Ready with Advice

Jun 25, 2009 18:36

Who: Javeri and Lachai
Where: The Sandbar
When: Afternoon on day 12, month 1, turn 20
What: Javeri's spending someone else's marks when she meets Lachai. They discuss business for a bit as well as moonlit cruises.

The afternoon crowd is somewhat more energetic than the morning crowd, but nowhere near the crowd in the evening. It's a decent mix of sailors, weyrfolk, and holdfolk. A couple of sailors are doing an impromptu performance in the corner singing songs that do their best to not stray too far into the ribald, but being sailors they don't always know when to stop crossing the line. Right now Javeri's waiting at the bar tapping a mark on the top of it like she's waiting for something. At least she's not leaving a pool of water under her having either not been in the water yet or been out long enough to be dry enough to call herself civilized.

Into the crowd, and up from the ramp, stroll two more; one of which is hearty as any of the sailors present, and the other of which is... well, Lachai. Intent on listening to his companion's animated words, the leatherworker doesn't seem to have noticed where he's walked into until an especially rousing chorus from those in the corner pulls his gaze away and to the rest of the building. "It's the Sandbar," the man with him says, noticing the look. "An' yeah, stay 'ere a moment, I'll be right back with those." And no sooner said but the gruff man pushes himself through some of the existing crowd and fairly vanishes. Abandoned, Lachai contemplates the door that brought him here a moment before resigning to striding to the bar. A glance over the menu -- but then some insistent tapping nearby gets him to look there.

"Come on, Kip," Javeri calls out good-naturedly. "I know I'm your favorite customer and...ummm. Perres' marks are the ones you want to take the most. Wait. Was it...Ferres? Well, whatever." The tapping goes on a bit longer up until she notices someone new beside her. Then it's just set on the bar and she grins. "Hi! I don't think I've seen you in here before., not a sailor I'm betting. Down from the Hold?" What she doesn't see, with her back to the room, is poor Larris' waiting for her to get back with their drinks.

Lachai would be perfectly content to sit there, chin on palm, until whoever it was came back, but the cheerful greeting cannot be ignored. The shy suggestion of a smile crosses his face before he gives the whole bar another passing glance. "You haven't, because I, ah, haven't. Definitely, no, not a sailor." He states agreeably enough, brushing away floppy hair and sounding like he knows exactly how he looks: and that is decidedly un-sailor-esque. "Not that Hold, no. And not even from the other holding, originally, and, really it's been a while, so... umm." He considers, continues factually. "I'm Istan, actually. Surprise."

There's surprise on Javeri's face as she looks Lachai over again. "Wait. The Weyr? No kidding! I've never even seen you there and I've been there, oh, shells, two turns? Something like that. Originally from up at the Hold though. Nice to meet you!" She holds out her hand and says, "Javeri, blue Chadamalith's and owner of the Layabout. Always good to see a new face in here. I can get sick of staring at the old ones. Hey! Let me buy you a drink. Ferres...I'm sure that's not right. Anyway he won't mind! What do you want?" Possibly she has no plans on telling him. "Personally I'm fond of the greenrider. But everyone has a favorite. Or just juice if you'd rather." Which she makes sound boring as all get out, but it's polite to offer. And look! There's Kip headed their way to take their order even. Such serendipity.

"That would do it," Lachai explains, spreading his hand out in some visual elaboration, "Two turns wouldn't be enough." Herein he accepts her offered hand with a warm but ultimately shy - retreating quickly - shake. "I've been gone for, ah, five. Javeri. I'm Lachai, Javeri." The flurry with which she introduces the idea of drinks keeps him baffled and speechless until he manages a hesitant, "I don't. Drink. Uh." But faced with this Kip closing in, he bends a little, rubbing a pensive hand along his chin. "Yes, no, juice is fine. Or water..." Boring as all get out? Perhaps. But well used to that, he moves on by tilting his head back towards Javeri curiously. "The Layabout. Now that seems familiar."

"A greenrider and whatever's fresh squeezes and, umm...shells. He wanted something. Well, that will do for now." Javeri glances over her shoulder and smiles and waves at Larris who's busy flirting with one of the barmaids. "Oh, good. Now he won't mind my being slow!" Turning back to Lachai she grins at him. "The Layabout's my cruise ship. Well, mine and my investors I suppose. She was a fishing cog, but I had her refitted and turned into a pleasure ship. Gambling, dancing, drinking, lounging in the sun to work on your tan. Just got going the beginning of the turn. But, hey! She sounds familiar. That's great. Means people are getting the word out." Her flurry of words pauses after she asks, "But what do you do?"

Lachai follows her look to the other man and sharply raises an eyebrow at the flirting but otherwise offers no comment. It wouldn't matter, Javeri is off talking again, and he just presses his lips as if to hide a grin and listens. "Yes, I--" Oh, but what does /he/ do? "Leatherworking. I work with leather of all kinds, haven't really sorted out a specialty yet. But I am sorting the current stores. And the infirmary records. Ah, but that's not leather, that's just papers, because it really needed to be done and no one else was at it yet. Which, you'd think, would seem more important. But, yes, that's what it was, it was Nenita. She's a cook." He pauses long enough to eye Javeri, giving an allowing nod of his head to the side, "But I believe you know that, because she's cooking for you."

The mark she plans on paying with gets picked up again. No tapping, but she rubs it across the bar and generally fiddles with it while waiting. "Oh, Nenita, yes! She'll be working the night cruises mostly. I want to be sure to work around her Weyr schedule and all. But leatherwork, really? Do you do fancy stuff? And do you think...I know almost nothing about it keep in mind, I was a potter by trade before, but anyway!" She stops, perhaps realizing it got a little confusing in there. Javeri grins at Lachai and says, "Starting over. I'm working on trying to get these stupid pots I am working on right. I want to use them to house glows, or something with light anyway, to put out on the beach for the cruises that stop on an island for an island barbecue. But to get the pots small and thin enough they don't seem to want to hold up to transport well. Is there a way to stiffen leather and protect it to work. Little cups and all to put them in. Or around the pots on the outside with some decorative bits on them. And my hat's off to you, not that I have one on right now, for wanting to work in the infirmary at all. I hate going in there."

Despite his own, not un-lengthy, response before, Lachai squints a bit behind heavily repaired glasses; he's obviously concentrating to keep it all in line. "Uh, yes, really." That seems obvious. Or for fancy-- "I guess." And then the rest of it. During this, he slides more up against the bar, resting both elbows there. The more her plans come into focus, he begins to pick up a tuneless tapping of his fingers against the surface. Tap ta-tap. "Mmm. Yes, I mean, just listening that seems fine. The first thing that comes to mind is actually more like, ah..." His eyes pass around the room, searching for some lost word, until his gaze falls on Javeri. ".. ahh, straps." Here he cups one hand, fingers stretched as evenly apart as possible. With the other hand, he gestures a closed circle around the top of these fingers. "Take less material, which would be good with the stores... Not too difficult." Through that, his face took on an intensity and liveliness not previously present. But now he brushes that away, straightening. "Of course, I'd have to see what you mean."

"If you think you might be able to do that I would love to see it!" Javeri says with more excitement in her voice. She seems easily excited though. There's even a wide grin for Kip when their drinks arrive and she hands over her mark, for a given value of hers, to pay. As he goes off to make change she takes up her glass for a drink. "And stores isn't important. I could get you what you needed for it. We're not rolling in marks or anything, but we're doing well enough with the reserves I don't need to sneak things from the Weyr and risk the wrath of the headwoman." Her tone may go just a little flat at the mention of that person, but it's back to cheery soon enough. "I could show you my pots for a size idea. I mean not /now/ as I don't carry them about. But we could meet and go over options? Oh! And I'd be able to pay of course! I'd offer to some sketches, but I'm a horrid drawer. Anyway this is all if you're interested? You seem interested. And I'd be sure everyone knew who did them so it might even get you some commissions too. If you want."

Are there drinks? He doesn't notice. "Well, she said make whatever was needed with the old. Seems like it wouldn't be a problem," Lachai insists, but very gently, because she's already off on something else and he's always careful not to talk over it. "Sketches aren't a problem. I only need dimensions, the rest is all in here." Here being his head, the temple of which he taps with two overlapping fingers. "But if we should meet, we can meet. I don't suppose you've got them on your boat, I meant to see it. I think Nenita was going to bring me down some time, but we... you know, I haven't seen her for a while." This thought is particularly unfortunate, and Lachai frowns, his head drooping forward. Right after, when he looks up again, he's forced to shove his glasses up from where they slid down. "But, yes, definitely interested....." He pauses, the formed frown deepening with the tiniest start of a grimace that is fended off by the more sheepish expression offered to her. "I'm sorry, your name again. I didn't--"

Fingers tap against the side of her glass, but then stop because she wants a drink. "Oh, well, if you can use stuff there then fine, but if you need other stuff then I can provide it. I still take a few jobs with my pottery so I know it can be frustrating when people want something and expect you to go to all the trouble to get everything together." But then Javeri looks lost as she asks, "Dimensions. Oh, umm. I don't know. Not too big." She sets down her drink and holds out her hands a bit apart and then shakes her head. "No, that's not right. I don't know, sorry. I don't really work with actual numbers and all. At least I never did before. But, yes! I have some on the Layabout. And if you want to see her again she's going out on a night cruise tomorrow. If you want to go along and run into her purely by accident and what a pleasant surprise and all that I am happy to assist." Another grin before she adds, "Javeri. Did I not say? I can't remember. Sorry."

"I don't mind," Lachai confides over the gathering of materials, "I rather like it." When she goes about dimensions the way she does, he is quick to wave a hand in front of him, dismissing anymore need to worry about it. Also, he looks a little bemused. That is all hidden by going for the now-noticed glass what contains his juice and aiming for a sip. But the raised glass does not cover the way his eyebrows bolt up at the mention of going along on the cruise. Though finishing his gulp, when he brings the juice down he wipes a hand along his mouth to get anything he might've sputtered up in surprise. "Ahh, no. Nooo. That's fine. I'll just let her be with it. I'm not really -- and the cruising, tanning..." He scrambles for a way out of his failing sentence which is presented by her returned name. "Javeri, yes, Javeri. No, you said, I just- Javeri. Your name's Javeri, I got it." And he turns away from her to take a mighty big chug at the juice as if it really were alcoholic.

For her part Javeri looks relieved she's not being asked to come up with real dimensions. She celebrates with another small sip from her glass. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." Her tone shifts from completely cheery to almost apologetic. "I just, you sounded like you wanted to see her again and all and I thought if I could help I would. But I didn't mean to, well, sorry. It's not really any of my business. But for future reference there's not a lot of tanning on the evening cruises. Just moonlight and don't you look lovely and maybe a kiss or two." Now her grin's back and she leans against the bar. "You're a little...I mean there's nothing wrong with it, but seem a bit high strung. Is that by choice?"

Lachai sets the drink down newly prepared to face the conversation. His returning smile is light, reassuring and aimed generally at the floor - which is also vaguely where he's looking for a while. "Not upset, no. Just doubly positive now because 'don't you look lovely' and that whole--" That gesture must mean 'kissing', "It's not- ah, it's for others." He brings up a hand and rubs a bit agitatedly at one of his eyebrows, though the impression is wholly that the fault is his own. He knows it. And he'd like for her to know it, too. This motion, however, just happens to coincide with her comment so that he pauses and eyes her with his hand still against his forehead. "Do I? I mean yes. No! I mean no. I..." The hand slides through his hair and then drops. "This isn't helping my case much, is it."

Javeri grins again although this time it's more apologetic. "Sorry. Sometimes I say things without thinking and all. I didn't mean to be insulting or anything. I make observations about people without considering what it means I guess." Shaking her head she tucks a braid behind her ear and sets her drink down. "Probably the alcohol doesn't help, but really if my second drink makes me worse I really am in trouble. So, that is all beside the point." Tipping her head left and then right she says, "No, maybe not. But you've got that whole endearing, cute, shy guy thing going for you. You should totally make use of that. Plenty of women like a guy like that. It's an asset not something that should hold you back." Gesturing at herself she smiles. "Now, me, I have the whole fun thing going for me. Nothing serious here. It works. Anyway, I always recommend a hobby. Very relaxing."

Lachai looks closer to apologizing, himself, than needing to be apologized to. So much for being prepared. Her explanation is fine, but the stuff that follows has him all up in flustered arms again. "I do? No, I don't. I wouldn't say that, no. " This time both of his hands go to brush back his disagreeable wavy hair and then drop lightly to encircle his glass. He doesn't lift it but only taps anxious fingers along the outside. He hums out several half-noises of concentration before anymore actual words. "Yes, fun, that seems to be a popular one. You're very friendly, too, I guess that goes with it. And, anyway," he bristles some, but it could be run-off tension from being worked up right before, "I have a hobby. That's how I got to working for Dulcinea."

"Trust me. You do the shy cute guy thing perfectly," Javeri says with a wink. "Adorable. But I am forward and say things like that. Not that I am hitting on you, but you know? Anyway, work with what you have. Don't look at it as anything less than great. Oh, I met Dulcinea. She was looking for a gu- Nevermind. Maybe I shouldn't say that since I don't know what she wanted to do with him after all." Shaking her head she sets her drink down. "I think I better go. I'm saying way too much probably I should not. I'll go grab my board and see if there's some waves instead. It was a pleasure meeting you, Lachai. And we'll meet up again to discuss the leather stuff and all. Thanks again for the help! I'll owe you one if we can make it work out the way I want."

The fair gauntlet of reactions ends on baffled for Lachai - a hint of skepticism therein. He only lightly coughs when the acknowledgment is made about Dulcinea and he just keeps his head lightly down until she mentions leaving. "Your board... ah, alright. Have.. fun with that." He's not doubting she'll have it, only that that's what the aim was when considering 'waves'. "I look forward to getting together about the," cupped hands, "pot holder. I think if I get back down there after this business with Renill then there should be no problem with a mock-up, not at size, of course, but a good something to show you what I mean. Yes, a pleasure, Javeri." And, this time, he offers the hand for a concluding shake.

The hand offered is taken and Javeri grins. "That sounds great. You can leave word with me here if you don't catch me. Or ask anyone in Spinnaker to let me know. That's my wing. Or go to the Layabout. They can take a message too. Wow. I have way too many ways for people to get ahold of me. Take care of yourself! Don't get too rowdy." Yes, it's a joke complete with a wink before she's heading away from the bar and out the door. The guy she was visiting with before seems to be completely forgotten.

Lachai is game enough to give a dry 'ha. ha.' themed snort at the joke. "Take care..." And there she goes. He watches the figure disappear a moment before turning quickly to the bar and fishing out a worn and wrinkled paper to jot such things as 'Spinnaker' down on. He's about halfway through what these new names even mean when his original companion from before magically returns and sweeps him away with an arm and an instruction, as if their own conversation had never stopped.

*layabout, ~javeri, lachai

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