A dream woman

Mar 11, 2009 21:03

Who: W'ton and Dasarth with Y'nolek
Where: Weyrling barracks
When: Early evening day 2, month 3, turn 19
What: Bronze weyrlings bond. Or at least W'ton attempts to. Y'nolek keeps his secret...for now.

Agrith is sleeping. Y'nolek should be sleeping - he should be stealing every moment that he can. But, once again, he finds himself staring at the ceiling, utterly awake. With a sigh, he throws his legs over the edge of the cot and stands, yawns, and pads over toward where W'ton is. "Hey," he says quietly.

Sleeping is for the weak! Despite the demands of Dasarth on his time W'ton continues to look cheerful and ready for anything. Dressed as best he can and spry like he's had a good night's sleep in the last seven he's reading a slim volume of something while his bronze lies somewhere between awake and asleep in his couch. "Well, hello there, Y'nolek," he says as he places a bookmark into his book and closes it.

Y'nolek blinks at W'ton in something like disbelief at how well he looks. "You," he begins, and is slow to find the rest of the words. "Look like you're not. Tired? What are you doing?" he asks, peering at the book as though he's never seen one before.

"Tired? Nah. It's not about how much sleep you get, but how well you do it when the opportunity arises," W'ton explains with a wide grin. "Always been on the run. Things to do, ladies to see, work to get done, clothes to find. A man has to be prepared." He smoothes down his shirt and then waves the book a moment before it gets set down. "Ahh. It is a book on poetry. I am studying the fine word play of a harper who wrote in the last pass."

Y'nolek considers this, and slowly nods. "Never thought of it that way," he admits. "I always sleep the same way, I guess." He glances at the book with mild curiosity, as much as he can summon in his sleepy state. "What'd he write about? Flowers and stuff?"

W'ton grins wide and shakes his head. "Trick is you gotta train yourself to fall asleep soon as you can. And to wake up at a moment's notice and be awake. Takes practice." Shoulders shrug up and down as he pats his cot with a low chuckle. "I don't even need the cot to sleep. Get five, ten minutes to myself and I can take a quick nap and be refreshed. Like I said, been doing it for awhile. But flowers? Nah. These poems are not about flowers." He grins wider and says, "They're about women."

"Women!" Y'nolek repeats, brightening up a little. "Can I see?" he asks, gesturing toward the book. He looks around; the next weyrling over isn't around, so he sits down on their cot.

"Aha, women, a topic near and dear to all our hearts," W'ton says with a low chuckle. He looks down at his book and then nods once. "Be cautious with it. It was a gift to me from my uncle when I turned fifteen." He holds the book out to be taken. It's slim, expertly bound, and had to have been a gift for him to afford it. Each poem is about a different woman with their names as the titles. Some of them are more risque than others.

Y'nolek nods his head, and takes the book with appropriate care, turning the pages slowly. He scans through until he happens upon one of the most risque poems, which he reads through with a grin, his ears turning somewhat pink. "Haha. You must have a pretty awesome uncle."

The last person to object to seeking out the best poems is W'ton. He watches the other weyrling with a smile although there's a little glance towards Dasarth who kicks out his hind legs a couple of times. "My uncle expected great things from me I suppose," he muses as he nods his head. "My father's younger brother."

"Not bad," Y'nolek proclaims the book, which he closes and hands back. "Well, impressing a bronze is pretty great, right?" A pause. "That's what they say, anyway." Like he's not entirely sure of it.

The book gets taken and W'ton sets it on his cot next to himself. "It is an impressive volume of work," he says with a nod to the book. "There is such a range of depth and vocabulary as if each woman inspired him in different ways." Giving his head a shake he grins. "I suppose it is a great thing. Figure I'll be weyrleader someday now. Or at least lead a wing, yea? Not going to sit around that's for sure. We're going places."

Y'nolek nods his head. "I bet you will," he agrees. "At least wingleader. Got to get out of weyrlinghood first, though," he jokes weakly. "Were they about real women, then? Like, people he'd met?" he asks of the book.

"Getting out of weyrlinghood is a given. We all get out after all," W'ton points out with a knowing nod. "We're going to graduate. Trick is to have a plan in place so you can move forward. I'm going to move forward. Dasarth and I, we have plans. Going to be the best." But then there is the book and he breaks into a wide grin. "All women he knew. Family, friends, lovers. But you got to figure out yourself which is which."

Y'nolek mumbles, "Well, that one was pretty obvious." He looks around - no sign of the weyrling whose bed he's occupying - and stretches out on his side, propping up his head on his hand. "A plan. So what's your plan, then?" he asks, serious.

Tapping his finger against the side of his nose W'ton grins. "Aha, well, I can't be sharing that. But if you're looking for a plan Dasarth and me'll be quite happy to help you. First step is to determine what you want to do." He looks over at Y'nolek still sitting up straight and looking amused at the world. "So, what's your dream?"

"Um." Y'nolek looks blank. He looks over at Agrith - still sleeping, and then looks down at the blanket he's lying on, and shrugs. "I don't know," he admits. "I guess I never really thought about it."

"Well, now is the time to think about it," W'ton says with a smile to the other bronze weyrling. "There's not a lot of time to stand out. I aim for us to stand out. People are going to know who W'ton and Dasarth are. We're going to make a name for ourselves. This book here?" Fingers tap the cover of the book and he grins. "Someday someone will be writing books about me."

"Yeah," Y'nolek says slowly. "I guess you're right. Some things, though, some dreams, you know - you just know you'll never get it, so it's like - what's the point?"

"How so?" W'ton asks with a curious tip of his head. "What do you want? I mean you cannot marry, inherit a hold, be bonded to a green. But the sky's the limit, Y'nolek my boy. So, what do you want to do?"

Y'nolek opens his mouth, but changes what he's going to say at the last minute. "I - find a good weyrmate, I guess."

W'ton waits patiently and then shakes his head. "Now, now. What's the truth? Not a weyrmate," he accuses with a low chuckle. Leaning forward he asks in a quiet voice, "Lots of women? A new one every day?"

Y'nolek looks embarrassed. "Every /day/?" he protests weekly. "Ha. It's like, a yearly event if a woman even looks at me twice." He shakes his head. "I could never do that," he says ruefully.

"Nonsense," W'ton says with a rapid shake of his head. "You can't right now, sure, cause of this situation we've got ourselves in, but you're a bronzerider now. You could get a new women every day. Shards, boy. You could get two a day." He winks at the other weyrling. "Now, come on. Tell me what you want. I am not going to tell a soul you have my word. Just between us. Us bronzeriders have to stick together, yea?"

"How would I do that?" Y'nolek doesn't believe it. "Some woman I'd never even met... I've never been the kind of guy who could do that. Just because I have a bronze now, doesn't change that." He eyes W'ton, defying him to explain otherwise.

"How? Wait, surely you know...how?" W'ton raises an eyebrow and looks more carefully at the man on the other cot. "I mean surely you learned when you were younger how to get a woman's attention? How to get her to care about you...at least for the evening. Oh, my boy. We have much to teach you!"

"Not really," Y'nolek admits, picking at the blanket. "Some people can do that and other people just... can't. My dad, he could always, but..." he shrugs. "I didn't get that gene, I guess."

"Nonsense," W'ton says and then he laughs. "No, no. No more changing the subject. What do you want? I told you I am not telling anyone else." He leans forward more and rests his elbows on his knees. "Between you and me. And in return I will teach you how to land the woman of your dreams. So long as she's not mine."

Y'nolek looks grumpy now. "If they're all yours, then that doesn't leave any for me, does it?" he points out.

"Now, I never done said that," W'ton answers with a shake of his head a low chuckle. "Got me one woman anyway. So long as it works out the rest are up fro grabs. Anyway, my dream woman changes every few hours. No need to worry about that. Always a new one to come along." He sticks his lower lip out in a comical pout. "Come on...tell me!"

Y'nolek is still reticent. "So you have one but she's not your dream woman?" he asks dubiously. "Who is she?"

"Ah, ah," W'ton says as he waggles one finger. "You have not told me a thing yet and you want me to reveal my greatest secret of all? That's ridiculous. Now, tell me your dream. Come on. You know you want to tell someone because you brought it up." He stops a minute and then grins. "Never said she was not my dream woman. Just that I have a lot."

"Nope," Y'nolek says, stubborn. "What if she's the same as yours? Then I'm the tailfork. I'm not telling," he states firmly.

"I see how it is. Well, if you don't want my help you don't want my help." W'ton shrugs and then picks up his book and rises from his cot to place it carefully among properly folded clothes in his press. "He'll be waking up soon wanting something to eat," is said as he looks fondly at Dasarth who kicks out his back feet again. "Think I'll go see to chopping a bit to be ready for it."

Y'nolek sighs frustrated, and climbs off the cot. "Alright... fine. Whatever," he mumbles, and shuffles off back to where Agrith is. He considers his own cot briefly, but instead sits down on the floor, leaning back against the side of his bed and watching the bronze sleep until he dozes, himself.

~dasarth, ~w'ton, y'nolek

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