Dasarth does not have fun. Fun is verboten!

Mar 12, 2009 23:52

Who: N'eph with Telyhath, Phara with Bennath, Rhodya with Gedroth, W'ton with Dasarth
Where: Lakeshore
When: Evening towards nighttime on day 5, month 3, turn 19
What: Children play, riders visit, Bennath comets into the lake with Phara, and W'ton begins to deal with the stick in the mud that is his Dasarth.
Note: I have sprinkled scene with W'ton/Dasarth conversation. :)

It's a warm evening, but it's still evening when babies should be asleep. Dragons really have no appreciation for that, though; at least, Gedroth doesn't, because he's hauled Rhodya out here to the lake in her pajamas. They are, of course, modest pajamas: full length pants and a long-sleeved shirt that are more than enough to be comfortable out here. She's flopped a large, ratty blanket down on the shore to protect those pajamas from getting dirty when she sits, as she's doing now, while Gedroth sniffs his way along the shore not far away.

Sleep is for the week. If there's one thing W'ton's made clear by now it's that he's not suffering from lack of sleep. He's smiling and joking and chuckling just like always. Dasarth's sleeping as fitfully as the rest and tonight he's venturing out for the first time since he moved into the barracks. Content inside the bronze makes hesitant steps out, following W'ton as he heads for the lake. And there? There he spies someone. Dasarth slowly follows along as the bronzerider comes to Rhodya with a grin on his face. "Gorgeous view," he tells her lowly.

<< Must you always say things like that >> Dasarth sends to W’ton with a mental sigh. << No one likes it. It is ill befitting us. >> Shut it, comes the response from W’ton although he’s got no censure in his tone. Only fondness for the bronze.

As N'eph has soon found out, naps make for an unusual sleep schedule. They're not his naps, to be sure, for even as he stands there a good ways from the waterline, he's yawning largely into his closed fist. Telyhath on the other hand is bubbly and bouncing still, walking through the shallows and kicking up little splashes as she burbles quietly to herself. N'eph leisurely follows the line of her playing, though he keeps well away from the splash zone, continuing to keep his nice clothes as pristine as possible. Her ambling takes him closer and closer to the blanket set up that Rhodya has and as he nears, he eyes her up and down, modest pajamas and all. W'ton gets there first, though, so he pauses a good few strides away, to watch his gray-green girl. He's listening, it would seem, because after W'ton's statement, he snorts softly to himself, then transitions into a pointed yawn of commentary, wide and loud enough for them both to hear, though he doesn't bother turning to look at them.

Rhodya rolls her head back over her shoulder to catch sight of W'ton, then shoots him a grin. "Gedroth thinks so. He wants to see what happens when he swims through the moon." She points at its reflection in the water, and on the way her gaze falls on N'eph. Let him be as wordlessly judgmental as he wants, Rhodya's still got a smile for her fellow weyrling. "Evening there, N'eph," she says politely. Gedroth turns towards Telyhath and lowers himself in the shallows. He's far from being submerged, but he sneaks towards the green anyway, as sly as can be.

Dasarth is not one for games. He's got no interest in the lake or swimming or acting his age. The bronze has a stuffy dignity about him even as he lumbers on a slightly uneven gait to drop onto the ground beside W'ton. "Ah, I was speaking of you," he corrects with a low chuckle. "Got room for one more? It's our first trip outside." Although he eyes the ground and then his clothes and then the blanket.

<< Why did you tell her that? >> Dasarth demands all clashing steel and violent bloody outburst under his brown tone. << Now she will think we are behind. Do not speak of such things! >> Rhodya’s a friend. Leave it be. << I will do no such thing! >>

The low sound of Bennath's wings herald his sweep over the rim of the bowl and then he's hurtling straight down into the lake. No straps, but definitely with his rider. At some point near the bottom of this slow plummet the smaller shape of his rider separates from the dark shadow of his neck. They slide gracefully, but separately, into the icy water at the deepest section of lake. The wake sent up by Bennath's smooth entrance into the black lake swarms towards the shore, threatening to swamp anyone unfortunate enough to be near the edge. Bennath's mind follows that tidal wave out to touch each of the weyrlings on the shore, full of glee. << Got you wet. >>

Has he been noticed? N'eph turns, with an open smile for Rhodya alone, as if he really hadn't realized she was there. "Oh, evening," he smoothly returns, slipping into a saunter toward the blanket, stopping just at the lower corner. "You know, I was just walking over there," he gestures to where he just came from, in case she missed it, "and hoping that you would find someone interesting to talk to. I'm only glad I could help." A hand goes humbly to his chest while he spares W'ton a jovial glance- all in good fun, right, man? His charming smile is working overtime as he returns to looking at Rhodya. Meanwhile, Telyhath is brushing talons through the shallow water, clueless as to the fact that she's being stalked by a clutchmate. A sudden swamp of water interrupts her explorations though and she sputters helplessly, lifting her wings out of the way of the water. << Is it okay to get wet? >> she checks with Bennath, curious at this new and contradicting information she's getting. Quickly, she glances shoreward at her rider.

Gedroth lets the water rush over him but doesn't take his eyes from Telyhath. << I'm not here, >> he whispers to Bennath, his voice like reeds whistling in the wind. Creep creep. Telyhath's distracted and that's good. Rhodya laughs when the blue and his rider go splashing separately into the lake. "Somebody's feeling spry," she remarks, pointing at the water in case the boys, in the midst of their dudeliness competition, didn't notice. "Y'all are both welcome to sit down if you like. It's a big blanket." Albeit a tattered one. She's scoots herself to the middle of it, and pats both hands at her sides, beaming at the other two.

It's not a good thing. W'ton's clothes are wet now and he lets out a quiet growl, unable to see who it was exactly that caused this. Dasarth's reaction is just as annoyed. << I do not want wet! >> Dasarth sends fiercely, as fierce as he can manage at less than two sevens old, << Do not make me wet! >> His voice clashes with the ring of steel under the grey and brown. Crimson flecks of blood dart into Bennath's mind and leak into his clutchsibs' as well. And on the shore W'ton makes a face and cannot help but lift a hand and rub at his tongue like he tastes something bad.

Calm down, Dasarth. It’s fine. Really, come on, calm down. For me? W’ton’s tone wheedles as he tries to get the bronze to settle down and for his trouble he gets that steel, that metallic tang on his tongue. And there’s the marching of distant soliders as the bronze merely says << Do /not/ tell me what to do! >>

Phara breaks the surface of the water with a deep gasp and breaks steadily for shore, flailing more than swimming. Even after all these years, she's still not very good. She's all too happy to reach the shore, stumbling out of the water looking not so much like 'spry' so much as a drowned, and miserable. Bennath, not so much. He splashes eagerly in the water, telling Telyhath, << Of course it's okay! Getting wet is the cat's pajamas, don't you know. The berries! >> He whizzes and bangs eagerly at the little green. Something like a conspiritorial wink is sent back at Gedroth, a subtle thread between the two of them. << Calm, Dasarth, if you don't want to be wet, that's okay. But it's awful fun! >> Splash splash. Where does he get the energy?

N'eph frowns briefly down at a few splashes of water that reached his jacket; they're brushed with a few flicks of his hand, but then he ignores them. "Why thank you," he replies to Rhodya's invitation, playing the gentleman admirably as he grins at her. The seat he takes is perhaps a smidge too close to her, but he makes it comfortable by continuing to converse. "They are so cute, aren't they?" For anyone that knows him well, the use of the term 'cute' would be laughable, but he uses it convincingly. Telyhath ponders Bennath's permission for a while, then suddenly takes a cat-like pounce into deeper water, a sweet giggle sent the blue's way. Unfortunately, this places her back to the still-unnoticed Gedroth.

Perfect! Oh, perfect! Even the spray of blood Dasarth sends his way can't distract Gedroth from his delight. He dances a tiny jig, with soft splashing sounds that risk giving away his position, then sneak-rushes up to Telyhath. He emerges from the water with a sudden and impressive roar, flinging his wings wide to cast an awesome figure, shadow-soaked and dripping pure terror. Or water, as the case may be. On the pretext of investigating an itch on her other side, Rhodya shifts her weight and then her body away from N'eph, establishing a comfortable distance between them before she answers with melting sincerity, "They are adorable. Such babies. I - oh my gosh!" Gedroth has just performed his coup. "Baby!" she scolds from the shore. No time, then, to react to Phara's dripping emergence from the water, because now she's got to worry about poor harassed Telyhath.

Both W'ton and Dasarth are unhappy and the former's eyes stay narrowed as he examines his clothes. /His/ clothes. Always the best and as in fashion as he can manage in this time of shortages. And now here's an outfit that needs a good cleaning. Lake water. Filthy. And his bronze's eyes whirl fast, rapidly trying to shift to something orange or even red. The lesser babies may be 'playing' but he's got his dignity to maintain and he shakes himself off like a dog before settling on his rump beside W'ton who looks at no one, but rests his hand on his dragon's head. The other hand wipes at his tongue again without thinking.

You’re going to get us in trouble. Dasarth, you’re going to look bad. It works, at least a little, as Dasarth relaxes at least in his mind. << You are right. I am setting a poor example and they need all my help. >>

Phara slogs across the beach, ignoring Rhodya, ignoring N'eph. W'ton, not so much. He gets stared at. Really stared at. /Rudely/ stared at. Bennath bugles brightly to add to Gedroth's racket, prancing through the water, throwing up more splashes. << Haha! >> He's encouraged by the youthfulness of the younger ones, his happy nature shining through and doubled in reflection from their playfulness. << Telyhath, look out! >> Not that it's not a little too late for that.

N'eph recognizes the sly movement away from him and, instead of pushing it, he leans back on the arm opposite her, angling his body away from her as well. "Oh, her?" He's received word of what Gedroth has done to Telyhath, to be sure, but remains unbothered. "She'll be fine. She's tough." Smile charmingly wide, he turns to look out at his green and ends up seeing Phara instead. The drowned woman gets rudely stared at herself, though the strong attention she's paying to W'ton is enough of a deterrent to keep him on his current target. Telyhath squeeees when Gedroth starts out of the water, wheeling her pointed muzzle on him and pinning him in a wide and whirling stare. As soon as she's realized where the scare came from, however, she returns with a short little roar of her own, from the same huddled posture he'd scared her into. << I see now,>> she helpfully points out to Bennath. Still gathering herself physically, she confronts Gedroth mentally, << Why'd you want to scare me?>> she demands.

Rhodya nibbles her lip, but N'eph seems to be right about his green. She's bold enough to make noise back at the brown, anyway, so at least he hasn't permanently scarred her. "Well, she seems all right. Tough little lady you've got there." Her eyes scan over Phara, and she too notices the intensity of that stare; a blink, and then she lets her eyes scan their way right back to N'eph's face. Over on the shore, Gedroth is still delighted with himself, and he sends soundless notes of amusement and smugness to Bennath. Wasn't that hilarious! Plopping his haunches down in the water, he stretches his face into Telyhath's roar so he can fully enjoy the reaction he's provoked. << I wanted to see what you would do, >> he explains.

Let her stare. Let the whole Weyr stare because Dasarth is displeased and it is good everyone is aware of that. Wings ruffle to display the crimson underneath before they settle back. His tail, looking maybe too short or too long, but definitely off, sweeps back and forth. W'ton crouches down and when he does see Phara he ignores her completely to rub the sleeve of his shirt down over Dasarth's head to remove any water that might be lingering.

Dasarth, we need to be nice to Phara. She’s one in charge. We need to not make her mad. Dasarth stumbles through W’ton’s mind inexpertly and points out << You like to make her mad. >> It’s just a mental sigh that greets that. Sure I did. When she wasn’t an assistant weyrlingmaster and me a weyrling. We’re going to have to be nice to her and Bennath. Just until we graduate. The bronze turns this over and finally agrees. << Then we will show her the proper way for a rider to act. We will lead her and hers. >>

Phara presses her lips together for a moment and turns away from W'ton, flapping her hands like she's trying to wake them up. Little droplets of water go flying. She walks stiff-legged towards Rhodya and N'eph. She hesitates, half-expecting the two of them to ignore her as well. "Hi," she says finally. Bennath just watches the little ones play, his wings outstretched, sheltering but amused.

"I like 'em that way," N'eph replies, his eyes sparkling with even that mild insinuation, though the smile displayed below them is wholly innocent. He remains comfortably lounged there, legs stretched out in front of him, leaning on that far arm. "Someone's not happy," he mutters to her, uttering a silent laugh while he lifts his chin subtly in Phara's direction. Then she swings toward them and he cleans up his expression, beaming innocence again. "Evening, Phara." There's almost a wink hidden in the tone of his voice, but his face does nothing but smile. Telyhath mentally huffs at Gedroth, sending him a shot of strongly-scented smoke along with it. << Well. This is what I do. >> She demonstrates again, the roar sharper and in a deeper tone, but still short and reprimanding. << Now you know. And you don't have to do it again. Ever. >>

Rhodya raises her eyebrows, sending N'eph a bemused look. "Got no idea what goes on with those two," she mutters back, but like him, she puts on an innocent smile for Phara. An innocent, slightly hesitant smile, because she doesn't lie nearly as well. "You um. Look kinda cold there, Phara." An idea strikes her, and she reaches behind to grab something from the edge of the blanket. "You want a towel? Brought this for Gedroth, but he's kinda hopeless." At that moment, he is also mildly puzzled, glancing from Telyhath to Bennath for some kind of backup from the latter. << Bennath and I thought it was pretty good, >> he tells the green. Returning his attention to her, he ducks his head and looks up, yielding meekly to the reprimand in her second roar. << I won't do it again if you don't want me to. But I /want/ to do it again. >> His tone is wheedling: come on, can't I do it again?

<< I find your behavior to be disturbing >> Dasarth sends to Gedroth mostly, but the marching orders bleed over to Telyhath as well. His jaw opens wide and he yawns before snapping his teeth closed. His disapproval is strong, his annoyance all from his position, in his mind, of leadership even at this young age. He /knows/ they should be listening to him. And W'ton? He just lets out a loud sigh and then stands up. "Excuse us," he tells those on the blanket with a bow befitting his training as heir to even a small hold. "He is tired and I should get him back. A pleasant evening to you all." Another bow before he starts trying to shoo a bronze who isn't quite sure he should give his lecture up. Whatever argument the two have between them ends with the bronze, lumbering still on spindly legs and looking less authoritative than he'd like, heading back to the barracks with his rider.

Phara looks surprised, as if it hadn't occurred to her until just this moment that she should or might be cold. On cue, her teeth start chattering. "Towel would be good," she agrees. N'eph gets a furrowed look. "Did I ever say you could call me Phara?" she wonders, addled. "Hmm." She lets it go, shrugs, and reaches a hand out for the towel to wrap around herself. "He's going to be insufferable for the rest of his life now, isn't he?" She adds morosely, staring after the so very changed W'ton and his unpleasant lifemate.

Telyhath is in the process of thinking over the issue of future scares, when her short attention span is pulled over to another debate, instigated by the aggressive bronze. She stares at Dasarth on the shore, but doesn't bother to respond to the order meant for Gedroth. After the humans have handled it, she turns back to look at Bennath and Gedroth, uncurling from the position her scare drove her into. << What were we talking about? >> N'eph considers Phara evenly, raising an eyebrow at her question then answering with an even and confident, "No." But he sees nothing wrong with that. On the subject of the departing bronze, or perhaps W'ton himself, he simply replies, "He's going to be an ass for the rest of his life." That's the same thing, right?

"G'night," Rhodya answers W'ton with a wave. Now finding herself alone in the middle of a suddenly negative conversation, she flushes. "I think W'ton's the least changed of any of us," she says, wiggling a hand between herself and N'eph to indicate 'weyrlings.' "I mean, not freaked out or anything. But I don't know that Gedroth gets on with his bronze. They don't talk any, which is too bad. I /like/ talking to W'ton." The way she says it somehow manages to be both defensive and meek. She's a miracle woman, Rhodya. Gedroth is about as socially adept; given an escape route in Telyhath's bad memory, he spectacularly fails to take it. He reminds her honestly, << I scared you and you were saying you didn't want me to. >> Notice this: he answers /her/ first, not Dasarth. The bronze is not that important to him. << Dasarth, you are not involved in this. >> Shut up, bro.

Dragon> Steel clashes and blood splatters and behind that all an army masses. << It all concerns me. You would do well to heed my words. But have your fun. >> The last said grudgingly. << We will all slumber soon. That is well. Together. >> Then Dasarth breaks off and there's not even an echo of boots by the time he's inside. (Dasarth to Gedroth)

Phara gives N'eph a twitch of a smile at first and it grows incrementally towards a bigger grin. "You know, greenrider, I think you and I might just get along." Providing he's not gay. "You're not gay, are you?" She waves the question away with her hand as soon as she's asked it though, wrapping towel around her like a blanket and settling down beside them without being on the blanket and getting it all wet. Bennath considers Dasarth. << Until the day when you are bigger than Mikhuth, Imoth, and myself, little bronze, you aren't the one in charge. >> He slaps at the water with his tail, and then he's back to being sunny. << Gedroth! Don't remind the janes what you did! That's a doll, Telyhuth, why don't you come swim, you two? >> His wings fan eagerly, spraying droplets. << I'll teach you, it's easy as the breeze! >>

Dragon> There is, if ever so grudgingly, an assent from the bronze. << We will be in charge >> Dasarth adds after that though. Likely that wordless assent came at the command of W'ton, but the end is all Dasarth and he's not afraid to add it. Let W'ton play nice. That's not the bronze's job. (Dasarth to Bennath)

Dragon> Drops of blood pool like oil on the water's surface, but they don't cause any waves. As Gedroth speaks, they start to disappear, all that makes blood getting absorbed and dispersed. << You're only as smart as you have experience, >> the brown informs his clutchsib. << And if you hang back, you will not have any experiences. Learning by doing is how small dragons grow worthy of being big dragons, and speaking with authority. You should play with us sometime, Dasarth, when you are not tired. >> (Gedroth to Dasarth)

Dragon> To Dasarth, Bennath could bend his will on the little bronze, but it isn't the order of things and it's against his nature to do so. << If you would, Dasarth, do tell yours that I do not like it when he upsets mine. I will be keeping an eye on him. >> It's offered casually, pleasantly, but there's an undercurrent, a fierceness that can't be fought off anymore than a man can stop a speeding car with his hands. Nobody messes with his Phara.

~dasarth, *weyrlinghood, n'eph, rhodya, ~w'ton, bennath, phara, telyhath, gedroth

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