Grumpy pants

Jul 01, 2009 12:03

Who: Javeri and Verel
Where: The beach
When: Late morning on day 2, month 2, turn 20
What: Javeri's just trying to relax and Verel is a pain in the butt. Neither of these facts are likely particularly shocking.

Beautiful day, isn't it? Few clouds, though they're white and fluffy, scud across the deep blue sky, which meets the ocean at the horizon line. It's a calm sea today, with short waves that simply roll in. But the relaxing scene is broken by the ridiculous little waif standing mid-calf deep in the shallows. Verel has on long pants, rolls up to her knees, and her short hair is pulled back from her face. She has a pan in her hands, while she stares expectantly into the blue-green water with her tongue tucked between her lips. What's going on exactly, isn't too clear, but there's something in the water she's waiting for.

With no work to be done at the moment a certain bluerider has retreated to her favorite spot. Javeri's heading along the beach looking for the perfect place to make camp, as it were, for the rest of the morning and far into the afternoon. Under one arm she has her surfboard and the other has a blanket tucked up underneath it. When she finds the spot she wants it's not that far from where Verel stands. Just farther up out of the water actually. The board gets stuck in the sand before she picks up the blanket and shakes it out to give her a non-sandy spot to sit. Only when she's done does she look out into the ocean and spy the curious antics. Rather than speak on them she just watches for now.

"Come ere, ya dimglow.." And now she's talking to herself as she swings her arms up high then brings them back down, swooping the pan into the water. There's a little bit of a struggle as the current rushes back out and threatens to upend Verel, head first. She keeps her bearings, but starts swearing loudly as she brings the pan out of the water. "Nother one got away. Of all the stupid, idiotic.." On and on, she cusses, from the water to the weather to the island itself. Nothing is safe from her slander. Until she lets out a big gush of air and readies herself again, striking that ridiculous pose.

The waves aren't good enough to bother with right now so Javeri leaves her board where it is. Besides it's clear something's going on with the, err, person in the water. Up she goes from her blanket to meander slowly towards where Verel stands. She doesn't wade in too far for now. Just enough to get a better look at what's going on. It's then that she offers up, "If it's annoying you that bad why are you doing it?"

Patience.. patience.. AH! Verel jumps about two feet, startled out of her countenance by the unknown presence she didn't detect. She let's down her guard and for once, just a second, her scowl and frown are replaced by wide-eyed shock. Looking around, she gapes at the bluerider, but her customary expression is swift in returning. It's an ominous one as she says, "Shard it all, are ya daft? HUH? Ain't got no rights sneaking up on a body like that, specially when they're busy and stuff." Huff, huff, puff. "And ya ever tried catching spiderclaws? Ain't easy business! Damn. Course I'm pissed off!"

"If you're focused so much on one task you're not aware of other people it's probably a bad thing," Javeri offers with a sunny grin. "It means you're shutting yourself off from the rest of the world." Shaking her head she brushes a braid off her face and then looks at the girl. "I've caught spiderclaws. Enough to know this is not how you do it. Best place is farther up the beach. There's a lot of rocks and some tidepools. A little net and you can scoop them right out."

"I ain't got time to be watching what everyone else does and keep looking over my shoulder." Verel uses her arm to rub her nose on, because clearly, she has no time to remove her hand from the water either. "Rest of the world can just blow off!" She glower back at Javeri for a minute, then hunches her shoulders forward, trying to make a show of putting more focus into her task - as if she needs to. But, the words of wisdom rub her wrong and she shoots back angrily, "Don't need no body to be telling me how to do it. There's other ways than just netting. That's too easy and ain't very sports-like." What she really means is sportsmanlike.

"Well, someone smacks you on the head then don't go complaining," Javeri says with a snort. Not that she's ever hit anyone, but the advice is still sound. "Good luck with your annoying endeavor." Since the rest of the world can blow off and she's part of that world the bluerider takes off. Back to her blanket to sun herself while waiting for the waves clearly.

Accusatorily, Verel looks at the dragonrider; /she/ doesn't know Javeri hasn't ever smacked anyone on the head for not paying attention. "Yeah, thanks," she mouths sarcastically, the prime example of an ornery teenager in the throes of an attitude problem. Another try goes unrewarded - those damn spiderclaws - before she glances backwards to take in the pleasant scene. "Ain't gonna get any good waves today, ya know," she says tartly, lifting her nose in the air in imitation of a know-it-all, or, her imitation anyway.

Some people like sticking around and poking at a bear and some people are just not into that. Which is why Javeri just shakes her head at Verel and doesn't bother saying anything. As for the waves she does have a comment for that. "Been doing this longer than you've been breathing so I think I'll just let you have your opinion however wrong it might be. Enjoy your aggravation."

And this bear is a mightily big, mightily fuzzy, mightily grumpy one! Verel continues with her scowling, dipping her pan into the water to trap the wayward path of a small spiderclaw. When that one too scuttles away, her anger takes over and she throws the pan, watching as it sails away over the clear blue-green waters. She shoots another accusing look at Javeri and stomps her way out of the shallows, continuing up the beach, sending sand spraying behind her. Then she's gone. So much for spiderclaws.

~javeri, verel

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