Cold to the bone

May 12, 2009 21:27

Who: Javeri and Nenita
Where: The Sandbar
When: Afternoon on day 20, month 9, turn 19
What: Nenita is alone and feeling down. Javeri fixes both of those. (Also, Skinner, yes you get mentioned.)

Some time past lunch, but not yet dinner, is the point of the day where Nenita comes in for a refresher. She's seated at one of the tables with an ocean view. A tall glass halfway full with some sort of fruity concoction out in front of her. The young woman is seated alone, elbows settled down onto the table. Her chin is sunk into her hand she's got a distinct look of morose attitude about her, as if she could be or wishes she was, someplace else and doing something much more exciting.

Luckily for the morose of the world there's those who are cheerful. Javeri comes along with her own glass of fun with an arm around a boy who cannot be older than sixteen. She kisses his cheek and swats his arm before he runs off for the dock. This leaves the bluerider without company and since it's early yet her choices are so limited. Nenita wins by a landslide! Without waiting for an invitation she flops herself into a chair at the same table and grins. "Evening. Afternoon. Whichever."

Whoa, suddenly where once there was no company, there's a bluerider. Lines of dark brown eyebrows arch up, taking in the cheerful expression of Javeri's face. "Well, hi." She starts of simply, straightening her arms and then extending them take that cool drink into her hands. She sips from the straw, twirling the little umbrella around. "The weather is starting to change." What a magnificent offer of conversation from one woman to another, but Nenita seems empty of anything else at the moment.

"Summer can only last so long each turn," Javeri answers brightly as she sets her drink down without another sip for now. "How can you be so glum? It's a beautiful day! The sun is shining, the breeze is refreshing, the waves this afternoon when I was done with sweeps were amazing! What's wrong? Is something wrong? Are you pregnant?" Well, sure, that'd be the first thing one would have to wonder about.

Nenita stares at the bluerider, dumbfounded. Just in case, she even looks down at her own mid-section, which for her own particular build is pretty normal. Not baby-bumpy. Then her eyes come back up to her, "I really hope not. I'm not prepared for children." She tells Javeri. "I don't really know that something's /wrong/. I suppose I'm just feeling a little bored lately?" A gesture of her hand is sent towards the bar. "High Reaches swooped in and carried practically my best friend off to be searched." There's no ire to that statement, simply a sort of emptiness.

Now she picks up her drink to empty half of it and Javeri sets it down with a thump accompanied by a laugh. "Shells, Nenita! If you miss her go see her! When Fort searched Sooz I went to visit her. Fort. In winter. It was horrid, but we had a nice time." Gesturing to herself as she leans back and scoots her chair enough so both her feet can be kicked onto the table she adds, "I can take you if you have no one else even. Not got a huge desire to go there cause of the cold and all, but I'd be happy to take you to see a friend."

"Oh, I know that I can go /visit/ her." Nenita says with a long sigh. "But it's not the same as having her here. You know? Like a fellow trouble-maker? I lost my partner in crime." She brings a smile out on stage for her though, twisting it to the side. "I may take you up on it sometime. I'm not really crazy about the cold either," She shivers. "But I'll definitely want to go see her when the hatching goes down." A glance is given out to the sparkling waters of Ista. "How's your boat?" Nenny asks, bringing her gaze back to her.

"Ship," Javeri corrects without thinking about it. Habit by now. It is not a boat it is a ship. There is a difference. But she gets all that said in that single word. Followed with a sigh that she drowns in her drink before grinning. "So, umm, make more friends? It's not that hard. Even I can do it." There's a pause and then a curiously asked, "Are you rooting for her to impress or come home?"

"Ship, right. It's doing...?" Nenita trails off, seeing as how the question wasn't exactly answered the last time. The part about making more friends is met with a roll of her eyes and an amused grin. "It's not the same. I can't just go and find another Ajatha. I know I'll make more friends, I'm just mourning a little." For that query, she purses her lips together. Eyebrows furrow. "I guess... I don't know? If I knew she was really hoping to impress, I'd want her to have that? But I don't know what she wants. I'd like to see her here but... That seems selfish. Doesn't it?"

The question was totally not answered. Partly because she had to correct the noun and partly because a couple of men without shirts on are walking right by with muscles and all out for view. But after giving her head a shake Javeri grins. "Behind schedule. They say that happens a lot, but I'm still annoyed. I wanted to have her out and earning her keep by now." Pimping her ship! As to friends there's another laugh. "Oh, well, I was hoping Sooz wouldn't impress at Fort. Not that I wished my friend ill, but I wanted her /here/ and not there. There's nothing wrong with being a little selfish every now and again."

"Especially with the seasons turning from summer to fall, then winter. Not that the temperature will drop terribly. But the rains will start to get more unpleasant." Nenita notes, wrinkling her nose. "Might make that initial send off not as glamorous as doing it during the warmer season." She laughs for the last part of what the bluerider says. "Well. I'm glad that it's not entirely bad to be a little selfish. This Sooz is back now? Or did she impress?"

"Oh, I wanted it in time to remind people stuck up north for the winter they could come here," Javeri says with a wink. Grimacing a bit she shudders in sympathy for those poor bastards. "Not like here! I cannot imagine living someplace you have to wear /shoes/ all the time." Or clothes in general considering how seldom she's in much at all. "Suizen's here. She's a potter at the Weyr. We stood together here as well. She made me the most awesome gift. These amazing clay beads made with sand from the hatching sands. I'm saving them for something special."

"I honestly don't know what it's like to /really/ be cold. Not for very long, anyway." Nenita admits to Javeri, her hand wiping the perspiration off her glass. "Oh, were you potters together at around the same time?" She asks, remembering that at the very least about the bluerider's background. Another question comes to her lips, "Did you go to that thing the other night?" She gestures off towards the jungles. "The new tavern, with that woman? The redhead?"

"You've never been between?" Javeri asks curiously. Shaking her head she shudders again. "Colder than anything. I hate it. But I was freezing at Fort for sure. Had to hide inside with a warm drink. But Sooz and I never worked together. I was living up at the Hold before I was searched. And, yes, I know I don't act like most holdbred at least when it comes to sleeping around, but there you go." Now her shoulders shrug as she has another drink and leans forward to brush dried sand off the top of her foot. Thankfully she moves that foot off the table first. "Oh, I stopped in, yes. Too late to help, but I spoke to her for a bit. Seems nice. Ran into Skinner too. Not surprising since he's anywhere he might sell something."

"I've been between before. I'm talking about a long, prolonged cold. The type that gets the chance to settle into your bones and doesn't want to leave." Nenita explains, taking a finishing sip from that glass in front of her. Her eyebrows begin to lift when Javeri starts to make explanations. "You don't have to write anything out about your... sexual daliances. I grew up here, I'm used to it, really." Her lips tugging into a smirk. "You're not the only one interested in... you know." There's a shrug for that. "She did, huh?" There's some disbelief there, like she's not entirely sure herself. "I came to see what was going on. She started calling me one of her workers. I was kind of... I don't know. I don't like being claimed by someone I don't know." Skinner's name triggers a roll of brown eyes. "That kid is /everywhere/. I always feel like he's right behind me."

"Between gets in your bones," Javeri says, but she's got her old issues and seems more than happy to let it drop. "Oh, I'm just saying. Some people don't believe I wasn't weyrbred, but I wasn't. Wasn't interested in cataloging my dalliances." It's never as fun to talk about them as to do them after all. Once her feet are back on the table she tips her chair back just a little to rest it on the back two legs. "Oh, she seemed nice to me. Oh, I said that. Anyway the work was done. Offered to have Chadamalith help though if she wanted. I don't mind helping out." Craning her head to one side and then the other she gives it a shake. "He's not back there. I prefer him in front so I can keep an eye on him myself. He's adorable though. And has lots of energy."

"Not like the regular cold does. It's a different type." Nenita insists, eyebrows furrowing. "I don't know that I worry too much. This one is holdbred, that one is weyrbred." Her hands gesture into a so-what manner. "As long as everybody is happy." Further discussion of the new tavern gets a roll of her shoulders, "I'm glad you got a good impression from her." Javeri acting like she's looking past her causes the cook to twist around in her seat to look for herself. "Yeah, me too." She points out when she turns back. "Sneaky little guy. I wonder what his story is."

"I've been lucky to avoid the cold as much as possible. The only time I leave the Weyr is when I have to. I'd love it if everyone else handled those deliveries and such to the cold places." Shaking her head Javeri wrinkles her nose up and has a drink. "I feel cold just thinking about it." So, time to stop talking about it! "Skinner? Oh, he's probably hiding plenty, but who cares? We all are. So long as he keeps being cute and entertaining I don't much care what happened. Don't you think he's cute?"

"I'm glad that I really have no reason to leave Ista. Except for this hatching in a few months. I should get something nice to wear. But I guess it has to be warm..." This catches Nenita for a loop. What could be nice /and/ warm. The two words aren't really adding up very well in her brain. "You don't care what's happened to him unless it affects you personally?" She asks curiously, not with any traces of accusation. "I suppose he is. He's just... young."

"Warm and nice. It is a conundrum. I think the trick is layers. And it'll be warm in the galleries so you can wear fewer." Javeri grins and snaps her fingers. "Get a nice dress and wear some warm trousers under it for the trip. Then toss them in a bag and wear the dress to whatever sorts of celebrations they do? Layers, I'm telling you." Not that she knows much about layers other than sarong over bikini. "Huh? Oh, no. I like the little bugger and all, but...well, if he wants to share he will. Otherwise I'm not going to get my panties in a twist over it. Just gonna have my fun with him."

"Layers. That's an interesting concept." Indeed, what /are/ they. Nenita looks down at the rather light dress that she herself is wearing. "I think I'm going to go see what I can do about that. I mean, I know I'm months ahead but..." The little cook trails off, no time like the present. Right? She grabs her empty glass and slips out of the booth. "Well, you have fun with him then. He's an okay kid, I guess. If a little shadey." There's a twisty grin for that but then, she's up and exiting the Sandbar with a little more pep in her step than before.

~javeri, nenita

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