Good luck charm

Jul 20, 2009 23:25

Who: Javeri and Suizen
Where: The baths
When: Evening on day 3, month 4, turn 20
What: Javeri's got a present for one of Chadamalith's candidates. A good luck charm!

Evening's settled over the Weyr and while there's noise to be found everywhere at least in the baths it's relatively quiet. Javeri's got a spot to herself although several other people seem to have had the same idea as her. It might not be obvious though that this is the bluerider everyone knows and loves. Or knows at least. Her trademark braids are nowhere in sight and instead there's a mass of crinkly almost knotty mess she's scrubbing.

Suizen enters the baths with the usual setup of loose clothing and towels and the like. Stopping to put her things away, the red-headed potter pauses a moment, then shakes her head. "Yay, more water...." she mutters to herself, having the enjoyment of laundry-duty earlier that day. After disrobing, the potter finds a spot to slide in, and sets to unbraiding her hair for washing.

Amidst the mess of hair eyes emerge and Javeri blinks. "Sooz?" she asks before shaking her head. "Ha! There you are! I was going to come looking for you when I was done in here and now I'm spared." Lucky her! Dunking her head under the water when she comes up at least her hair's not quite so frizzy. "How's it going this time around?"

"Hey, Javeri. Pretty good; think someone's out to get me though. Spent most m'time in the laundry..." Sooz cheerfully complains, before tilting her head, "... or they got tired of the blood with the choppin' an' peelin' and washin' of dishes..." she allows, before tilting her head the other way. "Well, that's soundin' onimous..." Sooz teases, before dunking down to wet the hair to a dark, almost bronze color.

"Laundry's not bad. It's not the nursery after all!" And considering how many times she got bit and kicked in the nursery it's no wonder she'd prefer sticky hard work laundry. "Hey, it can't be that much longer at least. And it's not ominous. Chadamalith wanted to give you a present." She sinks into the water up to her chin and grins. "He wanted to give something to all the candidates he searched as good luck charm."

Suizen pauses a moment, as she considers what Chadamalith might consider a good luck... and what Javeri might be willing to give as a good luck charm. Then she blinks, "He did? How long has that been keepin' you runnin' around?" she asks after a moment, before gathering up a handful of sweetsand and starts to sud up her hair.

Javeri laughs and then sits up to reach for a nearby comb. "All day. He didn't bring too many in, but each and every one had to be tracked down. You and Chaeson are the only two left. Don't worry it's not a piece of carcass or something." Wincing as she untangles a knot she adds, "He's not Yyth after all. It's just a little something. Once he quizzed me for a day and a half on good luck charms to begin with."

"Well, that's probably a good thing... don't think we'd be allowed to be takin' a carcass piece anywhere near the sands, come time....." Sooz teases, before dunking down a moment to rinse out the sand and suds. Once back up, she adds, "That's bein' a nice idea of his though."

The comb works slowly through her hair with much wincing. Javeri frowns at it and shakes her head. "Sometimes it's tempting to just cut it all off." Not that she ever would. "And yea he's a good guy after all," she points out with a big smile. "Just a little token from him to his candidates." Frowning a moment she digs the comb through her hair and then asks, "Are you- I mean how do you feel? I mean about doing it again?"

The potter pauses for a moment, fingers still working through the trailing ends in the water, up until that pause. Then things start up again. ".... I'm not really quite sure. There's a bit of 'Oh, sands hoppin' again', with a dash of 'why am I doin' this again, for the third', followed by 'why do they keep on thinkin' I can do this'... so... mostly, confused? Also, I need to stop bein' near the cooks when I have kitchen duty. The lingo lingers."

Javeri laughs as she works on her hair even if she still winces every now and again. "I don't know. I mean I don't know why they keep picking you. Would you do it again? I mean if next time around you were still dragonless would you stand again?" Shaking her head she finishes combing her hair before setting her comb aside. "I hope you impress. If that's what you want. If not...I just hope you get what you want. That's all."

"I... actually don't know. Already kinda old for it; 'least, compared to a lot in the barracks. Because... despite it all, I do kinda hope. But each time I go through it, there's this little voice. Not to mention, I know it's not all about gainin' a new friend. There's work, an' trouble involved. Talkin' to T'mic proved that one." There's a pause, then Sooz lifts one shoulder. "I think I.. might Stand again. If it came up another time." A crooked grin is given, before she adds, "It'd just help if I knew, right?" she offers, with a bit of self-mock in her voice, before adding, "Thank you for your an' Chad's good wishin' though. I do appreciate it."

"Chadamalith seems sure if that helps," Javeri offers with a grin. "Of course he seems sure of all kinds of things." Without trying to dry her hair first she starts to separate it off so it can be braided once more. "I don't know if I could have done it," she says honestly. "I mean I'm glad I stood, but if Chadamalith hadn't found me I'm not sure I'd have done it again. I hope you get what you want though. And if you do I'll start working on A'mon to take you into Spinnaker! We can be wingmates. Oh! And I can help you decorate your weyr. And if you don't get one I'll help you decorate your room." Because clearly she will be getting one.

Suizen starts to laugh, rather without meaning to. "So, in other words, I'm clearly doomed regardless, 'cause I'm gettin' my'own space? Aaaiiee. Doom. Dooooom..." she teases, flickering a little bit of water Javeri-way, before adding, "An' no tormentin' A'mon. That'd probably just get me in the wher-hut before I even dealt with the man..." she adds.

"Well, I can't torment too much because he's been real understanding about-" Javeri stops and bends her head to her braiding work. Braids need braiding and tying off and that takes all her attention for awhile. So much of her attention she's got nothing to say for a bit.

Sooz watches for a moment, then shakes her head. "The same stuff that had you out on the beach?" she asks after a moment, before addin', "Let me know if I can be helpin', Javeri. But even if I can't, you know where I'm at, if you want company." She gathers up the hair and twists it into a knot, before stepping up out of the pool to fetch a towel. "Well, as long as I'm not doin' chores... unless it's laundry.. or, y'know, kitchen duty.." she amends with a faint grin, "Not that I'd be tryin' to skiv off of duties."

"Sorry. It's just-" Javeri shakes her head and reaches for a towel. "Well, it's not important!" At all. Nope. Not in the least. "But let me get your gift!" Her hair's all tidy and braided after all. Still wet, but done. With the towel wrapped around herself she pads over to where her clothes are piled up. Rummaging begins although how hard can it be with just her clothes?

That is a question no wise female asks, "Well, maybe not, but it seems to be keepin' you occupied, so that means it's probably important to you.. but basically, I'm meanin' I'm not gonna press. You can just say you don't wanna be talkin' 'bout it, instead of pretending it.. whatever... isn't goin' on. You're allowed... promise.." Sooz points out, but at least pauses in that she doesn't leave, instead, gets wrapped up for cutting to the dorms.

"Aha." Javeri finds a little bag and pulls something out of it. Leaving her clothes where they are she steps closer to Sooz and holds her hand out. "Here you go," she says brightly. When the potter turned candidate holds her hand out she gets leather loop meant to be worn around the neck dropped into it. Hanging from it is a collection of three miniature fruits. A pineapple, a lime, and a banana. "If you can't wear it on the sands he says just having it will be luck. He's done all sorts of studying or something. Or you can tuck it away somewhere. I had my lucky beads in my hair. Maybe you can wrap it around your braid."

"Might see if I can, at that." There's a little pause, then Sooz steps over to give the bluerider a bit of a hug, and unless the shock does her in, a kiss on the cheek, "Thanks, 'Veri. An' tell Chad thanks too, 'kay?" Then the Candidate is heading out of the baths, things in hand, and the charm-necklace carefully held in one hand as she manages.

**search09, ~javeri, suizen

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