Meet the Family

Jul 18, 2009 16:57

Who: Dasarth, Elaruth, Hattie, W'ton
NPCs: Isadola, Nona, Peona, Thornton, Walner, Winea (The Two Trees Clan)
Where: Two Trees Hold
When: Day 18, month 3, turn 20 or while Peirith is making a new weyrleader
What: Hattie and Elaruth need to leave Fort. W'ton and Dasarth accompany them and they all visit Two Trees together.

Down around where one would find Southern Boll there's a small hold, never a cothold thank you very much, called Two Trees. The hold proper is set into a small hill with a stone front and a large courtyard. Down the hill along a stone path there's the hold's namesake two trees at the end of the road. It doesn't look any different than most other holds but for those two trees and around the road there's a stone gazebo. A river runs merrily along nearby and the fields are bare of workers right now with it being coming on lunchtime. Few people can be seen at all so it's a good bet many of them are inside either the hold proper or a few of the stone outbuildings that look to house fieldworkers and other sorts. It's this pretty picture of a scene then that Dasarth shares with Elaruth and in which he appears high overhead.

There are times when Elaruth's high sensitivity and ability to unwittingly sense the most subtle of nuances around her can be highly aggravating to the point of very real pain. Then, there are also times when such gifts are a blessing and completely invaluable; a time when one might need to make a quick escape at just the right moment being one of the aforementioned. Of course, in the end, it's Hattie who tells her they need to get gone, just as the young queen starts to get truly anxious and demonstrates difficulty coping with the atmosphere in the Weyr. And Hattie who makes sure that that image from Dasarth is fixed and not blurred by the state of her lifemate's mind, so that she and Elaruth might appear in the sky a few seconds after the bronze.

<< There you see? >> Dasarth tells Elaruth with trumpets blaring and flags waving in the background. << This is where he was hatched. >> The bronze refuses to get it through his head people are not from eggs. And while he was aware of Peirith was showing signs of going up he didn't seem truly interested beyond a curious intellectual wonderment. Neither him or his rider seem to be acting upset over being gone at this point. W'ton and Dasarth begin to descend upon the hold coming to a landing outside the courtyard in a dirt field likely designed for just this. No sense planting grass or other greenery where dragon feet will just trample it down after all.

Elaruth may have grasped the concept that people are not from eggs, but she doesn't try to dissuade Dasarth from believing that they are. << It looks peaceful, >> she remarks, which is a very good thing in her mind, if not in the minds of others. She hovers before dipping down into a glide, shaking her head a little as though she might somehow set her mind all to rights that way, and takes more care than generally necessary with her landing; wings, tail and neck tucked back only seconds after she's settled. Hattie's touch of boots to ground is much the same - not without a thud, but she doesn't throw herself to the earth as she may have been seen to, either. She sticks close to her dragon for a few moments, then takes steps to seek out W'ton.

W'ton's on the ground nearly as quick as he can be once Dasarth's down. The bronze rumbles and fusses with with his wings before settling down. He stays still until his straps are off and then informs Elaruth << There is a spot near the river that is quiet. >> An invitation to join him once their riders are situated. The bronzerider's got a grin for Hattie when she gets close and he says, "There's a spot we can store their straps just inside the courtyard. Although it will prevent a quick getaway." Maybe that's nerves in his voice.

"If there're any getaways to be had, we make them at our own pace and with dignity," Hattie responds, in a tone of voice that could be deadly serious or merely deadpan humour, as she reaches to wind one arm around the bronzerider's waist. "So there." Then she's stepping away to retrieve straps from an almost entirely calm once again Elaruth, time taken not to yank and pull in haste. Free of rider and straps, the gold stretches just a tiny bit, relaxes and steps a pace or two closer to Dasarth. << We will go? >> asks him to lead the way without the real words.

Dasarth's polite enough to wait until he won't shower dust on the pair of riders before he launches himself back into the air. Well, it's either manners or fear of getting clothes dusty. << Yes. They will not need us here. >> He doesn't fly very high and once Elaruth joins him leads the way to a field close by where the river dances by. That's where he lands and stretches out in the sunshine. "Dignity? I think I heard that word once," W'ton teases as he kisses the top of her head. "You sure though you want to do this?" Like they can still leave. Like the hold didn't notice the bronze and gold dragon landing and all. "We could go lie naked on a beach somewhere instead?"

Were she not who she is and the way she is, Elaruth might make a big show of collapsing with joy in the field, all loud noise and sprawling out. This, she doesn't do, and only settles almost opposite Dasarth and carefully unfurls her wings, a clatter of a quiet exclamation mingled with the sigh that escapes her. << We do not disturb anyone? >> she questions. Hattie sets her hands on her hips and looks up at W'ton through narrowed eyes. "Firstly, it's time you got the idea that I'm going to lie naked on a beach somewhere, gone. Barely clothed, perhaps. Naked? No," she murmurs, a flicker of humour in her eyes. "Secondly, if you don't want to do this, we can go somewhere else. Seriously. If you don't want to... don't," she says earnestly.

<< We will bother no one here. W'ton says it is not a place people will be. >> Dasarth sprawls out and wiggles around in the grass until he's quite comfortable. << It is restful. Not like back home where everyone was acting strange. >> Clearly the bronze is a late bloomer. Aware of girls he may be, but interested in them? Not quite yet. W'ton laughs and leans down to kiss Hattie. "I love when you narrow your eyes at me," he murmurs with a wink. "I suppose I'll settle for nearly naked I guess." As for wanting to do this? He doesn't answer, but he loops his arm in hers and begins to lead her to the courtyard. "Just not sure what my reception will be," he says lowly. "Was told when I left to not think of coming back and all."

<< Peirith. And those who wish to capture her. Some have been subtle. Others... not so, >> Elaruth replies, perhaps understanding to and yet not quite wanting to comprehend what might have been felt. She rests her head atop her forepaws and continues to blink lazily over at the bronze. << This is far more welcome than that. >> Hattie shrugs the shoulder of the arm that's not involved in looping and briefly glances up. "If they say anything derogatory, you don't have to stand for it. If they're rude, don't descend to such a level," she quietly replies.

Stretched out in the sun Dasarth lays his muzzle down on the ground and licks at the air. << Yes. I noticed her. >> In case the gold with him thought he might not have. << W'ton said he wished to come away with you. I did not care to deny him. I enjoy spending time with you. >> A fish leaps from the river and startles the bronze who snorts and lifts his head up to stare accusingly at the water. << It tried to attack us! Do not get too close. >> W'ton looks over his shoulder at the same time and laughs. "Shells. Now he thinks fish are assaulting them." Shaking his head he takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "I'll be on my best behavior," he promises as they walk. Before they step into the courtyard where, as expected, people seem to have gathered to greet them, he adds softly, "And you can give me a treat later for being so good."

Elaruth's response isn't immediately made up of words, instead there's the moon's reflection on still water that turns the blanketing mist silver. And the reach to touch her nose to his, of course. She too peers over at the river and watches in-case another fish gets the same idea as its brother. Or sister. << I am sure you will subdue any further attempts, >> she remarks, faint ripples in her voice. Hattie blinks and raises one eyebrow. "You know how fish are. They can look quite threatening in the right light." His latter remarks get a nudge of her hip to his in response, though she manages to make it look like it's an accident in the course of walking. "I said nothing about behaving myself," she threatens, mouth barely moving. That said, to all appearances, she does appear to intend to behave as well as she's able.

Dasarth turns his head enough to see the river after his nose has been touched. << I shall stand guard over us. W'ton says they are good to eat, but they look small. >> There's a bit of doubt in his tone like he's not sure one would eat fish. << If they persist in attacking perhaps we shall find out. >> But there's no desire to move. Barely a breeze ripples across tents or disturbs smoke from the fires. The army is standing down right now. "I love it when you misbehave," W'ton murmurs before they're within earshot of anyone. The people at the front of the small group waiting for them are obviously his family. An older man and woman stand with another man around Win's age who has his arm around a woman about the same age. The woman's not family from her looks and if the man beside her has something of a glare the look in her eyes for the prodigal son is as warm, if fueled by something else. Then there's a couple of younger women standing by one of whom breaks away and yells, "Winston!" as she races across the courtyard.

<< Perhaps, >> Elaruth agrees, just as reluctant to move, not when there's relative quiet and good company to be had right where she is. Her eyes slow from their previous somewhat quickly-whirling pace and tint a shade that almost matches the grass. There's no time for a retort that wouldn't definitely go unheard, nor is it the right moment for the simply indecent look that starts to creep across Hattie's features before she manages to dismiss it and settle back to something that might be neutral, might be apprehensive. It's the man sporting the glare that her focus goes to in the moment before she tenses when that yell rings out, her arm loosening from its loop rather than tightening, as though to release him into the younger woman's care.

With nothing to alarm him Dasarth seems to be content to lie sprawled out in the grass. The wind blows every now and then, but carries with it no more than the sounds of itself and the river. It's a very peaceful sort of place and despite the bronze's usual attitude of conquer, conquer, rule with an iron fist, he seems happy to be here like this. Even a wannabe dictator needs some down time. He sends a mental nuzzle towards the queen, but unless more fish attack he looks to be giving them both some peace and quiet for now. This might partially be due to what W'ton's going through as well. The glare on Win remains and the man's arm tightens around the woman beside him. She shifts uncomfortably and when she looks away from W'ton and towards Hattie there's something calculating in her gaze. The girl sprinting towards them with no apparent since of decorum looks to be a few turns younger than her brother and quite pretty. "Nona! You scamp!" Yes, he said scamp. The bronzerider sweeps her into his arms when she gets close and spins her around in a circle before giving her feet back to the ground. "Thought you'd be off married by now," he informs her with a grin. "Oh, I would have been, but he took sick and mamma and daddy said we could wait." Explanation given she shifts her attention towards Hattie and elbows her brother in the side.

Settled and quiet, Elaruth returns the bronze's nuzzle, sending the starlight as it fades with dawn's encroaching light with it. She tilts her wings to a better angle to catch more sun and closes her eyes, remaining mentally alert as she's apt to do with keen senses to see for her. Hattie seems to let her focus go, what with the blank look that she suddenly adopts, but it's the glaring man and the woman that receive her attention, despite her appearing to gaze at nobody in particular. When her focus snaps back, it's the woman who receives a study of a look, then dismissed when she turns her head to look deliberately away. The meeting of elbow and W'ton's side makes her smirk and she has to press her lips together so as not to make a noise that might sound like hastily suppressed laughter. "You just keep setting yourself up for attack, don't you?" she says in an even voice, eyes dancing and a look divided between bronzerider and girl, the words clearly for the former.

With the calm from Dasarth it's easier for W'ton to not bristle at the looks he gets or stare with defiance at his parents. He doesn't look at any of them and instead focuses on his little sister and his...whatever they are. "You know I cannot resist letting a pretty woman smack me," he informs Hattie with faux haughtiness. Ruined by the sudden chuckle and the fierce hug he gives his little sister. "Nona, this here is Hattie. You be nice to her and don't tell her any lies about me." Nona regards Hattie for a moment with a serious expression before she breaks out into a smile. "Oh, I'll just tell her the truth then," she informs her brother with a sly grin. Moving to the other side of the bronzerider she says, "Well, come on. They're going to set us on fire they keep glaring across the way." Which is going to allow W'ton to head across with a woman on either arm. Likely in his fantasies one of them is not his sister! "Don't mind the rest of them," she tells the riders cheerfully. "And Win, be nice to Isadola ok? She lost her favorite pony last seven to sickness." Which might explain why the younger sister looks less than thrilled to be here. So maybe it's not cause of Win!

"The truth is generally far more interesting than lies, though I wouldn't say no to either," Hattie remarks, enough of a smile to be half of one present and correct. "It's nice to meet you, Nona," she remembers, hesitant like she's not sure whether that's what she's supposed to say. After all, having talked her way out of more than one marriage and having been scornful of men in general, this probably isn't a situation she's ever been in before. New territory or nerves she'll deny later blunts the usual edge to her and keeps her quieter than she might otherwise be; also means she's quite easily led forward despite the glares aimed in their direction.

The courtyard is not so grand that it takes very long to get across it to those waiting to greet them. Along the way Nona grins at her brother and then at Hattie. "I like her. Don't run her off." W'ton snorts and nudges his sister before chuckling. "Well, at least someone's happy to see us," he remarks for the goldrider before they're stopping to stand before the disapproving and unhappy family. "Father, mother," he says formally as he lets go both women's arms so he might bow formally. "May I present Hattie, Fort's junior weyrwoman." Knot or not it seems that's what he calls her. "And of course," he adds slyly, "You already know Nona." There's a twitch to the younger disapproving woman's lips like she might have smiled, but does not. "Hattie," the bronzerider goes on, "May I present the lord and lady of Two Trees Thornton and Winea. Their younger son and heir, Walner and his bride Peona. And of course Isadola." His younger, younger sister gets looked at a moment quite seriously before Win sticks his tongue out at her. A quick raised hand conceals any smile or laugh she might have had.

It's not the time to argue the rank and it's really not the time for grinning either, so the one she had for Nona's statement is quickly drawn out into a line and once more back to neutral. Hattie regards each of the family in turn as they're introduced and shortly dips into what would look like a polite little curtsey were she wearing a pretty dress, but might look a little odd dressed as she is. The eldest are addressed as head of the hold, rather than all each after the other. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir, Ma'am," the goldrider greets, without a trace of nerves in her voice, confidence pulled from somewhere last minute. "Fort's duties."

Rank, schmank. The lord and lady of the hold regard this woman their son presents with no small amount of disapproval. But they look to be disapproving of everything so maybe it's not her. "Two Trees duties to Fort," Thornton finally says as Winea just looks on. The real studying comes from Peona who makes no effort to hide the way she stares at Hattie. "I hope we did not interrupt your meal," W'ton finally says in an apologetic tone. "We thought to get away from the Weyr for a bit and I wished to visit." Eyes glance ever so briefly to where his brother and his sister in law stand as he says, "I thought perhaps to bring my son, but his mother was taking him for the day." Yep. Eyes narrow from both those two when he says that. "We were just sitting down to our meal," Winea speaks up finally. "You are welcome to join us although it's nothing overly grand."

Hattie's only reaction to disapproval is a slight dip of her brows. Maybe it's a good thing she has Elaruth's presence lodged in her mind. Or maybe it's a good thing she can't know that disapproval might be out of the ordinary in such a situation. Every few seconds her gaze wanders over to Peona and sharply away again; back and forth for a couple of exchanges to see if the woman is still staring, then she settles her focus pointedly not on her. Even if she continues to demonstrate some difficulty in ignoring that look. She glances up and over to W'ton. "If that suits. I don't wish to cause any trouble," isn't entirely directed his way and possibly not a fantastic choice of words on her part either.

"Oh, we don't want to put anyone out," W'ton answers quickly. A little too quickly perhaps considering the smirk his brother doesn't bother hiding. "We ate before coming anyway. Although we might grab a little something from the kitchen later on before we head home." Clearly the bronzerider doesn't want to eat with his family and it's obvious at least one person has picked up on that. Thornton looks neutral about this answer and simply nods his head. "Then come along. We shall return to our meal and let you show your-" He pauses, slowly searching for the right word, "Friend. About your former home." His words are so final and that just makes Walner grin very wide although his wife still just stares. Once the edict about returning to lunch is given they all head inside although Nona and Isadola stare back along the way until scolded by their mother. W'ton waits until they're out of ear shot before letting out a quiet curse and then shaking his head. "Sorry about that."

And Hattie waits until they're out of sight before reaching over to touch light fingers to the bronzerider's hand. "Don't apologize. If they want to behave like that, then let them. It's not your fault." She grimaces at her once again not all too fitting word choices. "It doesn't matter," she goes on to say. "I don't mind it, but I'd rather they didn't hurt you." Not that there's much she can do about that, so she just takes a half-step closer instead. "Your sisters seem nice, at least. Wish your sister-in-law might have quit staring at me sooner, though."

Once they're all inside and he can be sure they're not lurking W'ton chuckles quietly. "Oh, it's my fault I suppose. For all Walner was happy to see the backend of me I don't think he ever expected me to return home unless my hat was in my hand because I'd failed whatever it was I was trying to do. And Peona...well, she's the one I was supposed to marry before Olviana and all. She's just jealous because I am clearly the better choice." If that's his real ego or he's pretending to seem ok there's no real way to tell. "We'll slip in later and talk to my mother and sisters. The women of the family always loved me better after all." Looking around the courtyard he asks, "So...well, this is home. Not much to it I suppose. But if you want the grand tour we can go sneaking around while they all eat."

The goldrider nudges him, starting out with a sharp jab for show that doesn't land with half the force it looks like it might. "It's a wonder this place could have ever contained your pride," she mutters dryly. Hattie takes a deep breath in and out, peering this way and that. "I don't mind sneaking. Or lounging somewhere, if you like. Or sneaking and lounging. If you don't want to stay the whole while Elaruth and I have to be away, we don't have to. You don't have to put up with them being like that for however long it is."

"Well, I'd be a better man than I am if I didn't admit I like tweaking their tails," W'ton replies with no shame at all. "But before we go I am definitely showing you the gazebo out yonder." He turns so he's facing her and looks all earnest young holderboy as he stammers, "You'll come walk out with me there won't you, Hattie? I promise to be on my best behavior the whole time and won't cause no trouble for you." His eyes dance with amusement, but other than that he's doing his best innocent holderboy impression. He probably perfected it turns and turns ago. "But we'll have to visit at least a little while with my sisters. I cannot believe they've let Nona put off marriage this long. I wonder what's really wrong with her intended."

Hattie stares up at W'ton and takes a breath in, settling her features back to something like innocence. She might be going for innocent holder girl to match, however the attempt doesn't last any longer than that breath taken and she bites down on her lip to keep from laughing. She probably wasn't ever that girl, not really. "Promise me you'll never talk like that again," she jokes, reaching as if to mock-threaten with a grip at his shirt. But she softens and says, "I'd like to get to know your sisters a little. ...You think there's something Nona doesn't know?"

When he laughs it echoes in the empty courtyard and W'ton takes Hattie's arm again to lead her to a bench tucked away in the shade. "She'll come out when she's done," he informs her with a shrug. "We can visit and then brave my mother. Father and my brother will be locked away whispering I am sure." He pauses in words and step to say, "I'd appreciate you staying with me especially if Peona is around." Although he doesn't say why. "And I promise I shall never talk that way again." His free hand presses against his heart as he finishes with, "From now I'll say let's sneak out to the gazebo and strip down to have crazy sex for an hour or two." Then there's Nona to speak of and he says carefully, "I think there's something she does know and she's not supposed to."

"What, are you afraid Peona's going to jump you?" Hattie questions, clearly meant to be teasing despite the fact that her eyes betray that it might be an actual question. "Or did you do something to her that I don't know about?" Her steps speed up a little until she can swing round and walk backwards before him. "You may not have to try and make a good impression, but I do. I hardly think being discovered in state of undress will help on that score, do you?" she says with a smirk and one eyebrow raised. Not that that sort of thing has stopped them before. "You think your sister wants to get married or not?"

"Not sure," W'ton admits honestly. "And the only thing I did was not marry her. There's been letters from her." He frowns and then shakes his head. "Not recent. Just...she's said things. I just think it's safest to not be alone with her." Not that he's mentioned receiving any letters from his former betrothed to her. "Well, we'll just have to find someplace more quiet and sneak back at night some time then," he says with a wink. "Have I mentioned I've had dreams about you in that gazebo. I promise you there was no one else there." His head tilts to one side and he gets a big grin as he adds teasingly, "Unless you want someone else there." Thoughts of his sister pull the grin away though as he sighs. "I think she doesn't want to marry him and he doesn't want to marry her. But I know she wants to get married."

"I think you'd best stop there before I find reason to march on in there and have words with your dear sister-in-law," Hattie murmurs low, bristling slightly. "Or you." She shakes her head. "If she's good at that sort of thing, Nona could try talking her way out of it. I did. Or what will they do, the both of them keep making excuses until they're caught?" Which she never was, but doesn't appear to appreciate the prospect of. A reach forward has her shoving at him as if to unbalance, though then she's right there at his side again. "No-one else there," she growls. "How much do you think can be got away with, with least clothes removed?" follows at the edge of it, voice almost not there.

"Stopping, dear," W'ton says with a laugh. "And don't worry about her. She's not my type. If she were I'd have married her." Not that it was his choice to not marry her, but hey! "But have words with me all you want. I can think of several I love to hear you say. As for Nona...I don't know what the problem is really. There's rumors her intended is not interested in her so much as he would be in me and I know she wants children and maybe she's just worried she won't get them from him. If I knew the right man I'd find her a new husband myself. She can't be liking it here with Peona around." When she shoves he wobbles theatrically and waves his arms around with much care so he does not accidentally hit her. "No one else! No one else for me, my love!" He stops walking and his arm snakes around her waist to turn her towards him as he turns to meet her. "Hattie my love," he whispers lowly as his free hand cups her cheek. "I can make you the happiest woman for miles around without removing a stitch of clothing. A few buttons undone is all I need."

"There's always the Weyr," Hattie says very quietly, suggestion all but taken back even as she utters the words. "If not a husband, a life and children if she chooses." And still she shakes her head to really take it all back with that motion. She must be trying to joke or tease when she drops one hand to rest on his hip and says, "You seem awfully confident about that," in a quiet voice. "But I'm afraid I can't let you prove it in our current surroundings."

Despite all his teasings and how he seems almost always ready to haul her off somewhere when W'ton kisses her it's sweet and not a prompt for that fun clothing experiments. "I love you," he tells her before tugging her to the nearby bench to sit down. Once they're seated he says, "Tonight let's sneak into stores and I'll prove it to you." Because he's not going to forget a challenge! "Nona's...I don't know, Hattie. It's not my place to be looking out for her future, but I don't want her to be unhappy. Not when I'm so happy." Sappy romance leaks in for a moment, but he doesn't try to make it linger. "Maybe I should just meet this future husband. If he's willing to let her have some discreet fun and will keep his the same they might be happy together. Children by her would quell any rumors so long as she chose their father carefully."

The hand at his hip tightens a little when she responds to his kiss and the usual silence from her follows. Not even one of the words makes it past her lips and he might feel her fingers dig harder as if some silent war is going on inside her. Hattie simply looks, looks him right in the eye with a gaze that borders on pleading for understanding and then follows; lets herself be tugged away and sits there with her head resting against his shoulder. She reaches to loop her arm through his as he speaks and nods against him. "It could work. It would be more convincing the sooner they cease making excuses. So if you really do intend to meet this man, I'd settle it with your sister soon."

Stretching his legs out in front of him W'ton watches the entrances to the courtyard. None are so close someone might sneak up and overhear, but he doesn't want to be surprised and have the wrong thing heard. "Would you be happy?" he asks curiously as he looks at her a moment. "In an arrangement like that? His family is expanding and have promised him a cothold when it's done. He's not going to inherit their hold, but I know the land he'll get and it's not bad. He could make a decent living. If she could be happy...I don't know, Hattie. At least he wouldn't be cruel to her."

"I... She and I aren't the same woman. I never expected to be happy. I didn't want to marry," Hattie slowly replies. "If I were to be in that situation and there was the prospect of someone I could stand, who would be kind and let me have the freedom I wanted? I could probably be happy as long as I could accept that my 'conventional' family was in-fact very unconventional. I think it matters more that she be happy in herself, with what she'd be doing, to be able to look her children in the eye and not have regrets that matters most."

"I'll talk to her I guess." W'ton doesn't sound entirely convinced, but it can't hurt? Right? Right? "When she's done with lunch will you, you know, help me?" The pleading in his tone is evident and he makes no attempt to hide it. This is women's talk after all. "I think she could make it work. She's smarter than I am in some ways." His head turns and he drops a kiss atop hers before saying, "No smart words from you, missy." The dreaded m-word! Maybe he's hoping she won't beat him up in public? "We could go for a walk. Head over to where Dasarth and Elaruth are under the pretense of introducing her."

"I'll help you," the goldrider promises gently, sounding more like her dragon than herself, no hint of teasing or taunting. She shrugs one shoulder and merely remarks, "Women are smarter than men." Which isn't really smart words about him and intelligence, perhaps being her reasoning to let herself say such a thing right now. Her head tips back and she leans to whisper, "Say that sharding word one more time and no Stores, no nothing for you," in a mock-threatening tone, lips close to his ear. "But yes," and she settles back, "a walk. Though if we use that excuse, Elaruth may well really want to meet her. She likes meeting people."

"Thank you," W'ton answers back serious. "And I don't think she'll mind meeting Elaruth. Dasarth's not likely to say something rude she'll hear at least." Shaking his head slowly he chuckles. "You are smarter than anyone," he corrects with another laugh. "It's a good thing I like smart women. Not that the diztes don't have their place." At least he didn't call her missy! Nona, walking sedately, appears from the door the family went into to eat. She looks around and then waves before heading their way. There's still plenty of time though for W'ton to turn his head and give her another kiss that lingers. "Thank you," he tells her with a fond grin.

Hattie beams in the wake of that kiss, a smile that borders on outright silly. "I am. You're learning," she murmurs. "Come on. Best behaviour now. Or I might have to ask Nona all sorts of awkward questions about you that could result in your being very lonely for a very long time." Only teasing and she darts in to kiss him again before reaching to yank him to his feet. "Just don't ever change, you great idiot," quite possibly ends up being the last words exchanged between them before they're not alone anymore; before they start to lead off with promises of introductions to Dasarth and Elaruth.

elaruth, hattie, ~dasarth, ~w'ton

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