Business is business

Apr 07, 2009 11:23

Who: Aeyne, Javeri, Skinner, T'mic
Where: Docks
When: Evening on day 24, month 5, turn 19
What: Skinner returns from a trip and Javeri stumbles upon him. They're joined by Mic who offers his services with the Layabout. Aeyne gets lost delivering beer.

Skinner's been gone for a while, but now Ista Weyr can rejoice! He's back. The bandage wrapped around his elbow suggests one possible reason for the delay, but on the bright side, he's apparently been outside enough for his tan to finally settle in, leaving only the faintest suggestions of red on his cheeks and the tip of his nose. In a perfectly cheerful mood, the trader whistles as he strolls down the docks, pausing here and there to peer at the names painted on various ships.

Is it a surprise that Veri is down by the docks? Probably not so much. Although she doesn't seem to be trolling for sailors right now. Instead she's conversing with the harbormaster who's studying something on a clipboard. The conversation winds up and the bluerider smiles before directing her attention to the dock at large. And what ho! There's a trader she needs to speak to. Or wants to speak to? Either way her bare feet pad along and she ignores the occasional whistle sent her way. "Skinner!" she calls out with a grin.

Well, there's no need to look at ships when the woman herself is walking right at you. Skinner straightens up with a grin, answering with warmth, "Javeri! Just the woman I wanted to see." And she's coming to him and everything, so he gets to wait here and let all the whistling sailors watch him pick up the hot chick without even trying. Trader magic.

There are enough Things in the water around the docks that rarely does anyone willingly enter the water just here. So it must be somewhere else T'mic's been swimming, though here he is now, thoroughly soaked and a towel slung over one shoulder. Perhaps either Javeri or Skinner is the woman he wants to see, for the greenrider heads over with a bright grin, though he hangs just far enough back that everyone can pretend that he was just moving along, nothing to see here. "Hey Javeri, remind me who your friend is?"

"Just the man I was looking for," Javeri lies with a big smile when she reaches Skinner. "You ok?" she asks when she notices the bandage. When her eyes shift to his face again she grins. "Or are you just trying for sympathy?" Because she's not going to be doing that. "Haven't seen you about so must have been out- Oh, hey, T'mic!" The former swimming person gets a wave and a bright smile of his own. "This is Skinner. He's helping me out with the Layabout."

"Both," Skinner admits cheerfully, patting his elbow. He can touch it, so obviously whatever happened to him isn't that bad. "Took a bad slip, but nothing's broken." He smiles at T'mic. "Ah, and I remember you were thinking of buying a belt for your weyrmate. I've just got back with some new ones - not on me, sadly - but drop by sometime if you're still looking."

"Thaaaat's right," Mic agrees cheerfully, entirely unruffled that someone remembers something about him. "The trader. Mic, Aath's," he adds, though he forgoes the formality of crossing palms to join the pair instead. "S'his turnday soon, I think, so yeah, that'd be good." "--Which reminds me," he adds to the bluerider with another flash of teeth. "That boat of yours. You still looking for help with it? What sort?"

"Nothing broken is good," Javeri says as she checks out the elbow again. Since it's not gushing blood and all it must be fine. "Oh, the ship, sure," she then tells Mic with a nod. The three are standing together. On the docks. Talking. It's all very exciting! "Well, I've got a captain and most of a crew, but there's still some work to be done. She's in drydock right now and the structural adjustments are being made, but there's still work to be done. Painting and trying to get th smell of fish out and, umm, I have a list, but not with me. So I can't remember everything right now. But if you're volunteering then that's great! I can find work for you."

Skinner moves his fingers so she can check out the bandaged elbow without obstruction, and there's not even a hint of blood on the bandage. It looks fresh and clean and neatly wrapped, even, so it's not his best sympathy ploy ever. "And you've got games tables, if you want them," he adds to Javeri's list. "I got in touch with a fellow I knew back in Bitra." He arches an eyebrow significantly at Javeri when he mentions this 'fellow;' evidently there is something about the man that he's not going to mention right now, but the offer is there. "It's high quality stuff, assuming they've kept up the business since I last ran into them."

T'mic absently shifts his towel from one shoulder to the other, pausing in the middle only to dab at his hair. "I don't know about /volunteering/," he answers the bluerider, laughing. "There's some jobs on a boat there's not enough marks for. But I'm experienced - with boats, even! - if you think I can only lay around on the deck. It's been a few turns, but I've been here and Southern all my life, and worked on the docks most of that."

Somebody's idea of a joke: Aeyne delivering drinks. Yeah, they're just a riot up there at the Sandbar today. She trots down onto the dock, balancing two pitchers of beer and a few mugs on a tray. Maybe she's lost. Maybe she's forgotten where she was going. Maybe somebody actually told her to be here. The world may never know. For now, she's got a tiny pout on her lips, her eyes skimming for who she's supposed to be delivering these drinks to.

"Well, it depends on how much you want to gouge me for the game tables," Javeri tells Skinner with a laugh. "I'm not striking a deal this time when I've been celebrating though. But, yes! I want them. We just need to come to terms." Tucking a braid behind her ear she turns to Mic with a grin. "Well, if you want to help I'll take it. If you don't want to help then don't." She looks puzzled a moment, but then shrugs it off. "And tell me what you want in return. I'm not asking people to work for free. But if you want to help out with some general labor then I will gladly take what you offer." She has not noticed the out of place waitress yet, but then there are handsome men around so she's not really looking at any women.

Leave it to Skinner, then, to be the first to notice the second pretty face. "Hey, love. You look lost." Just an observation. He's got business to think of first, so he turns from Aeyne to grin toothily at Javeri. "I'm not planning to gouge you at all, unless you want me to. Because," he adds solemnly, and with a mock-sober glance at T'mic, "I might be able to get a better deal." Not even a /hint/ of double entendre to that first sentence, really! "But I'll tell you where to find the merchant and you can argue your own price. There's a catch," he warns her fairly, but he doesn't seem concerned by it.

"Pretty sure I -did- say I was willing to help," Mic says again, though he quirks an eye at Javeri and shifts his weight. "Don't know how you heard I wasn't. But if you don't know what you need right now," the man continues more lightly, waving off this little miscommunication, "I'll talk to you another time." That settled, he too turns to catch sight of Aeyne, she with the tray, and watches her progress attentively.

Just say Javeri and Aeyne is there. Literally. Up bounces one perky blond, beaming and /almost/ spilling precious booze. But that would taint her reputation, smelling like alcohol. So it's only an almost. "Javeri!" she crows delightedly as she approaches. And Skinner? He gets a big toothy grin too. "Well if it isn't my favorite scoundrel!" More enthusiasm, more danger to the tray. She turns curiously to T'mic but stranger or no, he gets her most dazzling smile. "Hello, sir."

Because it would be impolite not to acknowledge her Javeri nods to Aeyne. Is she thrilled to see her? Well, not in the least, but it only shows for a moment. "Huh?" she does say as her attention goes back to T'mic. "What? Shells, no. I didn't hear that. Sorry. I'm trying to remember what I was told by the harbormaster and worrying about whatever catch there is that Skinner's getting ready to drop on me and Chadamalith's being...himself. I would be happy to have your help and I can let you know tomorrow exactly what help I am still looking for."

Skinner holds an arm out, presenting himself, and gives his hand a fancy whirl. "I am that scoundrel," he answers Aeyne, though his eyes soon move to the booze she's holding. "Don't suppose you've brought that here for me?" he asks wistfully, putting on his best pitiful face and ever so subtly moving his injured arm into view.

Laughing, "Did you order it?" Mic wonders to Skinner, though he tosses a nod and I-heard-you grin over his shoulder for Javeri. "What've you got there, Aeyne? Who's it for?" Then more for Veri: "Let me know, like I said. Manual labor, s'about all I'm good for, and I can tell you're hip deep in... hides and things." There's an eyebrow waggle for those hides and things.

Aeyne almost forgot she was still carrying the tray. If not for it's weight, it's possible she would have forgotten entirely. Skinner's attempt to purloin beer brings the discovery that the pretty barmaid is not so easily bamboozled. "Well, I can't find the people they were meant for. They weren't where they said they'd be." She glances back up towards the beach as if her patrons might suddenly appear. Which almost manages to answer T'mic's question. Back to Skinner with a sweet but firm, "so I suppose I could sell these drinks to you and head back to the bar for replacements. They'll be hot soon anyways and I'll be scolded for delivering warm product." Sniff. The elbow is eyed however and she has a suitable exclaimation of sorrow and pity. "Oh, dear, you poor thing! However did you manage that?"

Fingers snapping Javeri says, "Skinner. Focus. What's up with the tables?" Men. They see a pretty girl and forget more important things. Like the not so pretty ones! "I don't have all night." A sympathetic look is shared with the greenrider as she tells him, "If I could afford someone to do the hidework for me I would /so/ pay for that. But for now I'm handling it all myself. At least I know I won't rip myself off." Aeyne's predicament just doesn't seem to concern her except where it is taking attention away from business talk.

"I'm focused," Skinner assures the bluerider, so smooth and unconcerned it must be maddening. "You were talking to T'mic," he points out, but since she wants to talk tables regardless, he's happy to return to business. "See, I want a few of those tables for myself, but the cost of shipping them from Bitra... well, it stops me." There are a lot of teeth behind his latest smile. "So I'll tell you where to find them, and let you argue your own price without me as a middle man, if you - and any rider friends you may have - will ship and store the ones I buy." She ordered him to focus on business, so poor Aeyne must wait on the tragic tale of his wounded elbow, but he beckons the serving girl closer and moves that arm out of the way while his good one fumbles for the marks in his pocket. His eyes remain on Javeri the whole time, focused and attentive.

T'mic suggests, "I'd say Millie - or Remi - but they're probably busy. You might ask Paddy to ask them though." And isn't he helpful? "--How big /are/ these gaming tables, anyway?" he wonders, drawn into the conversation between the others despite himself. "And how big's the boat, so how many of them will fit?" He flashes Aeyne a smile but doesn't go for his mark pouch - then again, he's not wearing a mark pouch, and Kip isn't -that- fond enough of him that he can pay with a soggy towel.

Aeyne is nothing if not a good distraction. "Are you talking about your boat?" She asks Javeri, somehow even /more/ enthusiastic. "Can I help? Oh, please, let me help you! I can do things!" She'd clasp her hands together and get down on her knees if she weren't burdened down, no doubt. But Skinner is beconing and she's all too rapt for his story. T'mic's smile is returned instantly, warmth abundant in her eyes. She'd probably let him pay with the soggy towel, if that look is any indication.

"I have the mental faculties to carry on more than one conversation," Javeri points out with a slight hint of annoyance to her tone. There's also a tiny shift of her eyes to Aeyne, but she can't help that. It's not /her/ fault the girl is a dunce. "Thanks for the offer," the barmaid gets told, "But I don't need drinks hauled anywhere right." Turning her head to the trader she says, "Your tables? Opening up a casino? Not sure I should be helping out the competition. But I'll consider it I suppose. If I can find people willing to help them be moved. And, it's fine, T'mic. When I've got the ship going I'll be able to hopefully hire someone to handle my hidework. Until then I will muddle through."

"Not me, but I've lined up some people. One of them /is/ here in Ista," Skinner admits, "but we can discuss the details later." When he's not thirsty, say, and fetching marks for Aeyne. "Now, this here's just a tip for you," he tells her as he presses a small piece onto her tray. "For putting the drink on my tab. You need a little help, there, T'mic?" he asks the impoverished greenrider, giving his mark sack a little rustle before he picks up a beer and downs it. Once he's had a good few mouthfuls, he presses the mug against his elbow and 'ahhs' happily as the soothing cool (what remains of it) seeps through the bandage.

T'mic considers Skinner sidelong, but only for a second before he shrugs, nods, and says amiably, "Sure, if you're /buying/." He gives that still-full pouch a quick grin of its own. "Better you than me," he continues, cheerfully unrepentant, to Javeri. "Can't stand hidework. Remember all those essays Bali made you lot write? I swear on Aath's shell she made -me- grade most of them." In a loud, meant-to-be-overheard aside (though he masks his mouth with one hand, honest!) he adds, eyes twinkling, "And you wondered why you got such high marks!"

Aeyne looks disappointed, but only for a moment. "Oh, I can do lots of things besides deliver drinks." A tiny, oh so tiny, tip down in her lips accompnaies the next statement. "To be quite honest, I'm not very good at delivering drinks." Duh. Hidework? "I can do hidework." It's hard to believe peppy Aeyne could manage serious, but she does marginally okay there. Skinner gets an eye and she sighs good naturedly. "Normally I wouldn't fall for that, but since it's you, and you are my favorite scoundrel, I suppose I'll let it pass. T'mic?" She offers him a mug.

"So long as later is not too late," Javeri tells the trader with a firm look. "You tend to run off and disappear and if you do that this time I'll have to take my business elsewhere." Because charming scoundrels are not getting the best of her! This time. Probably. "Sorry," she says to Aeyne with a shake of her head. "I need someone I can trust. No offense." Of course not. No offense at all. "And here I thought it was the big words Chadamalith had me use that got me high marks," she teases T'mic with a laugh. "Shells, I bet I could have turned the same essay in again and again and been fine? So, what's it worth for me not to pass that on to the next class if you're assisting again?"

Skinner chuckles at T'mic. "Buying, no. Lending, absolutely." He lifts his drink (and a smile with it) to acknowledge Aeyne's generosity, downing another gulp in her honor. "Thanks. Just what I needed. Shall I also tell you the story of my poor, poor elbow in exchange, or have we moved past that?" His eyes sparkle with humor, and he shoots Javeri a sidelong, but unmistakeably mischievous glance. "Didn't I come looking for you, sweets? My time is yours this evening."

"No marks," Mic answers Skinner's not-as-generous-as-he-first-thought offer with yet another easy shrug; shakes his head at Aeyne. Sorry, no drinking tonight. To Javeri, and angelically, "I'll tell whoever the Weyrlingmaster is -you- want to assist them. Besides, Paddy helps. Helped. I'm sure you and Chadamalith would have plenty of fun arguing over the meaning of 'is', anyway." He drops Veri a broad wink, checks the position of the sun, and announces, "I'd better get going. Aath needs a proper oiling before it gets too late."

Aeyne considers Javeri's words for a moment but announces none the less. "None taken." She just keeps on grinning. "Of course I want to hear the woeful tale of your elbow, Skinner!" T'mic gets an absent nod of her head. "See you later, sir. Nice seeing you." Outside of the bar.

"Did you come looking for me?" Javeri asks Skinner with a grin. "I just saw you here and came over. Not quite the same thing." He could have been on the docks for a hundred reasons. "You're a horrid person, T'mic. And there's no way any sane weyrlingmaster would want Chadamalith near a bunch of babies. They wouldn't be sane for long. Take care and I'll come by soon and let you know what help I need." She waves to the greenrider and just sort of stares for a moment at Aeyne before shaking her head.

Skinner answers Javeri with a nod, but he has a show to put on for both ladies. Next thing you know he's clasping his elbow, exclaiming "Bandits! Five of them set upon me just outside Big Bay. Luckily, I've met my share of bandits before - you don't get through Bitra without running into a few - so I was ready for them. And they weren't expecting that! I whipped out my trusty blackjack and took the first one out as he came at me, then grabbed a branch..." and so on, until he's described the downfall of each of the bandits (one of whom manages to wrest his blackjack from him, forcing Skinner to block with his elbow, hence the bandage). The whole story comes complete with flourishing motions as he reenacts the scene for them, risking his beer as it sloshes with each dangerous attack. "That," he finishes grandly, "or a path gave way beneath me and I fell. I don't recall."

"Never said I wasn't," Mic assures Javeri breezily, and lays a finger alongside his nose. He drops the others another nod-and-smile, and casually makes his exit sometime during Skinner's lurid tale of banditry.

Aeyne has placed her tray on a convienently located somewhere. Of course to have her hands free while Skinner retells his terrible tale. And, always obliging, she cups her hands over her mouth. "Oh you poor dear!" Yep, she swallows it, hook, line, and sinker. Up until the very last line and she finally looks suspicious. "You're just fibbing! You /fell/." She wags a finger now. "Skinner, it's not nice to tell lies, you know." Especially to gullible girls.

And the barmaid makes a much more appreciative audience than the bluerider. Javeri has no pockets to slide her hands into so she folds her arms over her chest. Here and there she rolls her eyes at something or other. Yes, a thrilling tale, but she's not gullible or that young so she's just going to listen. And when it's done all she does is cough politely.

"That was impressive, don't deny it," Skinner tells Javeri with a grin, his amusement utterly untouched by her cynicism. For Aeyne, he has a wink. "Like I told you, love, I'm not sure which one actually happened. A man's mind gets kind of jumbled when he takes a fall like - oh!" As if it's just occured to him, Skinner snaps and gives them both a wide-eyed, startled look. "You're right! I /did/ fall!"

Aeyne gives Skinner a highly dubious look for his faulty memory, eyes twinkling. When he suddenly gives it up, she looks more worried than anything. "I think you must have hit your head rather hard. Have you been by the Healers and been checked? I've heard some nasty stories of sailors who took a good hit to the head and thought they were fine only to die in their sleep a few days later. Nasty business, those head injuries can be." As if everyone didn't know this.

"Huh. Impressive? Sure, why not." Javeri shakes her head and grins. "Now if you will excuse me. I'm needed elsewhere. We'll have to discuss business another time." Glancing over her shoulder she says, "Oh, is that someone hollering for you?" directed to Aeyne, but she doesn't seem to care and probably didn't hear anything at all. "So easily distracted from doing your work. Yes, I definitely think I need someone more responsible to do any work for me. Have a good evening the both of you." She lingers for a moment, but then she's off and whistling to head to the beach.

Skinner waves off Aeyne's concern. "Oh, I'm fine. They went all over at me at Ista. The hold," he adds, since his meaning isn't clear otherwise. He grins after Javeri. "You mean I'll have to come looking for you another time? Pity. But business calls," and he understands the needs of business, so he waves her off without any (real) complaint.

Aeyne waits for Javeri to leave and says quite clearly, lucidly, under her breath, "Trollop." Without missing a beat she dances right back into cheerful, happy, effervescent idiot. "I'm glad you're okay then. Gosh but you do get around! How do you get so fast between places?"

*layabout, ~javeri, skinner, aeyne, t'mic

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