
Feb 22, 2009 12:54

Who: Winston and Jantha
Where: The bowl
When: Morning on day 7, month 1, turn 19
What: Winston's shoveling snow like the manly man he is when he meets the weyrlingmaster. She appears immune to his charms. This does not deter him in the least.

Wintertime at Fort means snow. Always with the snow. The new turn has seen a rather large amount of the white stuff dumped into the bowl and that means there's shoveling to be done. Luckily for the Weyr there is Winston and his shovel. Sure he's doing it because it's what his assigned chore is for the day, but he's still doing it! Bundled up in a red coat with a yellow hat and matching gloves he's working on a path across the bowl from the living cavern to the hatching cavern. There's always people that want to see the eggs and there needs to be a way for them to do so.

Coming back towards the living cavern from hatching cavern is another at least partially colourful figure - though it's Jantha's face that's red from the cold, and the rest of her might be rather blue if it were visible under her thick leather jacket and trousers. A scarf at her neck gives a flash of yellow. She's trudging through the snow with a dogged expression on her face, but as she gets close to Winston, she veers towards him, aiming for the place he's already been. "Clearing paths? Good work."

There's a cart strategically placed for dumping snow near by. When it's got enough snow runners are hitched to it and they go outside the bowl to dump it. Thus ensuring no flooded caverns come thaw. Winston's just come back from there and is checking out what he's done to make sure it's acceptable when Jantha speaks. He turns to face the woman and his eyes drift from her face downwards and then back up. "Why thank you," he tells her with a broad grin. "And thank you for warming me up now by letting me get a look at you. You need to go somewhere? Say the word and I'll clear you a path while you wait."

Jantha raises her eyebrows, though there's a twinkle of amusement in her eyes. "Warming you up, is it? Well, you clearly need more exercise, then. I'm going to the Weyrling Barracks, but I don't really need a path from there to this bit of the Bowl. One between the Barracks and the Living Cavern wouldn't go amiss, though. How about that, when you've finished what you're doing?" That's quite a way, of course.

"I am at your service," Winston says as he sketches her an elaborate bow that includes twirling his shovel. Safely out of range of hitting anyone thankfully! "It's good to be outdoors doing some work. Fresh air is good for the spirit!" He winks again as he tells her, "Now I'd be happy to get more exercise if you want to help me with that. I bet you could give a man quite the workout." Yes, shameless to the max and unapologetic about it is he. "For you, fair lady, I shall make the most glorious and useful paths you have ever had the good fortune to lay one of your dainty feet upon. And if you find my work lacking you've just to ask and I shall carry you across the bowl."

The trace of amusement on Jantha's face fades and she fixes her eyes on Winston. "There'll be no need for that. However, I entirely agree with you about the benefits of fresh air and exercise," she says briskly. "As it happens, I am used to giving young men /quite the workout/ at regular intervals. Usually in groups of about twenty."

Winston's smile doesn't even flicker away when she gets serious. He does tip his head to her and say, "There's my tongue getting me in trouble again. I can only hope you'll allow me to blame youthful enthusiasm when faced with a beautiful woman that makes my heart go pitter pat." He ducks his head like he might be contrite, but his grin remains and when he lifts his head there's a twinkle in his eyes.

With an ostentatious roll of the eyes, Jantha dismisses his blandishments with, "Yes, yes," in a dismissive tone that suggests she's heard it all before. "Candidate, are you?" She rests the heavily-gloved knuckles of one hand on her hip.

"Oh, you are hard nut to crack, but I want you to know I am not giving up!" Winston's chuckle is low and accompanied by a grin as he rests the shovel on the ground and leans on it. "You would be correct in that guess," he tells her as he tugs on his cap. "Winston. Once of Two Trees Hold and more recently of right here. Worked in stores and that's where I'll be headed back if things go that way."

"Well met, Winston-once-of-Two-Trees-Hold." Jantha's tone is matter-of-fact, and she folds her arms. "But I wouldn't make promises you don't want to keep, if I were you. And I assure you, if you Impress, you will quite definitely not want to keep that one. Jantha. Brown Imoth's." She pauses, perhaps for effect. "Weyrlingmaster."

One hand rests on the shovel as Winston’s eyes droop a bit perhaps to steal another look at her. Perhaps just to look down at his boots. "Never once made a promise I did not want to keep," he informs her in his most serious tone. "And I assure you that if I impress it only means I'll have to wait a little longer is all." And hopefully she didn't think her title would make him back off because all he does is laugh quietly. "Now I am all the more determined to walk off the sands with a dragon of my own. The better to get to spend time with you, Weyrlingmaster Jantha."

Jantha smiles - the slightly fixed, polite kind of smile - but refuses to be drawn further. "In that event, I'm sure the first few sevendays of weyrlinghood will cure you of /that/ ambition. Clear skies, candidate." With that, she picks her way through the remaining couple of yards of deep snow to set foot firmly on the path that he's been clearing back to the living cavern.

*candidacy, jantha, ~winston

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