Not hiding

Apr 27, 2009 20:44

Who: Javeri and P'draig
Where: Beach
When: Night on day 3, month 8, turn 19
What: Javeri's hanging out on the beach doing nothing. Paddy comes by and they do nothing together. Other than the usual smooching.

Nighttime on the beach is quiet this evening. Summer doesn't make it that much cooler even when the sun has gone down so a lot of people are not willing to do much at all. Despite the promise of cool evening breezes off the ocean there's still plenty of room for privacy and that seems to be what Javeri was looking for. She's found a spot down the beach away from the Sandbar and has spread out an old sheet held down with rocks. On this she lounges doing nothing but listen to the water wash up onto the sand.

P'draig gets off of his shift in said bar and comes out to walk away from noise and light and crowd and pulls his shirt off partway, letting one of those cooler breezes take care of all that sweat he worked up in the hot kitchen. Eventually, his path takes him by Javeri and the sheet is what's most visible maybe in the gathering dusk, but those legs ... unmistakable and P'draig just grins, tosses his shirt down, then drops to lounge onto that sheet beside the bluerider. "Hey," is said softly

It does make it harder to hide, the sheet, but then she must know that so if Javeri really wanted to hide likely she'd have done something different. "Hey, yourself," he gets back with a smile as she rolls onto her side to see him and not the sky she was contemplating so completely before. "Nice night. What brings you out here?"

"I probably stink," P'draig says bluntly but his hand finds a home on Veri's hip, touch light. "Need to cool off after cooking in the bar for the last few hours," he says with a ready grin. "And you?"

"I'm not worried about the smell," Javeri says with a laugh. "That's another reason why I always avoid kitchens. Extra hot. I'd not bake anything in the kilns all season if I could. Luckily now I can usually get someone to do it for me since I am all busy with other things." She sounds all important before breaking down into a laugh. "Of course right now I was just out here thinking. Or not thinking. Either way."

"Mmm, if you like to cook though, can't be helped," P'draig says with a chuckle. "You'd think it would have gotten me ready for Istan weather," he jokes and runs his hand upward just a little, then stops. "Thinking is good, just relaxing is too," he says agreeably. "How's our project coming along?"

"Only adding the heat of Ista to the heat of the kitchen...that sounds unbearable to me." Shaking her head just a bit Javeri laughs again. "But I don't want to risk not getting more good meals so I'll just stop right there." Because no more food would be a shame. "Hey, have you met the new harper? She seemed willing to perform although I haven't heard her yet so am not sure I want her on the Layabout. Our project is going well speaking of it. Next seven I think I'll be heading to where she's at and coming back. I think. Barring something happening. I guess it's not uncommon for there to be issues right before a ship's due to launch."

"Yeah, it's pretty bad, at least the Sandbar isn't all closed up, there's some air circulation," P'draig explains and then he lies back, one arm folding behind his head. "Don't worry, I'm not likely to ever stop cooking," he says laughingly, "no matter how hot it is." A bob of his head follows. "Yeah, briefly the other night on the beach. Quite the character." He takes a breath, nods again. "Well good, I think I need that deck inspection soon," he jokes.

"Shells I hate working in the lower caverns. So stuffy and no air no matter what." Javeri watches him lie back and then leans in to give his cheek a kiss while still propping herself up on her elbow. "Definitely. She joined me and some fellow for a drink. I need to catch up to her soon enough, but so far our schedules don't seem to mesh much." This time she laughs more loudly as she says, "Definitely. You free tomorrow night? I'd offer to take you tonight, but to be honest my head's all weird and I doubt I'd be as much fun as I could be."

"Yeah, almost makes me wish that Ista was set up more like Southern," P'draig says with a low laugh and smiles for that kiss. "Yeah? How'd it go?" And then he's reaching up to tug her down towards him. "Weird head hm? Can't distract you to make it better?"

"Always goes well when I am around," Javeri points out in a teasing tone. "It's impossible for it not to. I did promise her dinner though if she didn't mention it. I figure why not use your great skills to woo people into my project." And she's not shy at all about taking advantage of him. Which is why she's so easy to tug down. "Might be able to. I'm not adverse to you trying anyway."

"I'm being used, I tell you, /used/," P'draig jokes and sneaks a hand over to tug lightly on a braid. "C'mere then ..." he murmurs and leans up a little, hand shifting to curve up to her cheek and behind her head after to draw her down for a real kiss.

"Hey, now. When you're being used you'll know it I think," Javeri teases with a low laugh. Her hand settles on his chest before she kisses him back. She, at least, can get into this if nothing else and is definitely distracted as she settles more firmly against him and lets the kiss continue until she needs a breath.

"Oh yeah?" Paddy answers with a grin and leans into that kiss. "More where that came from," he teases further and rolls close to wind an arm around her and make out like teenagers for as long as she'll put up with him.

~javeri, p'draig

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