Who to avoid and who not to avoid.

Jul 02, 2009 18:34

Who: Javeri, Nenita, Piper, T'mic and Aath and Chadamalith
Where: Garden Pool
When: Nighttime on day 2, month 2, turn 20
What: Javeri's coming back from the bar when she runs into Piper. Piper is an oooooodd girl only sounding really interested in boys. T'mic and Aath come along because the green needs a bath and Chadamalith is not the type of male to hold her attention for long. Or maybe it's the other way around. Nenita comes along and chases everyone off. ;)

Nighttime's settling over the island and bringing with it the cool ocean breeze. Even up here there's the scent of water along with the smells of the garden. Overhead there's a circling dragon too far away in the night light to make out other than a large shadow. It's possible the dragon belongs to the woman heading up from the beach. She's wandering, barefoot and damp from somewhere. In one hand is a drink and she sips from it between singing verses of some song that's improper and usually sung by sailors.

This must be a good time to sit and enjoy the sounds of the garden and waterfall, considering it's getting dark. Piper has found a flat rock near the bank and looks to be doing a whole lot of nothing. She's laid back and the dragon overhead has been keeping her attention for a few minutes. If one was to approach, they would see her boots kicked off, and her feet looking a little worse for wear. Lots of walking? In all her reverie, she has only just noticed the figure moving up the beach.

"And then the holder told his brother that was no sheep that was our mother." It is clearly a culturally significant song. Javeri stops there though and takes a sip from her drink. "Shells. What's the next line? La la la dee la, no, no. La dee lala la. That wasn't- No. Oh, well!" She sings the last verse once more and takes a bow with a laugh. "Thank you, thank you very much." Tipping her head she looks up at the sky. Only when she looks down and across does she make out there might be an audience close by. "Hello?" she calls out.

That is a performance deserving an audience! Piper pushes herself up and squints, again that would be hard to tell unless up close, even so there's lots of squinting. And a mumble, "What the?" Good thing she's dressed, other than her boots. A person near water at night can mean swimming, and swimming with pants on isn't co comfortable. "Uh...nice song."

"Oh, hello!" Javeri calls out and moves towards the voice and therefore the water. "Sorry was I bothering you?" The drink is mostly empty and when she gets close enough to see the other person she smiles brightly. "I wasn't expecting anyone. I guess I should though. Were you going swimming? I love swimming at night. Although I usually prefer the beach." Another sip of her drink before she laughs brightly. "It's a horrid song, but I like it anyway."

Ah company, Piper brightens in return and pulls her legs under her crosslegged, focusing on the figure as the woman draws closer. "You have a nice voice, naughty sheep lyrics and all." As far as being bothered, that doesn't seem to be an issue, "It's public space, so I'm happy to have company. I'm Piper, what about you?" As in a name. "Did you come to swim?"

"Thanks. I like to think it's not horrid even if I'd never make a harper." Javeri comes to a stop and plops herself down on the ground with a sigh. "And I know it's a public space, but that doesn't mean people don't come here sometimes to be alone. Or meet someone. It's a great place for meeting people for, you know, fun." As for swimming she looks down at herself and then shakes her head. "Oh, nah. I was at the beach. I was doing a little night surfing, but I got done and had a drink and now I'm here. Just out for a walk." She's quiet for a moment and then grins, "Oh, sorry. Javeri."

As Piper watches her sit, she notices the other girl's hair do a bouncing flouncing thing on her shoulder as she plops. "Oh...wow...your hair. A little different than mine." A sad little pat is given to Piper's head. By her own hand. "That must take hours to...." Leaning a little closer to get a better look "ah the beads are cool." What were we talking about?

Stretching her legs out in front of her Javeri wiggles her toes before rubbing her feet on the grass. "Oh, thanks! I've been doing it like this since I was a kid. I only re-braid them about once a seven and it doesn't take too long." The drink gets set down on the ground so she can pat one of her braids. "And it's so easy to do anything without them getting in the way which is nice. And do you like the beads? They're mine. I mean I made them. I'm a potter. Well, I mean before. Now I do pottery and such on the side."

Piper's eyes follow the drink, which then leads to her grabbing her own, which was hidden on the other side of the rock. Exploring and sitting makes a girl thirsty. "A potter? I don't think I've met one of those before. You liked playing with dirt as a kid?" What timing! The perfect segway as a Dragon shadow passes by, "So, not anymore, as in that's why we have a Dragon keeping us company?"

"Really? You've never met a potter? We're not so rare." Javeri laughs loudly and then looks up overhead. "Oh, he's not keeping me company. He's looking for someone. Hide and seek you see? That's Chadamalith. He's doing his own thing. He always does." She knows all about him so he's hardly an interesting topic of conversation with someone new! "And I didn't play with dirt as a kid though. Just clay. My dad's a potter too. So's my best friend. I guess we clump together like clay!"

Piper peers up into the dark sky, "Oh. Dragons are a new thing for me. I was raised around runners. He looks so powerful." The fact that Javeri isn't interested in talking about such a fascinating creature is lost on Piper. "I guess that's two new things for me tonight." There's a little lull, and she taps on the side of her glass. "So, you surf? I've never seen anyone do that." Uh, make that three.

"Wow. I mean I never was around them, around them, but I'd seen them in the bowl and stuff. Or in the courtyard when I was at Ista." Javeri pauses and then clarifies with, "The hold. Sorry. He's the biggest blue in the Weyr." Why, yes, she's amused by this if not prideful. "But, yea, I surf. Daytime, nighttime, anytime I'm not busy with wing duties or the Layabout or playing with clay. I've been doing it for turns. Stopped for a bit, but then took it back up not so long ago. Now I even give lessons which is crazy. It's best to watch during the day when you can see more. Because it's a shame to waste the bare chested men on night sight."

Unsure whether she'd rather watch the cirlcing blue or make eye contact, "So you grew up at a hold? Which one?" Piper decides on eye contact. "What's he like to ride....I mean I've ridden all kinds of powerful runners, fastest ones there are, but that must not compare." A sharp inhale at the end of the thought. "Missing bare chested boys? That is a shame! A crying shame! Maybe you can show me sometime. We can /pretend/ to surf." Is it too dark to see Piper's eyebrows wiggle?

The drink she has is nearly gone, but Javeri's taking her time with it so it should go awhile longer yet. "Umm. He's better than any runner. Runner's are stupid dirty creatures." No fan, she. "There's no comparison. Besides flying is definitely better than riding a beast. And Ista. The Hold. I'm a native." Now she's proud. No Johnny come lately her! "I can teach you to surf, sure. It's not that hard. My first pupil's turning six soon." If a kid can do it surely anyone can?

Piper's eyes narrow a little at the outspoken comments, "Runner's are dirty? Naw, only if they're not being taken care of. Are Dragon's all that clean? Those big maws...especially with all the bloody meat they eat. They can't be all that clean." Or at least she's heard that somewhere. "Anyhow, what's the scoop on the guys around her?" Typical 16 year old.

"Oh, you're one of those," Javeri says before laughing. "Look I don't want to hear any runners are great stuff. I don't like them and that's that." And there's nothing worse than people who gush about such things. "And they're clean. Right after eating they sometimes need a bath, but that's about it." Shaking her head she pulls her legs up and says, "What scoop? There's guys. Some are great, some are horrid, most are in between. It all depends on what you're looking for I guess."

Dragon> It's been such a busy day and Chadamalith has been speaking to all sorts of people so it's no surprise that eventually Aath comes to his attention. Even though he's circling out over the jungle he's got time to drop the scent of citrus right into a random green that happens to be Aath and tell her << I have seen a human fly without wings. >> It is amazing news after all. (Chadamalith to Aath)

Dragon> To Chadamalith, Aath greets that random citrus with such enthusiasm that Chadamalith /must/ have gifted it to her specially, right? << /Have/ you? >> she returns breathlessly, all agog with his wonderfulness.

The night has been made a little less quiet by the two females chatting by the water. Occassional bursts of laughter, as well as tapping on glass, would tell anyone who's around that the two are relaxing and enjoying the each other's company. And by her chuckle, it seems Piper knows when to pick a fight and when to let things go. "I'm not stupid enough to argue with a rider. You think dragons are better than runners, fine. So be it. Besides, I think you could take me, so I'll shush it now." It's only then that she untucks her legs, shaking them out a little. "As far as boys, can you give me a run down. Who to avoid? Who to /not/ avoid?"

Dragon> Oh, he has! So he has to share it. Besides greens are always the best people to talk to being ladies. << I have! >> His enthusiasm comes with a jumble of images. His meal, dessert of grapefruit, Javeri there looking green while he ate and Skinner. The images of him are quick and it's impossible to see what he does but the blue asserts << He hovered off the ground. I saw it with my own eyes. >> Chadamalith is clearly agog at this. (Chadamalith to Aath)

Dragon> To Chadamalith, Aath would be hanging off his arm, had he an arm to hang off of. << You are so /observant/, Chadamalith. I never would have seen him. How simply marvelous! >>

Aath drops down to land at the edge of the pool, immediately curling her tail in lest anything untoward happen to it. "That -is- interesting, baby," comes a man's voice, distracted as he is by unfastening a single strap before sliding to the ground. "You still want your bath? 'Cause you remember we were going to surprise Jekzith..." Her half of the conversation is silent, but he chuckles and starts pulling the green's straps off even as she catches sight of the pair and arches her neck at them. Without looking he calls a cheery, "Evening!"

"Well, I can't speak beyond sailors for the most part," Javeri answers honestly and with a wide grin. "However there's the fellow that runs the market. Skinner? He's an adorable little scoundrel. And then there's - oh! Hello!" The bluerider turns her head and peers towards the new rider and his dragon. "Oh, it's like magic!" she calls out with a laugh. "T'mic! We were just discussing the local male population. That's T'mic. He's a nice guy."

Dragon> << It is all a matter of paying careful attention >> Chadamalith has more pictures to share, but they're such a jumble none of them are clear. Excitement has him paying little care to what's actually being shown. At least the scent of fruit does not change. << Ah. But I shall not keep you from whatever it is you are doing. I just had to share the most amazing news! >> (Chadamalith to Aath)

Dragon> To Chadamalith, Aath spangles coyly at the blue. << I am going to get a bath, >> she shares, as if this were both the most fantastic news and shocking secret to come out of Ista in turns. << Would you like to come? >> She imagines the blue first in the pool, then in the meadow, watching: whichever he'd like.

Dragon> << I had a bath earlier. >> Chadamalith only has the image of water and it fades into the cornflower blue that's always there somewhere in the image. << If I am not intruding perhaps yes, I will join you for a bit. >> It won't take him too long coming from the jungle and he gains altitude to head for where the green is to be found. (Chadamalith to Aath)

Dragon> To Chadamalith, Aath projects, << Of -course- you aren't intruding, >> with the not-so-subtle undertones that he is her most favorite blue. << It will be ever so lovely to see you again, Chadamalith. Then you can keep telling me about your flying person! >>

Dragon> << That is good then. We shall visit. We speak so rarely after all. >> Because there's so many greens and Chadamalith cannot get to them all easily. Not that he shares a thing like that. He just makes a leisurely skim towards the bathing pool and slowly circles lower. << He is not my flying person however. He is Javeri's friend. I have my own friend. >> And so pleased is he about it. (Chadamalith to Aath)

Piper says, "Hey there, each other. giving a friendly lift of her hand for the member of the /male population/. "hey. i'm piper. javeri has only turned over one name. i don't think sailors are my thing. can you help out an innocent girl in need?" or not.|! How's it going?"

Aath, once T'mic's attention has been directed to the two women, casts an eye up at the sky before wading decorously into the water, leaving Mic to bundle up her straps and amble toward the others. "Hey Javeri. Miss," with a nod for Piper. "Which part of the local male population? You want recommendations, or what? I'm Mic. T'mic, and that's Aath."

Piper says, "Hey there, each other. giving a friendly lift of her hand for the member of the /male population/. "hey. i'm piper. javeri has only turned over one name. i don't think sailors are my thing. can you help out an innocent girl in need?" or not.|! How's it going?"

"Who to avoid and who not to avoid," Javeri clarifies with a grin. She gestures towards the other woman and says, "This is Piper. And you already introduced yourself so I don't have to." She looks up overhead as another shadow comes along. "And sadly I don't have many to share. Shells, with so little time I don't even have sailors to recommend. It's so terrible tragic." Chadamalith comes down circling lower and before he lands he circles the exact spot he's going to drop to three times. Then there he is! Settling in the grass and tucking his wings up.

Piper says, "Hey there, each other. giving a friendly lift of her hand for the member of the /male population/. "hey. i'm piper. javeri has only turned over one name. i don't think sailors are my thing. can you help out an innocent girl in need?" or not.|! How's it going?"

Pipernods. "Tragic indeed!" Wow, another dragon up close. "T'mic, are there any you can vouch for?" Hope springs eternal.

Dragon> << Didn't you land just so well! >> Aath gushes. << I just know the flying person didn't land nearly as well as you did. Your wings are just so -handsome-! >> (Aath to Chadamalith)

T'mic, like Aath, watches Chadamalith land, but only the green continues making eyes at him. Mic turns back to the ladies with an easy grin. "Piper, hey. Well, depends on what you want me to vouch -for- for, yeah?" He shares a wink with Javeri, though he doesn't bother to hide it. "You just want a tumble? What about K'aus? Or hm, who's that blonde? --Oh! Saringh. He's a good kisser, too." Complete with eyebrow-waggle.

Dragon> << He nearly fell. It was amusing. >> Skinner tumbling down into the dust is passed over to the green. << I have always landed well. That is what I am told. >> Because of course he doesn't remember. << I believe you land well. >> Not that he saw, but surely at some point he has. Chadamalith therefore takes it for the truth because it sounds good. (Chadamalith to Aath)

Dragon> To Chadamalith, Aath projects, << Oh no! But you saved him! >> Aath is absolutely convinced of this fact, and decorates Chadamalith and his cornflower blue with her brightest and best jewels. As for her own landing, << You're just ever so sweet to say so, Chadamalith. You aren't like those others say. >>

Dragon> Isn't that nice? Chadamalith considers the addition to his blues and approves with a wash of citrus. << Do you like fruit? I know where the best fruit trees are to be found on the island. >> He woos with what he has. << Aath you must never believe what others tell you without confirming it for yourself. >> Such seriousness as he imparts that. << We cannot learn the truth only by believing others. We must confirm it ourselves. >> (Chadamalith to Aath)

"Eww. K'aus. No, not him. He's mean." Javeri frowns at that name and shakes her head vehemently. "Really avoid him. He's a mean drunk." And that's the worst kind! "Really, Mic. K'aus? I am deeply disappointed." Not that she sounds it. It's more like she's teasing the greenrider. "Really sailors are fine men."

Dragon> To Chadamalith, Aath gushes, << Aren't you just so... /wise/, >> complete with wide eyes and ever-so-impressed fawning. << I'm sure I'd like fruit. You simply -must- show me! >>

Hmmm, the confused look on Piper's face, "I'm not sure if there are any nice boys. Choices aren't looking promising." She lays back on her rock, and coughs a little. "A mean drunk or anonymous sailors. Yikes." She'll just stay laying her to think about the options. "Although....blonde....good kisser." The possibilities.

Dragon> Despite his usual intellectual bent Chadamalith is quite the lover of the ladies. << I have given this all much thought. It is wise to learn the inner workings of our connections. >> But maybe he figures philosophy is not the trick here so he tries << Yes. I will show you. I am not to eat too much because it makes me sick. >> That sounds like he's repeating what he heard. Even the inflection is different. (Chadamalith to Aath)

T'mic, bemused but willing, spreads his hands in the face of the bluerider's scoffing. "Well, she didn't say what she wanted him -for-." He turns to Piper again, giving the girl a practiced once-over. "What /do/ you want Saringh for? And... you're not from Southern, are you? Or... shells. Um. Fort?"

Dragon> To Chadamalith, Aath's just -certain- he wouldn't, but she lowers her 'voice' anyway, all nice and conspiratorial. << Of course not. You -are- going to get it for me now, aren't you? It's just so... so /interesting/ listening to you! >>

"Well, true. If she likes that sort far be it from me to get in the way." Javeri lifts her glass and finds it empty. She gives it a look of surprise like she can't figure out how it happened. With a shrug she sets it down and leans back on her hands as her legs stretch out as far as they can in front of her. And she has nothing else to say other than that right now. She's just communing with the grass and the water.

And where else would Nenita be at a time like this? Apparently no where. Because she's here, wandering down from the main path. The sound of some familiar voices is likely what brings her towards the trio. Once she's actually in sight of them, she brings her hand up to wave. "Hey!" She begins cheerfully, heading more definitely in their direction. "Is this a party?" Nenita asks with a wink of her eye, looking between T'mic and Javeri. There's a smile then for Piper and an additional wiggle of her fingers.

Dragon> << It is interesting conversing with you. I cannot get the fruit this time of night. Javeri will not go pick it and I cannot do that by myself. >> Apologetically Chadamalith can only offer the scent of the fruit. A poor substitute and he knows it and there's apology in the scent along with a faint sad melody. (Chadamalith to Aath)

Piper's head is spinning, it could be from the glass she's emptied. Or the fact that she's laying downhill on her rock. Or "Are there any teenage boys here? Oh, and T'mic, I'm from Katz Field." Said up into the night sky, in case he was still wondering. Because of this she misses the little wave, but sort of rolls half over to say "hey" to the approaching girl.

Dragon> To Chadamalith, Aath pulls back from the blue, shocked again. He's going to fail her, and over such a... trifle?

Mic echoes, "...Teenage?" but gets distracted by the baker's entrance. "Nita!" he calls in welcome, and offers an arm for her to slip into, if she wishes. "You know Javeri, and this is Piper. And huh," back to the girl staring at the sky. "-That's- where I know your name from. My weyrmate's first weyrmate was Piper. Not you though," he adds, in case she's wondering. And as an aside to Nenita, "Apparently she wants to get laid, and we're offering names." 'We' being a gesture including himself and Javeri.

Dragon> Chadamalith fails. Or maybe he just is comfy where he is. Or maybe, just maybe, she's just another skirt. Too easy. Interest goes away. The cornflower blue is there as is the scent of citrus, but he doesn't apologize because he is who he is and all. (Chadamalith to Aath)

"Hey, Nenita. You weren't scheduled to work tonight were you?" Javeri was about to let her arms slide away and land on her back, but not before she teases her sometimes employee. "Don't make me get strict with you!" So strict. Complete with a laugh. "And sadly I have no names. I don't think I've gotten laid other than Paddy in ages. Too tired and no one interesting is interested. I'm telling you I may have to look somewhere else. Tragic." Her tone's light and teasing so she's either telling the truth or not. "Oh, and I can't help with teenagers. Only time I get one of those in a bed with me is if Chadamalith's won a flight. And Skinner I suppose, but he's like an eighty year old man in a teenager's body. I'm not sure it counts."

"Skinner. Skinner will have sex with you. And he's... sixteen I think. Or no." Nenita's eyebrows narrow as she thinks it over. "He's older than tha-" Nenita stares at Javeri when the truth comes out. He's really eighty. There's a moment where she tries to control the laughter that tugs at her lips. But that moment passes and she loses the battle, giggling. "Right. Yes, that's true. And no I don't have work tonight." She grins at Javeri, moving over the few feet it takes to get into T'mic's space. She leans into him and under his arm.

The dark is a good thing, hiding Piper's grin. "I did /not/ say anything about getting laid. Shards, I just moved in." Her chuckle betrays her. "So, Nenita you think this Skinner kid seems old? Why's that?" It seems the upside down rock is comfortable, except now Piper is sitting up, in case anyone else would like to sit.

T'mic says, "Skinner hasn't had sex with me," just as if Nita were including him in the list of people Skinner -would- have sex with. He grins, though, as Nenita snuggles close and presses his lips to her hair in a quick kiss. "Speaking of - Nita, want to help me give Aath a bath? Then we could see about surprising Paddy later."

"When you meet him you'll understand," Javeri mentions in an aside about Skinner. Then she's shoving off the ground and grinning. "Now I am going to say good night though. It's not you, it's me. A pleasure speaking to you all and Piper catch me on the beach sometime for a surf lesson." Like the old woman of the group she pads over towards Chadamalith and soon enough the pair are gone spiraling upwards and then out of sight.

~javeri, aath, piper, ~chadamalith, nenita, t'mic

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