New and used

May 14, 2009 14:47

Who: Javeri and Ilora
Where: Stores
When: Afternoon on day 26, month 9, turn 19
What: Two riders looking for different things come across each other and discuss surfing and other things.

There's clanking and thunking and general noisemaking coming from one area of stores. Boxes are stacked up every which way as more are brought down one at a time and sorted through. Overall it seems someone's on a hunt for something that they cannot find and are stopping at nothing to locate the desire item. It's the most activity to be found as plenty of people are lingering over lunch or back to work despite the heat. After all the heat never ends.

Ilora steps into the storage caverns, holding a glow to light her way. Hearing the thumping, she raises it a bit higher and peers in. "Hello?" she calls. On her shoulder, green Kora sits, one forepaw gripping her hair, and her tail wrapped loosely around Ilora's neck.

"Stupid sharding box!" Yep. That's a voice alright. And one belonging to an irate sounding bluerider. "What?" gets hollered in exasperation though when Javeri hears someone calling. Another thunk and then the sound of something hitting the wall. Crunch.

"Er," Ilora says succinctly. "Didn't see you behind those boxes. Hello, Javeri." She eyes the mess, one eyebrow rising higher than the other. "Can I help you to find something?" she asks politely.

"You really think-" Javeri stops there and then just shakes her head. "Nope, got it under control," she says with a sunny smile. "It's around here somewhere. What're you doing down here? Shouldn't you be, like, in the infirmary or whatever?" Because wasn't she a sicko? Well, yes, she was.

The eyebrow goes a little higher. "I'm all better, now," she explains, a little grin tugging on the corner of her mouth. "Cleared to go /between/ and everything. Even moved into my own weyr the other day. I came down to borrow an extra surfboard. Headwoman told me that if there was one to be had, it'd be found here." She looks around at the boxes stacked, and Javeri's disheveled appearance. "Sure you don't want my help? Four eyes are better than two."

"I am not old enough that some kid has to offer to help me," Javeri says with a grin as she shakes her head. "It's here and I'll find it. I don't mind searching for things. Might come across something else after all. As for surfboards, nope. I can say for sure there's none down here." Gesturing around she laughs. "You can look and all, but I don't think I'd have missed something like that. Most people keep em forever since they can cost a fortune to be made. Or give em to friends and the like." There's a pause and then, "You surf?"

Ilora's gaze follows Javeri's gesture, and she sighs. "No, I don't surf," she says. "But St'van offered to teach me." She blushes when she says his name. "So I thought I'd see if I could round up a board."

A dusty box gets the lid lifted off as Javeri crouches down to rummage through it. "Ahh. Shells, you're not trying to learn cause of a guy?" Her tone makes it sound like that's kind of disgusting, but she's far too polite to say that and so just looks in the box more.

"Not /because/ of a guy, no," Ilora says, just a tad stiffly, her blush deepening. "I've been watching people surf, you know, and it looks like a lot of fun. And he was in my weyr the other day helping me move my furniture. I happened to mention it, and he said he'd teach me."

"Uh huh. Not because of a guy." Javeri doesn't sound as if she believes this, but she doesn't press the issue. Instead the lid goes on the box and she stands to try to find another to look through. "Anyway your best bet is to find someone willing to loan you one for lessons. If you want one you can always arrange a trade or save your marks and have one made. I got mine off an old friend's son whose wife wanted him to sell it. Traded for some new plates and so on."

"/Not/ because of a guy," Ilora stresses. "Well, how much does a new one cost? And who makes them?" She sits on a crate and pulls her hair over her shoulder, combing her fingers through it and starting a tiny braid. Her eyes flit over the crates and boxes and miscellaneous items stored here. Kora launches from her shoulder and perches high on a shelf, chittering down at Javeri as if to ask her what she was doing.

"Sure, I believe you," Javeri answers as she ducks her head to hide a grin. "A new one? Shells, no idea. I've always just traded for mine or borrowed from friends. There's a couple woodcrafters on the island who make em. Probably at least 15 marks or so to start with. So, save up everything for a little over a turn and you'll be good to go. Unless you can find a trade. They take awhile to make and the wood has to be a certain type and all. Used is going to be cheaper, but you need to make sure the board is in good shape." Glancing up at the green she rolls her eyes and then opens another box to sort through it.

Eyes bulging at the guess of a price, Ilora's fingers are temporarily stilled. "That much?" she asks, a bit disheartened. But she listens to the rest of Javeri's advice and perks up. She finishes the tiny braid and begins on another. "So, I'll ask around to see about someone loaning me a board, or trading for an old on," she says. Fingers flying, she glances up at Javeri and her search. "What are you looking for, anyway?"

"That much, yep. It's crazy. Someday I'll get new one maybe, but for now I'm pretty much in love with the one I have." Javeri rummages for a bit, but then puts the lid on the box. "Huh? Oh, fabric for cushions. I saw some somewhere. It's no big deal I'm mostly just avoiding work by being down here." It's not entirely odd to avoid work. "But loaning's a good way to be sure you even like it before shelling out the marks."

Ilora nods. "Yeah, I'll borrow one, take a few lessons." She blushes again, and for a moment she's looking, not at the wall, but at a memory. Then she snaps back. "Fabric?" Just to be on the safe side, she stands up from the crate she was sitting on, and lifts the lid, checking the contents. "Will any of this do?" she asks, pulling out a corner of a bolt of fabric. "Don't know what kind you want."

Shaking her head Javeri kicks at a box. "No, I'm looking for a particular type. It's not anywhere. I think someone may have gotten to it before me. It's not a big deal anyway. I can likely find something similar when I visit my granny next seven." One more box is given a go before the bluerider stands and gives up. "Anyway if you've got someone who's going to give you lessons he should have a board already for you to use."

"Hopefully," Ilora says, and puts the fabric back, replaces the lid, and resumes her seat. Then she stands again. "Well, I guess since neither of us can find what we're looking for in here, do you want to find some other way of avoiding work?" She grins, just a hint of a dimple showing. "I have these buckets I need to hang up in my weyr, and Kloveth's good as a ladder, but I could use someone else's eye.

"That kind of sounds like work to me," Javeri points out with a grin. "Helping you hang things and all." There's a frown as she examines all the boxes she has to put back. "And I'd better actually get all these put up right now. Maybe later? I need to go check the Layabout in a bit as well. But I should have some free time tomorrow or so I imagine."

~javeri, ilora

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