Circles and dots

Jun 16, 2009 22:31

Who: Javeri and P'draig with Chadamalith and Palia
Where: The beach
When: Late afternoon on day 13,, month 13, turn 19
What: Javeri's catching the last of the sun with Chadamalith when they're joined by Paddy and Palia. Chad tries to teach Palia about the interconnectivity of all things as well as the fact that nothing is every truly gone. By drawing circles and dots with her. The grown-ups discuss business and how annoying Loe is, well, maybe Paddy just says she has a nice ass.

The beach, as it heads on from afternoon to evening, is not so busy. Several groups and families are packing up to head back to the Weyr or wherever they might be heading and farther down the beach there's a couple of small bonfires being built if not lit yet. It's the brief mix of day and night crowds and in them, belonging to both after all, are Javeri and Chadamalith. The large blue has just been scrubbed down and now sprawls like a giant blob out of the reach of the waves for once. His rider matches him in sprawl although she does so on a blanket and with a drink stuck in the sand dripping condensation down.

Among those retreating families is P'draig with just Palia and Dylan today. The brownrider's rolling up a blanket when a small, nimble blue lands and a short, perky brunette with bright hazel eyes vaults off his back, waving as she draws near to swing the toddler up into her arms. "How was it? Good afternoon?" Paddy leans over to kiss Lanea's cheek as she draws near and nods, smiling back. "Yeah, he's getting better and better at paddling on my hand and arm. I think he'll be swimming by his next turnday," the brownrider confirms. "Oh, here's his bag of stuff," he leans down to catch up a rucksack and swings it over. "Should be all set." He walks Lanea and his son over to Hazeth then, helps them aboard and reaches up to tousle Dylan's hair. "See you tomorrow, buddy," he says fondly then steps back to watch the dragon take off. Palia meanwhile is nudging his arm. "Daddy. Veri's over there," she points and then starts tugging her father over.

It's always good to have fans! Although since Javeri's facing the wrong way to see anyone of import she doesn't offer a wave or anything. Chadamalith's eyes only close when he's sleeping usually so his intent gaze settles upon father and daughter and he must be kind enough to provide a warning to his rider because after a moment she's sitting up and brushing a bit of sand off her blanket before waving. "Hey!" she calls out with a grin.

"Oh hey, you're right," P'draig says to Palia with a smile and curls his hand around hers to walk over. "Hey!" he calls back, waving at the other bluerider with a wide grin, his daughter trotting to keep up. "How're you two?"

"Enjoying winter," Javeri answers with a laugh. "I still cannot believe Avey left in the /winter/. I mean leaving at all is crazy, but trading this for snow and nice and...I always knew she was nuts." Shivering at the thought she glances over her shoulder to where her blue is and shakes her head. "And he is ever hopeful the right person will come along to entertain him. He's got this weird fascination going on. How're you two doing?"

"Likewise. The weather is reasonable at Ista in winter," P'draig teases a little, winking at the bluerider, then he shrugs. "I left Fort to come here for Mic. Hearts do what they do, you know?" Palia pulls her hand free and ambles over to flop onto a corner of Veri's blanket, propping her chin up in her hands and watching the two adults. That doesn't last though as she gets distracted tracing designs in the sand. "Weird fascination with what? And we're good. Palia's doing well in harper classes and she's been showing off her board moves."

With someone so close by Chadamalith decides to watch what's happening by him now. Especially Palia and her designs. He'll scoot forward so he can be sure to see what she does without trying to get too close so she can't do it. "Sure, but you left /Fort/ for here. That's a wise decision!" Nowhere's better after all! One hand gestures at the blue as Javeri says, "He's met the new headwoman. And she tried to bribe him with fruit. So, now he's always looking for her in case she happens to have anything else to give him. It's a disgrace is what it is."

"I liked Fort. Had a good position, connections, friends, Palia had her milk-mother there," P'draig says mildly. "I actually don't much care for the weather here at all. But you know that," Paddy says with a laugh. "There's other benefits to Ista. Like you," he adds with a wink. Palia pokes a 'dot' into the sand and looks up at Chadamalith solemnly. "Can you do the same things I do with your talon?" she asks the blue, unhesitant about addressing him directly. P'draig bursts out laughing at Veri's explanation. "Loe? Nice."

"I know, I know which is yet another reason why attachments are bad," Javeri teases with a wink. "And Loe is /not/ nice. She's horrid and I don't appreciate her bribing my dragon at all." For a moment she looks annoyed, possibly even petulant, but giving her head a shake she settles down. Chadamalith watches Palia when she speaks to him and he extends one leg slightly sidewise so that he can poke a hole in the sand with a talon well out of accidentally poking a leg range. Then in case she missed it he pokes two more. "Did you and Jekzith behave and stay away when Lieryth went up?"

"Uh huh," P'draig says dubiously with a little eye roll and a laugh, teasing. "Didn't say she was. That was you know, humor about the situation," the brownrider notes with a little quirk of his brows. "At any rate, she seems with it and she likes my cooking. And she has a very nice ass," Paddy notes further, winking at the bluerider b roadly now. Palia giggles and poke pokes too, then draws a squiggly line. "We weren't here when she went up anyway - duty shift."

Chadamalith draws a squiggly line and then connects, ever so carefully, his with hers. Once that's done he watches her to see what she does. Javeri glances over and shakes her head with an amused grin. Pulling her attention back to Paddy she sighs. "Sorry. She just... anyway it doesn't matter. The less I think of her the better. There's something off about her." Yep. Decision has been made here. "Ahh. We were here not that I had to worry about him chasing or anything. But he sat out and watched it as best he could. Have they tried to get you to agree to be weyrlingmaster yet? I hear we ruined Bali for it. Nervous breakdown and everything if you listen to some. Of course it was totally Neraset's fault." Now she's at least smiling again even if she's just switched from one blonde to another in conversation.

P'draig beams and traces an arrow from her dots to his and looks up at the blue. P'draig is quiet through that onslaught of words and after a moment, without saying anything, he leans over when Palia is distracted to reach for Veri's chin, aiming to tilt her mouth up to his for a kiss. "Bali had other issues," he explains in the wake of that. "Nothing to do with Neraset. And no."

"Oh, I know," Javeri says with a grin after the kiss. Because talking during a kiss is a waste. Not to mention kind of hard. "But just be in the class someone quits after doing and see about the teasing you get for it. I'd sooner give up sailors than ever want to do something like that. Not to mention Chadamalith would drive all the little dragons crazy." The blue snorts just enough to show he heard without messing up lines drawn in the sand. Looking at the arrow he does the same thing only the other way. Then he carefully draws a big circle around the whole thing.

"Well if it comes to it, I probably will," P'draig says with a smile. "I miss it, Veri," he says quietly and looks over at Palia and Chadamalith drawing together. Palia makes dots all around that circle now, tilting another look up at the blue. "And aren't they having fun. Tht's really great."

In a teasing tone Javeri asks, "Sure you just don't want to meet girls that way?" As she laugh one hand gets held up and she says, "I know, I know that's not it. I just couldn't help saying it. You probably have just discovered you have a free half hour every day where you do nothing so need to get it all filled up." Looking over at the blue and the girl she nods. "He got utterly spoiled while the Layabout was being worked on. All the kids at the hold adored him and would bring him treats and play games and all." The blue in question makes a bigger circle connecting all her dots. Although his talon is big enough it sort of obliterates the dots in the process.

"Met you that way," Paddy says cheerily and reaches to sling an arm comfortably around the bluerider while Palia watches Chad do more connecting. "You made the dots go away," she points out and re-makes them without undoing his circle. "There. Now it's a dotty circle. Get it?" And she grins up at him sidelong.

"True enough. Of course we were bound to cross paths at some point," Javeri points out as she waves to the Sandbar down the way. "Of course you not being a sailor I probably wouldn't have given you the time of day and all." For a moment she pauses and then she winks, "Well, maybe if you'd bought me a drink. Do you guys have big plans for turnover?" Chadamalith shakes his head slowly when she points out the dots are gone. "He says they were still there within the circle," his rider points out for him. "He says that nothing is ever truly gone even if we cannot see it anymore." Switching his attention to his rider a moment the blue looks back at Palia once the explaining is done. Then he makes three dots in the middle of the circle where no dots already were.

Palia just kind of looks up at Chadamalith, faintly puzzled. Then she looks at the circle and shakes her head. "No, you erased them," she says insistently, then puffs out a breath and draws a couple of straight lines coming out of the circle. "Not that I know of," Paddy claims about turnover. "And I did meet you before you got Searched. Just you know ... we got close, while you were a weyrling."

"I told him she was too young for all that," Javeri says quietly to P'draig with a soft laugh. The lines coming out of the circle get connected with other lines. "Me either. I had some interest in doing a cruise for it. Just an overnight thing, but I decided to give the crew the day off instead. After turnover we can begin the work in earnest. Right now it's mostly just been the curious and such. When we go out on the test trips we let people come along, but nothing yet. I at least managed to make sure I had enough marks to give em all some pay so they can do what they will with it. We'll probably just do what we always do."

P'draig nods at the exchange between Palia and Chadamalith and Javeri's remark. "She's a little set on the rules of that kind of thing still," the brownrider agrees, "though sometimes she comes up with the darndest things." Palia's feet kick back and forth and she hums a little, making some more squiggly lines. "Maybe for next turnover, have fireworks over the water?" Paddy suggests with a smile. "And I'd gladly cook a very special turnover feast."

Javeri's grin is wide as she says, "Yea, I don't think he quite understands she's a kid and not a little adult. Of course he also insists that kids hatch the same as him so who knows." Shaking her head she adds, "It's funny the ideas he has that seem silly since he's not usually silly at all." Said fondly, of course, as she looks over and watches Chadamalith start a new circle. "Fireworks. I never considered that. Probably couldn't have afforded them this turn anyway. Next one I'll, with any luck, have more than enough marks for things like that. I wonder how soon you should plan things like that?"

"Could make it an annual thing," P'draig suggests further, giving her shoulders a little squeeze and looks back over at Palia and Chadamalith. "Right. Dragonet, rather than full-grown dragon," Paddy says and looks up at the blue thoughtfully. "Nope, no hatching kids."

"It could be my winter special," Javeri says with a grin. "I thought if we had one real nice fancy whatever cruise a season we could draw people in. Come up with some hook for each of them, you know? And have little trinkets or something they could get only if they went on the cruise. Some people like that." Not her. She's not a trinket person. Nope. "I also considered something like a hatching cruise. Families of the new weyrlings would get a complimentary overnight cruise. I'd have to get the Weyr to fund part of it, but it might be a nice gesture."

"Winter special -- yeah that sounds nice. Trinkets?" P'draig shakes his head. "Not my thing at any rate. But Palia would be thrilled," the brownrider says with a laugh, then nods. "Sure, celebrate on the water, fancy food, get a little spoiled, then go home with nice memories," Paddy says about the hatching idea, while Palia keeps on drawing with Chad.

"I'll try to talk to...ugh. Oh, I can talk to Fayre! It's a hatching thing after all. Maybe I can avoid the headwoman some." She does not even get a name now! Javeri seems pleased with the idea. "Besides as an investor I should discuss it with her anyway. But, yea trinkets. I don't know /what/ yet. I had thought about shells, but I don't want to comb the beach for shells for that. I might see if Sooz wants to do something for it. I also thought about beads. Fancy ones, you know? People could collect them all together easily. I don't know yet." Chadamalith is more than happy to keep on drawing, such as it is, with Palia. "I'll make sure whatever we do she gets one if we do. I want people to get their marks' worth and all and have a great time and tell their friends so they come too."

"Yeah, you and Sooz could collaborate on bead sets. Nice ones. Palia'd love that. Probably get in on the idea of hawking them," P'draig jokes a little. "Sounds like it's really taking off, Veri. I hope it's been worth it? More fun than not?"

"Well, I feel like pulling my hair out some days, but now that she's basically ready to go it's not bad. Barring bad storms that knock her around too much I shouldn't have to mess with that again." Javeri winks and leans over to nudge his shoulder. "Don't tell my investors though if that happens I'll just sink her and they're out the money!" Leaning back on her hands she tilts her head to stare at the sky. "I'll talk to Sooz soon. She was helping make plates too for the ship since I didn't have time. I think once there's a set schedule going on it'll be great. Speaking of which you know if you get asked to be weyrlingmaster and accept I'll weep at losing your time cooking right?"

"Gee, thanks," P'draig says with a little snort. "/I'm/ an investor, remember?" Paddy leans in though, to drop a kiss to her shoulder this time. "Only some of it. The classes are getting smaller, and there's plenty of assistants." Oh gee, time management?

"Yea, but you I can distract with sex," Javeri says with a laugh. Her point is only helped by the kiss on her shoulder. "I can promise to make it up to you in all sorts of ways." But the teasing tone drifts away as she shakes her head. "No, Paddy. If you're doing that you /will not/ be allowed to cook on the ship. Not until they're senior weyrlings. I won't have you working yourself to death related to me or mine."

"Cooking is my stress release, Veri," P'draig answers, though there's a grin on his face again about being able to be distracted. "I love to do it and believe it or not, it helps me stay relaxed. So, if you won't let me cook, I guess Kip'll be getting my time."

"Sure, but you also run yourself until there's nothing left," Javeri points out with a tiny frown. "If it happens we will discuss what sorts of hours I might be willing to let you give me." Wiggling her feet she adds, "Besides it might not be a concern anyway. They might get someone else to do it. I wonder who...hopefully they don't bring someone in. Because if one more person comes to the Weyr who's better looking than me I might just scream or something."

"I'm doing better with that," P'draig says candidly. "I've done some thinking in the last few months and just -- you know, I'm not pushing things as hard all around," he explains. "A little more just rolling with what comes instead of trying to get into everything." Her latter remark though earns laughter. "Ah Veri ... why?"

"Well, that remains to be seen!" Javeri decides with a laugh. "But I suppose for now I can take you at your word." Mock frowning at him she waggles a finger, "But I am warning you, mister! You do too much and it's no more cooking for me!" One hand lifts just briefly so she can wave it around and then it's back to where it was behind her since she's leaning on it and all. "Because it seems like every third person planted here is some blonde...just...I just don't want any more. There should be some sort of limit to what we have to put up with." Because everyone else is, of course, all put out by pretty blondes running around.

"Are you having trouble picking up sailors or something?" P'draig asks curiously and eyes the angle of the sun. "And don't worry, I promise I won't push too hard." Which of course, /does/ remain to be seen. He leans over then though, so his mouth is near her ear. "Do I have to carry you off over my shoulder to show you just how muc you're appreciated? I can take Palia back up, get her settled in and come back for you?"

"It's all weird now," Javeri says with a pout. "I mean I have a crew now. Even though I'm not the captain or anything. So, it just seems wrong to sit there with them around at the same table as the men I'm trying to get to," she pauses and glances at Palia before finishing with, "Take me out for a walk." Shaking her head she sighs. "And then I can't get too carried away because what if potential...people come in, you know? For the ship. Mostly though, I don't know. It doesn't seem like fun all the time and if I'm not having fun they're not going to want to hang around me when someone else is there who's better." Sitting up straight she laughs quietly. "And that sounds good. Distract me from growing old or whatever it is that's going on!"

"You're not old," P'draig murmurs and plants some more strategic kisses, before lifting his head and nodding. "All right, be back in a flash," he promises. "Hey Pali, we should finish cleaning up, bring stuff back up top. I've promised Veri a walk, so I should get you all tucked in." Palia's eyes come up from her sand drawings and she fixes her father with an all too knowing look then smiles oh-so-sweetly. "Can I come too, Daddy?"

Kids. That's why Javeri avoids them! Chadamalith uses a paw to wipe away all the previous drawing and watches with obvious interest. "If you come with us we can't discuss your present," she tells Palia with a sigh. "I guess I could not get it for another couple months..." Looking down she lets out an even bigger sigh. "But by then you might not want it."

And yet, she can be so, so good with them. That earns a rather avid look from Palia. "My birthday present?" because yes, it's just about two months to that birthday of hers. P'draig nods. "Yes, your birthday present." Bouncing to her feet, Palia reaches out for P'draig's hand. "Come on Daddy! Tuck me in!" Getting to his feet, Paddy grins down at Javeri and shoots her a covert thumbs up.

Javeri doesn't go anywhere while they're gone, but by the time P'draig returns Chadamalith's wandered off to find something interesting. Then, alas for Palia, there's no mention of a present for her, but she'll never know.

It's about half an hour or so before Paddy comes back and when he does, he's armed with more than just himself. He's got a bottle of something good to drink and two hands to help Javeri up with. "So should I really carry you off over my shoulder? Or should we just walk to someplace interesting?" the brownrider notes with a twinkle in his eyes.

"I don't might jostle me. Or the wine. No, no. I can walk." Javeri picks up her blanket once she's on her feet and shakes it off to fold it loosely and sling over her shoulder. "Besides we shouldn't wear you out just yet. Not with the walking." Hurrah for lots of empty beach and nighttime!

"You know I don't jostle," P'draig says with a smile and winds his arm around Veri's waist. He doesn't haul her up over his shoulder, just walks with her companionably. There is some walking, with some more light chatter, getting flirtier by the minute and then there's a particular copse of trees that sits just off the beach and it's into the quiet of their fronds that Paddy steers the bluerider, to spread that blanket out again, share some wine, share a lot more than wine, then lie still together, watching the stars come out from between the branches and leaves.

*layabout, ~javeri, ~chadamalith, p'draig, palia

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