge with a crisp backwing, wasting no time or space. He pads forward to return Elaruth's customary greeting, then strides on by to take up his post on her other side. Lucky lady, the boys just adore her.

"I'm so sorry," W'ton says hanging his head in mock shame. Once Rhodya is seated he pulls out Hattie's chair and once she's all comfy too he presses a kiss to the top of her head before taking his own seat. "I shall be on my best behavior. The scones smell lovely, Rhodya." He looks at Hattie and winks. "I'm not just saying that for a wingmate either." His napkin goes in his lap and he doesn't reach for anything until the ladies have. Dasarth looks at Gedroth around Elaruth, but doesn't say anything. Not about that. << It is good we spend time together. We must never forget we call came together. >>

"I didn't know you baked," might sound like small talk from Hattie, were it not for the fact that it sounds like a genuine statement, as though she thinks she should know such a thing. She takes a second to settle and smiles sweetly at W'ton. "Of course not," she says, curiosity about the scones getting the better of her and making her reach for one. "What do you all get up to in that wing of yours, anyway? Is it like the drills we used to do?" Usually quiet, Elaruth looks to be pretty high on life right now and makes a soft chirp of a noise. << We still have time when we are not each of us doing what we must. We should meet, like they do, >> she suggests, glancing from bronze to brown and back again. And again.

Rhodya beams at Hattie. "Well, I started just before we all got Searched, and I had to put it down for a while. But ever since Gedroth got big enough to keep himself entertained, I've been going back to it. The wing is - well, I guess it's the same, but with our own unique twist on it. And it feels more smooth because everybody knows we're gonna work together for a long time, not just go off in our separate directions in a couple of months." She picks up a scone for herself, plants it on her plate, then takes the kettle. Before gentlemanly W'ton can do it, she offers to pour, "Tea?" holding the thing up with a questioning brow. Gedroth rumbles agreeably and presses his shoulder to Elaruth's. << I agree. I've seen Rho with her father, and I've observed that being with family can make one very happy. We should keep our family together. >> Shifting away from Elaruth, he stretches open his wing and then leans back in, draping it over her. And yes, over Dasarth as well, though he may object.

"Rhodya and I are planning a takeover of it," W'ton says as he reaches for a scone finally. "She's gonna be my second." /Not/ the other way around darnit! "Not just cause Gedroth doesn't mind Dasarth either. But definitely because I can try to convince her a second's duty involves baking cookies for her wingleader all the time." Laughing he moves his cup a little so it's easy for the brownrider to pour. "Tea would be lovely, thank you," he says in his best mannerly, some might say poncy, tone. "If you were allowed, of course, you could be my other second," he tells Hattie with a wink. Dasarth rumbles none too quietly when Gedroth shifts his wing. That's /his/ job! << Of course we should get together >> he answers magnanimously. << You may come sit with us whenever you like. >> There. Haha! He's called them a we. Take that, lowly brown!

"Yes, please," Hattie replies on the tea front, expression thoughtful. Not about the tea. "I wondered if it would be any different, being on the inside rather than the outside looking in. I got the impression some of the Wingleaders weren't all that fussed about letting me see how they really worked, when we were Wing shadowing, since I wasn't going to end up with any of them." She shrugs. "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, don't get me wrong, but I know Pyrite doesn't work the same." A grin and she continues, "But now I know you two are planning a takeover, I know one Wing is safe." Deadly serious, despite the grin. Not joking. At all. The wink from W'ton prompts, "I'm not being your second. You listen to me, boy." Elaruth remains settled and leans a little against Gedroth, the tip of her tail draping over Dasarth's at the same time. << We could sit together. Or we could fly together, >> she agrees, her version deliberately encompassing the three of them. << I should not like to be without either of you. >>

Rhodya smile stretches wider, and she looks just pleased enough to pop now that she gets to play the hostess. She pours them each their tea, without wobbling or spilling a drop, then gives her own cup a healthy dose of sugar by way of reward. She laughs as she picks it up to blow on it. "You wouldn't stop us, would you, Hattie? I mean, we're your friends and all. You could use your junior powers," which she waggles her fingers at, imparting some kind of mystic air to said powers, "to help. In the name of what's best for the wing, of course." She winks. Gedroth continues to ignore Dasarth's sneaky blows as magnanimously as the bronze receives his open affection. << We could run together, >> he suggests. << I've been running lately. It's good for your muscles, but it's also interesting to see what the roads look like when you're on them. The one between here and Fort Hold is very nice, because it's broad enough to be a dragon on. >>

"Yes, ma'am," W'ton says to Hattie as he hangs his head. Not fast enough for Rhodya to miss the wink he sends her way though. Then he's looking at Hattie with a hopeful, if joking look. "Oh, yes! I would never ask of course, but if you want to pull strings for us we'd be ever so grateful. Rho would even make you pastries of some sort!" He waggles his brows at the goldrider, but makes no mention of anything he'd do to get her help. What he does say is, "Lovely tea," after taking a small sip of it. "A wonderful job." This after he nibbles at his scone. << Run? >> This word is alien to him. Dasarth doesn't even look at Gedroth because it's such a strange word. He loops his tail around the gold's and readjusts himself so his head is lying near to Elaruth's paw. Not quite on it, but close. << I prefer to fly. It is why we have wings. >>

"I wouldn't stop you," Hattie agrees. "But I think it'd be far more interesting to see how far you two got with sneakily trying to take over before I had to step in and..." Help? Pull strings? "Rescue you," she teases. "And then you really would owe me pastries." Being that she's made quick work of the scone she stole earlier, maybe that speaks of their being good without words. Certainly she seems to approve of the pastry plan. << Run? >> Elaruth echoes, hesitantly. This is she of the delicate feet. << I could fly overhead on the same path, >> she suggests, angling another look at Gedroth, another nudge. << We could fly overhead? >> gets proposed in Dasarth's direction, her tail sneaking further around his.

Rhodya grins broadly, lifting her tea to salute Hattie's support of their vile plans. "I'll make it a standing policy," she says. "Anybody who saves me gets to have some delicious cinnamon rolls." Picking up belatedly on W'ton's like of the tea, she beams at him. "Thank you!" Gedroth shakes his head. << If we do something, we should do it together. It's all right if you do not like running. >> Stretching his head forward, he leans around Elaruth to look at Dasarth, able to include him in this comment. << Since we all like flying, I think that would be a good idea. >> You see? Like it was entirely the bronze's idea. Gedroth can be a mediator.

"See how she is?" W'ton asks Rho without looking at Hattie. "Always doubting us like that. I suppose now we'll just have to prove her wrong." He winks and turns his attention to the goldrider. "At least we know if we get in over our heads you'll come save us, love. Our net." How romantic! Lifting up his tea cup he announces, "A toast then! To Rhodya who makes the best tea and pastries and has the best sense in the world to invite us to tea and share it." Turning in his seat a little he says, "And to Hattie. Without a doubt the best woman who never said no when I asked her all officially like right now to be my weyrmate." How can she say no in front of witnesses? Well, a witness. Dasarth looks at Gedroth right back, but there's a bit of warning in eyes that shade an orange color. << Flying. >> He agrees with flying. << We will go flying. When they are busy doing things of no importance and do not need us. >>

"Of course I'll save you..." Hattie begins to reply, all ready to toast Rhodya with tea, only for all those other words from W'ton to meet her ears and shut her up in what might well be record time, for anyone keeping track. "I..." the weyrwoman stammers, with a quite desperate look over at brownrider like the hostess might be the one to do the saving instead. "This isn't..." she starts to tell W'ton, obviously struggling for control and voice nearly gone. More words on that subject in particular might follow, but then her eyes go glassy and she pushes herself to her feet. "Elaruth says there's a fight about to go down in Stores. What is it with fights recently?" she mutters. She takes a couple of steps and reaches to hug Rhodya farewell. "Thanks for inviting us. Save me a scone?" The look that meets W'ton is more wary and almost sad, even when she steps back to him to drop a kiss to his shoulder and promise, "Later." A wave and she's got to get going before the verbal - or physical - abuse starts. Elaruth uncurls a little and tips her head against Dasarth, muzzle touching gently as if to soothe or calm. << We could fly at night, when the stars are out, >> she muses, gone very, very quiet. << They will not need us then. >> A soft sigh and she reluctantly stands to pad away from her company. << Lexiath says her rider is angry. She wants Hattie to sort an issue out. You can stay on my ledge? >> she offers, far enough away now to spring into flight to collect her rider.

Rhodya's mouth goes round when W'ton proposes (well, he does!) right in front of her, and for a moment all she can do is to look back and forth between him and Hattie. No saving here, alas! Once Hattie's rushed herself right out of the weyr, it's a beat before Rhodya goes into action. Collecting her tea cup, and stuffing a scone into her palm, she looks at W'ton and asks simply, "You want to talk out on the ledge?" Because in /here/ would be unacceptable. Out there might not be acceptable under normal circumstances, but she does have a heart, and won't kick him out after that. Gedroth lifts his wing off Elaruth to let her go, and stands up to see her off. After she's gone, which takes no time at all, he turns to look at Dasarth. << You're very possessive of her, I've noticed, >> he remarks.

If his heart's been crushed he doesn't show it. When Hattie stands to leave he rises as well because he's a gentleman and all. But there's no farewell, well, she does hurry off. "Always busy," W'ton says easily before turning a smile on Rhodya. "I wouldn't want someone getting the wrong idea," he tells the brownrider with a shake of his head. "I'll just wait out there for Dasarth to come get me. Thank you, Rhodya for the lovely tea. Those scones were mighty good." Just because he's in touch with his feminine side doesn't mean he's going to cry on some woman's shoulder when he's rejected. Elaruth's departure has Dasarth watching her and his tail thwacks onto her ledge before he pulls it back to himself. << W'ton says I cannot keep others from her. >> The words are clipped and each is punctuated by the clash of sword on shield. It also does not answer the question. Slowly the bronze rises up to his feet and shakes his wings out. << I must fetch him now. He says yours will not wish him to stay. It is not proper in her mind. >>

Rhodya tilts her head at him, but she assents with a shrug. "Sure, I'll see you out." Since she's already got her tea and that scone in hand. Scooting out of her chair, she waits for him to get up as well before heading out to the ledge with him, staying well back so as not to get in Dasarth's way. "I'm glad you liked 'em. We should all get together more often," she adds, in an unconscious echo of the dragons' conversation. Her own dragon is right now giving Dasarth a slow nod. << He is right. And you shouldn't want to keep others from her. Elaruth deserves to have the best dragons chase her, and to beat them all would show that you are worthy of her. >> Sitting back on his haunches, and thereby announcing his intention to stay here until (once again) Dasarth's gotten out of the way, he lifts a paw to his teeth and nibbles the toes. << For the record, I am interested in someone else. But I do know it's hard not to be jealous. >>

"Next time it'll be our turn to entertain you," W'ton says with an easy grin full of charm. Nothing's wrong! Maybe nothing is wrong. Who can tell when he's just doing his charming fellow routine. "I'm sorry for ruining the party," he says with a shake of his head. Dasarth can be seen winging himself up to pick up his rider. Which he can do and still talk to the brown. << She will be mine. >> Although he sounds slightly less angry with the world when Gedroth announces he likes someone else. << I will not chase yours. >> An offering of peace. Then he's landing and waiting for W'ton to step out onto the ledge fully. "Thanks again, Rho. I'll see you in the morning before sweeps." Once he's on the bronze's back he lifts a hand to wave before they're dropping off into the sky and heading off. Not to their weyr.

Rhodya doesn't have any free hands to pat his shoulder, so all she can do is offer him a sympathetic look. "Don't worry about it. Ain't nothing ruined." As proof, she holds up her scone. Then he's adragonback and flying away, so she retreats to her weyr. It's not a second after that Gedroth emerges on the queen's ledge. Like Dasarth, he gets to talk from a distance, sending these words to follow the bronze: << I wouldn't mind if you did. But you're right. >> He wings back to his own weyr and stretches out on the ledge.

elaruth, hattie, ~dasarth, rhodya, ~w'ton, gedroth

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