A sneak peek

May 22, 2009 22:31

Who: Javeri, P'draig, Chadamalith, and Jekzith
Where: Split Hold, the Layabout, the ocean
When: Nearly dinnertime on day 22, month 10, turn 19
What: Paddy comes to visit Javeri with a happy turnday message and gift. All because Chadamalith asked Jekzith to come entertain him.

The Layabout is not ready. So the word has been despite the plans in the beginning to have her out on her maiden voyage in the summertime. Of course for the last two sevens, truth be told, Javeri's not done much about business. It was not obvious at first, but eventually some noticed how she wasn't speaking of it, wasn't running around with a list, and was definitely not actually doing much of anything at all beyond her duties in the wing and spending more time at the beach either surfing or hanging out with sailors drinking. But today she's made the flight to Split Hold, spurred on by whatever may have set her off to working again, to see to some business things. Chadamalith's lost the audience he usually gets here as it's coming on dinner and the children who've taken to him have been called away. Bored from seeing the same sights as always he seeks company with his friend and reaches out to Jekzith with << I cannot find anything more interesting here right now. >> Here is the hold, the beach by where the ships are in drydock. A perfect image which clearly makes it a hint to the brown he should /come here/ and hang out.

Jekzith takes the hint with a merry blow of bubbles to Chadamalith. << We can come entertain you! >> And there's little snippets of their day in each new bubble: a sweep over Nerat though even there most of the fruit trees have been culled, a swim, kid time, a fog over Mic time and now ... << We come! >> And they do, P'draig on Jekzith's back and the landing swift enough. Straps pulled off on landing and Paddy ambles over to the boat. "Veri? How's it going?"

The boat looks quite fine truth be told. The wood is clean looking, the paint has long since dried, and she generally looks ready for launching. There's no work being done on her, but that could just be the fact it is nearly dinnertime. Chadamalith is busy digging a hole in the sand with one paw. One paw digs sand then the other sweeps it in to close it. Dig, sweep. Dig, sweep. << The people here are used to me. When I fist came there was more. >> He shares quick moving pictures of the whole hold out to watch him. How he remembers it anyway. << Now I dig. But the sand is quite interesting. It always returns to itself. Even if I do not assist it. >> His rider's not interested in the least in the sand. Javeri does turn when she hears a familiar voice not belonging to a hold resident. "Oh, Paddy, hi," she says with a smile. "It's, umm, going." Yep. Going.

<< Yep, it does. It's kind of neat that way. Though you can make shapes with it if it's wet, >> Jekzith points out about sand. P'raig eyes the pretty looking boat, then approaches Javeri, dropping gear to slide arms around her and promptly leans in for a kiss. "Oh hi?" he teases her a little and reaches up to tweak one braid. "Happy birthday," he says quietly.

"Sorry. Was a bit distracted." And happy to be distracted away from whatever was distracting her. Javeri leans against him to return the kiss and stays close when it's over. "Oh, shells. It's my birthday? I totally lost track of the dates!" One hand lifts to slap lightly at her forehead as she laughs quietly. "Thanks. For reminding me too. Now I can make the rounds to collect gifts." Chadamalith shares more pictures with a couple of sand boats and the people who created them. << They would not let me too close. Afraid I would squish them. But then the water came and took them away so I do not understand the concern. >> And stomping them would have been fun is very clear in his tone.

"Mmmhm, well here, let me distract you some more," P'draig says with a laugh and gives her a little squeeze. "I have dinner all planned for you. Maybe I can give the Layabout's kitchen a spin? Otherwise I'll cook at the bar and pack it up to take out in my boat. Dinner on the water at sunset ... lots of wild sex ... sound like a plan?" the brownrider teases gently. << Probably they wanted to enjoy the shapes until the water took them but not any sooner, >> he proposes an explanation and stretches out. << Want to go diving out there? >>

"Distracting my distraction from being distracted," Javeri reasons out with a laugh in her voice. "That sounds like a good idea. The kitchen is, umm, done. I think. We'd have to go check it out. I haven't been through there in a little bit. I'm not sure what was going to need finishing when she made it back to Ista. But I think the overall plan sounds excellent." Which should be no surprise. Up from the sand rises Chadamalith who heads for the water. << The water has the ships now. I wonder if I can find the sand. We should look for it. >>

"Exactly," P'draig says, hands rubbing over her shoulders. "And we can go take a look. If it's functional in there, I'll cook here and we can christen whatever part of the boat you like," he adds with a wink. "Otherwise, we can take that sail back home and make a night of it. I've cleared my schedule to celebrate the day you were born." Jekzith stretches once more then bounds forward aiming to dive right in. << There's lots of sand right under the waves. >>

"We can take a whole look around and you can pretend it's done while I describe what it should look like," Javeri says as she grins. "Not that it's their fault it's not done, but hey! We'll just pretend it's all going fine as part of my present." That said she heads for the ship leading him along so they can find the ladder up that serves as temporary entry to the ship. Into the water goes Chadamalith and he floats along through oncoming waves with just a few lazy kicks of his feet to get out farther. << There is sand at the bottom. At least the bottom where I could find it. >>

"There you go," P'draig says gamely, dropping his arms and seeking out one of her hands with his. At the boat's side, he waits until she's partway up before joining in the climb. << Right here near shore it's easy to find, out deeper it is far far below, >> Jekzith says, skimming forward.

Up she goes and over the side to land on the deck with a barefooted thump. Then Javeri steps away to make sure there's room. "Not a splinter in sight at least," she says with a laugh. "After all we want people to be able to go barefoot if they want to without having to go to a healer. Which reminds me I need a healer still to agree to come out whenever we do. Or someone with craft training. I hate dealing with the crafts." Still floating along the surface Chadamalith tries to use his wings to catch wind like a sail, but they're just not cut out for it. << I wish I could go deeper. I have tried. I always reach the same place and have to go up. >>

A little bit behind her, P'draig drops to the deck with a deeper thunk and grins. "Yea, looks nice and smooth. And you're right, would feel good underfoot." His brows lift a little at that explanation though. "You do? How come?" Jekzith is pushing out into the water, deeper and deeper. << Mm. Even dragons can only hold so much air. >>

"Well, don't take my word for it. Off with the shoes," Javeri says with a laugh as she gestures around. "There was the thing. The hole were fish was dropped into the hold. I'm going to raise it up a little for a harper platform and have dancing around it in the evenings." Then there's a grimace as she says, "Yea. Well, because. They're always so... I don't know. I just don't like them. Not ever since I didn't apprentice. And I guess, you know? I don't know. Also they charge more." And marks are a consideration. << That is true. The problem is that I must have air to come up. >> Chadamalith is silent as he drops his head into the water and blows bubbles. << If I went deep and then came out without swimming. Pop. I could go deeper. >>

Sandals are kicked off and Paddy pads after Veri, grinning. "Niiice," he says with a wink then whistles. "Snazzy. And ... you know I was a crafter before I Impressed, right?" Teasing as he aims to catch up to her, slide an arm around her waist again. "They do charge more. More talent for most all that training. Jekzith considers that for a moment. << YOu know, coming /out/ wouldn't be dangerous like going /in/. >>

Feet slide a bit on the deck, but not too much. No need risking finding a stray splinter after all. "Well, sure, but I forgive you for it," Javeri says with a grin once he's next to her again. "And /I/ am as good as any craft potter." Shaking her head she finally laughs. "Anyway I'll certainly need a healer at least. And I have a harper although mostly I'll have musicians, you know? But I can /say/ we have a harper and all." Crafty. Head in the water Chadamalith doesn't see the driftwood until it's bumped softly into his head. << That was what I was thinking. Coming out I would know right where in the sky to go. And it would take so much less time. Maybe I will try it. >> But he doesn't dive downwards /now/ just keeps floating although he uses a paw to nudge the driftwood away.

"Uh huh," P'draig says, squeezing her close. "Yeah, have to mind safety." The brownrider looks around curiously, toes testing out the floor a little. "Good marketing that, yep. See, you'll make this thing fly yet." With a wink. "What's the next stop on the tour?"

<< Yeah, you would. Just think of a clear patch of sky and go. Should work. >> Jekzith's gone a little bit downward and floats there beneath the waves, then swims back towards Chadamalith pops up with a mental: << Boo! >>

"That's what I am thinking. I'd hate for someone to get sick or hurt or something you know?" Javeri shakes her head and then gestures towards the hatch hiding the stairs behind it. "That's about it for up here. Dancing in the evening. Tables and chairs during the day. Down below there's the cabins, the galley, and the lowest deck is for storage." So down the stairs they'll be a-going. << I definitely think I will try it. But I will inform her first. So she does not worry. >> Chadamalith is so considerate. These days. When he remembers. Thoughts of deep diving go away however when he's surprised by the brown. << Oh! Good one! >> The blue definitely approves. << I should have been paying more attention. >>

"We should go dancing sometime," P'draig says as he follows her downstairs, bare feet padding on the steps. Jekzith's all bouncing bubbles and happiness today. << Great! You'll tell me how it goes? And yeah, definitely good to tell her. And yes! Gotcha! >>

When the hit the first deck Javeri gestures. "Cabins are there. There's cabins on the lower deck as well. These up here are a bit bigger and will have some slightly fancier furnishings. The cabins below are smaller and there's room for the crew to sleep there as well. We can peek into one of the cabins, but it's pretty dull. The galley's down at the aft of the ship." Nautical terminology for the win. "Although why anyone would want to be down here and not on deck I've no idea. We'll serve meals up there, down here, or in cabins for a slight fee. Of course." Then she pauses and blinks with a grin. "Oh. And, yea. Dancing would be nice." Still floating along Chadamalith swishes his tail under the water to attract the attention of a fish or three. For entertainment. << I will inform you. I believe it will go well. And I will go quite deep I think. For now I will float. It is nice. We might go look for fruit tomorrow. >> Always something to do every day or so.

"They have beds yet?" P'draig asks almost too casually. "And great, can check to see if the stove works. And you know, rain, rain's a reason. Or high seas." His arm tightens just a little. "Gather over at one of the little holds in a couple of days ... want to go?" Smiling. << Should be fun. And good. You like fruit a lot. >>

"If I can find the...what's it called? Oh, the show one, you know? Only it's got some other name. Anyway we I had one all done up for what they'll all look like." Javeri frowns at all the doors before selecting one at random and then not opening it. "No, it's probably one close, huh?" So she tries a door closer and grins. "Aha! Here we go. And then we can check the stove." The cabin has a narrow bed and a slightly wider one both with storage drawers put under it. A small table folds out from the wall between them with the beds meant to be used as seats. Clay glow baskets are mounted on the walls although they're closed until she crosses to flip the lid. "That sounds fun. A couple of days should work fine. Just let me know to be cleaned up from my project." Chadamalith sends pictures of all the fruit he's tasted in a kaleidoscope of images and colors and scents. << It is the most amazing stuff! I am lucky she likes it as well and is eager to taste it. >>

"Yeah, the show one," P'draig says, following along. Once inside though, he's kicking the door closed and tracking after her. "Then we'll go," Paddy murmurs close by her ear, arms sliding around her to pull her close. Because of course, he's got just one thing on his mind. Of course. Jekzith floats contentedly now. << He does like it quite a bit too. It makes good eats. >>

Since the door's closed Javeri doesn't bother opening the other basket. There's enough light to not bang one's shins on the bed and that's going to work plenty fine for what he's got on his mind. Not that he's the only one with it on the brain since she's right there by him and ready to go. Of course. << It is tasty. I would like to bring some to the pen sometime. Try it together with a beast. It is supposed to be good. >> Chadamalith the gourmet dragon.

You'd think a man like P'draig who gets plenty would not be quite so eager or into it. And yet, he is. After, he sprawls on that bed with his arm wrapped around Javeri and lets out a quiet contented sound. "Should get going soon if I'm making you dinner ... want it to be extra tasty. And have cake to go with." Jekzith just laughs. << He likes to make that. I don't eat fruit. >>

"Oh, definitely you need to have time for cake," Javeri teases once she's caught her breath. "Not that I do not appreciate the interlude." Because she certainly enjoyed herself like always. But...cake. "Maybe I'll just take a nap until you get back," she ponders lazily as she laughs. "You can get me food and I can sleep. This seems like the perfect compromise." Because it does not involve her doing a darn thing. Chadamalith is slightly more energetic even if he's just floating. He does tease the fish that try to nibble at his tail. << There is something satisfying about consuming fruit. Being part of its life. It is easy to be in the life of a beast. But a piece of fruit one must work for. >>

P'draig laughs and drops a kiss to the back of Veri's neck. "All right then. You nap and I will be back with lovely, luscious things to feed you ... and oil to massage you with and otherwise spoil you utterly with," the brownrider promises. He lingers just a little longer then draws away to pull clothing back on and pad out to get that dinner ready. Jekzith is urged out of the water with a little bit of effort and there's a chipper << See you soon! >> from the brown as the pair head off to get the rest of Veri's birthday things going.

*layabout, ~javeri, ~chadamalith, jekzith, p'draig

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