Ella's homework

Feb 19, 2009 15:03

Who: Balkaiv, Fiorella, Sulisah, and Winston with Thelis the npc
Where: Commons Cavern
When: Breakfast time on day 26, month 13, turn 18
What: Winston's got a rest day and Fiorella finds him. He shows her a bug and she tries to use him and his fellow candidates to do her homework for her.

Morning has come and the candidate barracks has emptied as the lucky sons of guns with that white thread in their knot get to their breakfast before their chores. Then there's the truly lucky ones who're blessed with a rest day. Like Winston who was up early to eat before most of the Weyr was moving around. Now he's come back to someplace quieter and picked a seat on an old couch someone recently shoved into a corner. It's too dim for reading, but he sits with a book on his lap anyway. Although the pages don't seem to be moving much.

Fiorella is up early as well, but then there are some mornings she eats her breakfast with the Flint wing rather than the rest of the children and this must have been one such morning. The girl makes her way from the living caverns for much the same reason as Winston one might suspect. Seeing the Stores Assistant turned Candidate the girl's smile grows and her steps turn to lead her closer to the young man's resting place.

And then there are the lucky Candidates assigned to chores that, were not they rotated evenly, would surely make people scratch their heads and others snicker into their sleeves. A frail old woman who looks like she'd be blown away by a puff of wind shuffles slowly out of one of the tunnels, clutching onto Kai's arm. He takes one step for every three of hers, and even still, their pace is glacial. His eyes light on Fiorella, and from her, Winston, and with a point and a nod, the man changes their intended direction. Surely it'd go faster if he just swung her into his arms and carried her?

Since he's not actually reading the book Winston sees Fiorella when she approaches and his mouth spreads into a wide grin. "Miss Fee!" he says with a chuckle as he leaps to his feet and gives her a bow. "Such a pleasure to see you." And his wink that comes next is accompanied by, "Ahh. I mean Ella." He sweeps an arm out to the couch as he says, "Just the beautiful girl I was looking for. Do give me joy and sit with me." As he speaks he notices his fellow candidate and his companion. "Aha! Kai! I see you have your own beautiful woman today as well. Surely, my dear, you are a treasure to the eyes." This last directed to the elderly lady walking so slow.

Sulisah has been lucky enough, or perhaps unlucky enough, to have been assigned groundskeeping for the day. From her clothing for the day it appears there's some expectation of cold, and as she wanders out with bucket in hand she appears to be looking for someone.

Fiorella giggles, nodding at Winston's display. "Thanks.. Hi Winston." she replies, and since he's proven himself to not be busy she goes on, "Do you have time for a question?" she inquires curiously, her gaze shifting towards the other male candidate as he's pointed out by Winston.

Balkaiv and his beautiful treasure shuffle ever closer, her mouth curving into a smile once Kai bends to translate Winston's words for her. "This is Thelis," he announces loudly enough for the others, even Sulisah to hear, as he carefully settles his charge onto the other end of the couch and hovers beside her like a particularly glowery guard dog. "She don't speak no more." Strange to see how she clutches onto his arm and doesn't let him go, and perhaps stranger yet to see him tolerating the manhandling so patiently. Turned now, he spies Sulisah and gives her a nod, while all the while Thelis pats his hand.

"I have time for any questions you might have, Ella," Winston assures the girl as he settles back into his seat. "I have a rest day so am not even sneaking around to answer them." He winks at her and then gestures to his book. "Besides I've been waiting to show this to you." But he doesn't hand the book over and instead rises again to give Thelis a bow the same as Ella got. "Such a lucky man to have such a lovely lady on his arm," he tells her and Kai with a wink. "Makes me wish it were not my rest day." And since Sulisah appears she gets a hearty grin as well as the former stores worker takes his seat once more.

Friendly faces, friendly faces... Sulisah keeps looking around until Balkaiv's voice first grabs her attention. Turning in his direction she spots the little cluster of candidates, and Thelis, and returns Winston's grin with a cheery wave before hurrying over in their direction. "Hi! Anyone seen Rhodya, only we both landed groundskeeping and misery likes company!" She doesn't sound too miserable about it, still new enough to candidacy for everything to seem like fun.

"I ain't seen her," Kai tells Sulisah with a shake of his head and a frown. "Think she got up before I did. Winston? You? --And I got Thelis until noon - maybe if you smile pretty at her, she'll let you sit with her at lunch, hey?" He crouches beside the old woman, careful not to dislodge her hand (maybe she really will blow away?) and loudly whispers introductions. Thelis beams round at all of the youngsters, her head bobbing in the tremulous way of the old.

"Ah, the fair Rhodya, I have not been lucky enough to see her since last night," Winston says with a shake of his head and a wink to Sulisah. "But since you are as lovely in countenance I shall consider the morning well served anyway." Another wink to his fellow candidate before he turns to nod to Kai. "Thelis my love, if you would dine with me then I believe I might be the luckiest man at the Weyr." His eyes leave the old woman to tell Kai, "Although how you can stand to give her up I do not know."

Sulisah laughs brightly at Winston's reply, even bobbing a quick curtsey at him to accompany her joke of, "You're only saying that because its true." Thelis is given a little wave when the introductions are done, and Su seems less than eager to break off from the little company and get to work. Her bucket is set on the floor with a little clank, and "Elder duty?" is asked of Balkaiv.

Fiorella nods, "Well..." she beings, drawing the word out after having considered just how to pose the question on her mind. A glance goes around the room as others join them and she pauses, biting her lip. "What would you do," she starts again, dropping her green-eyed gaze at each in turn. Yes, they are all going to be included in this. "To make the caverns quieter?" Beat. "Being that its cold out and more people are in and out of them than when it's warmer."

Balkaiv nods at Sulisah, though he doesn't seem too fazed by his duty; nor does he rise from his crouch. "Yeah. It ain't too bad. Not like working in the nursery or nothin'." "--You can keep her company, if you want," he adds to Winston, even though Thelis doesn't look like she'll let him out of her reach, much less her sight. It's Ella's question, though, that draws his brows down in a frown. "Huh? Well, you can hang curtains and stuff. Makes it warmer, too. That's what they do at Othana."

"Children are a blessing," Winston tells Kai with a shake of the head. "Even have one myself." Yep. Although he rarely sees his son he does still have one. "As for your question, Miss Fee..." He trails off and then taps one finger against his lips. "Curtains might be a problem. High ceiling and all. That's your problem though. Giant space with no way for the sound to go around it. But walling it off in different areas might not work. That requires some thought it does, Ella." He opens his book and begins looking through the pages. "Might consider giving people a reason to be somewhere else. Spread em out a little. Or even declare in the evenings that anyone wanting to make music do it in one spot and anyone wanting to play cards do it in another. Maybe make some of the empty rooms in the weyr available for small gatherings?"

Sulisah is on Kai's side, nodding as he mentions it not being the nursery. "Old people are way more fun than kids though, they have the best stories." it's then it dawns on her that this particular old person isn't saying much, but she simply shrugs the thought off in favour of Fiorella's question. "You could ban everyone from using it, that'd definitely make it a lot quieter." She grins, clearly teasing with the first comment and following it up with, "Maybe you could muffle the legs of the chairs or something? Different cutlery?"

Fiorella nods. "I thought of curtains," she notes sending a smile towards Balkaiv, "Its a good idea though, thanks." Another nod for Winston finding the problem with that solution, "I thought of that too.." she adds with a sigh, a frown pulling at her expression until the following idea peaks her interest. "That... might work." she agrees, pondering the thought a bit longer. As for Sulisah, the vinter gets a sidelong glance, Ella raising a brow at her comment, "Kids have good stories too. You just have to want to listen." she notes, resisting the urge to stick her tongue out at the girl.

"Could not heat 'em, too," Balkaiv adds, through his general scowl of confusion. "Why're you asking, anyway?"

"So everyone freezes their tushie off?" Winston asks Kai with a low chuckle. "No, since I cannot keep warm I'd best say no to not heating places." He then nods to Fiorella's words and tells Sulisah, "Children, even the ones that refuse to believe their elders, are a wealth of information." There's a teasing gleam in his eyes as he winks at Ella. "But I do have to second Kai here. What's with the questions, Ella?"

Sulisah blinks, "Oh, well sure of course they do. I just meant that old people have more stories, that's all. And really young kids, not so big on the telling of stories." Rather than putting her foot even further in it she falls quiet to wait for Fiorella's answer.

Fiorella sighs. And here she was hoping she could avoid the why and just get answers. No such luck! But, at least she got some ideas before she was asked to explain herself. "Cause I have to write a report on how to 'minimize distractions in the caverns'," she explains, mimicking rather well just how the weyrwoman might say such a thing. "And I needed ideas, but I have some now, so thanks!" she adds quickly, already turning to try and sneak off before anyone decides to delve further into her reasoning.

Balkaiv points out with a shrug, "Ain't nobody going to be bunching up there if it's as cold as outside." He leans in to Thelis to 'listen' to the old woman's mumbled words, not making a move to stop Ella from moving off.

Winston's not the sort to stop anyone from sneaking off. Nor is he the type to try to force an answer from someone. But he does clear his throat and tap one finger on his book. "I believe there's something in here you need to see, Ella," he tells her with a wide grin. But he holds the book out in case she just wants to take it and run instead of have him show it to her. "Kai, the reason we don't live like beasts in the field is because we want to be warm," he says with a hearty laugh. "No one would want to live here if it were as cold inside as out."

"Hey, wait." It's out before Sulisah really has time to think about anything to go after it. There's a moment of silence before she finally settles on, "There're more distractions than noise, there're smells and all sorts of things. Might as well make it a really good report if you're going to do it at all."

Fiorella is caught. And while she might have been ready to run, since no one is probing the reason behind her question, she does turn back to see the book Winston holds up for her, "Oh..?" she questions, her gaze flickering over the others, "I don't think she wants to stop people from being there, just stop it being so loud," she adds for Balkaiv, and then Sulisah's mention of other distractions earns her attention. "Yeah... well... it’s about the noise really, but I guess it wouldn't /hurt/ to mention other stuff too..."

"Nah, 'scause we got clothes," Kai corrects the other man as he cracks a quarter of a smile. "Cows and things, they wanna stay warm too." He stands, solicitously helping Thelis rise (the old woman still quivering like a leaf) and spares Ella a shrug while his charge is still standing. "Ain't my problem. I like loud. And if I don't, I'll go somewhere else." Once Thelis is back on her feet and steady he adds to the others, "We're gonna go walk again." Thelis is already walking, in fact, but the pace is slow enough that Kai doesn't even have to raise his voice, just turn his head slightly. "And if I see Rhodya, I'll say you was looking for her, a'right?"

"Farewell, Thelis my love," Winston calls out when the old woman rises. "And sure, Kai, but who wants to wear too many clothes?" But he doesn't seem to want answer judging by the laugh that comes after. Instead he looks at Ella as he opens the book. "The fiddlehead climber awaits you, Ella my dear." His grin is wide and his eyes sparkle. Clearly he has something to show her in the book, but it's doubtful it's anything serious. "Sulisah, darling, come check this out as well." He scoots over on the couch and pats the spots on either side of him.

Sulisah smiles at Fiorella and nods, "Might even score you a few bonus points too." As Thelis and Kai take their leave she waves quickly, "Thank you! G'bye Thelis." If there's one thing she's not lacking it's enthusiasm. As Winston pats the sofa she heads over, bucket abandoned where she left it earlier, "This better not be something rude." She giggles, clearly joking.

"Bye," Fiorella echoes the sentiments of those remaining. A skeptical look is then turn towards Winston as the girl moves to slip into the space indicated beside him. "Its not scary... is it?" she inquires of the man, her gaze settling on him a moment longer before she turns her head to look towards the page.

"This is not rude," Winston assures his fellow candidate with a chuckle. "It is a lesson in...whatever the study of insects is." He clearly seems unconcerned with such things. The book is obviously at first glance a children's type of book with large words and not very many of them on each page. "Not scary at all, I promise," he promises. But, there is a picture of a bug on the page closest to where Ella sits. It shows a large green insect with an actual fiddle for a head climbing a cello. The words on the other page read 'And so Ralphy played like he always dreamed of and was the best bug ever in the Harpers.'

"Bugology?" Sulisah offers with a grin, leaning in a little so she can peer at the book. After a moment she blinks and leans even closer, "That is quite possibly the best bug I have ever seen in my life."

Fiorella peers at the page, turns a look towards Winston and looks back to the page. "That," she states, crossing her arms as if offended, "Is not a real bug." Huff. "That is just a character in a silly story." Or it is from what she's been shown. Hardly something that would have -actually- scared her in the gardens.

"Bugology," Winston repeats slowly as if testing the word. "That must be it, Suli. Brilliantly done." He traces the head of the bug and then turns to look sadly at Ella. "Ella, my dear?" he asks mournfully. "You do not believe? But if it is not real where did they get the idea from? No, I am sure that is what was there. After all if Ralphy was at Harper his kind can surely have spread so far as the weyr here."

Sulisah grins, watching as Winston runs a finger over the bug picture, "Some of the silly stories are the best ones. Though it would be a bit weird to have a fiddle for a head, you couldn't really lie down properly without getting your strings caught. Few of those bugs would sure be a distraction around here though."

Fiorella rolls her eyes towards the man, a look of 'do you believe this' sent towards Su. "Winston, I'm ten. Not four." she notes as if the thought might not have occurred to him as of yet. "I don't believe in imaginary thing anymore. Someone thought 'him' up. Maybe..." she draws, "Some harper had too much wine one night and -thought- his instrument was a creepy, crawly bug. Or maybe some little kid thought him up," she adds, "I don't know where he came from but its not for real."

"How can you be sure?" Winston asks Ella now as he sticks out his tongue. "Miss I am Ten Turns Now you do not know what might be out there. Because you have not seen it means it does not exist?" He closes the book and shakes his head. "So young to be so jaded. It's fine, Miss Fee, I still adore you, but it's sad you are so quick to dismiss things." He tips his head to look at Sulisah. "You believe me don't you, Suli my dear?"

Sulisah gives Fiorella a quick 'hey it's fun' look, but then there's that question from Winston and she pauses. "Um... sure. I mean I've never seen a v'tol crash, but I'm sure they do sometimes. There's nothing to say it's not ever possible."

"No, but I do know that its not practical to have a fiddle for a head." Fiorella states matter-of-factly, "Its just silliness. That and your only reference is a children's book. So -obviously-," she puts perhaps a bit too much emphasis on the word, "No one else has seen one either." Which as far as she's concerned is reason enough to not believe it to be a real bug.

"Oh, well, fine. I suppose if you think you know it all," Winston huffs as he drops his head down to conceal as best he can a grin. "But won't you be surprised when you find one in your bed some night. Don't say I didn't warn you. Nothing likes to not be believed in!" Lifting hand to try to give Sulisah's hand a pat he gives her his full grin. "There you go, darlin'. Never discount anything. Best way to live. I am glad you're here to comfort me when poor Ella breaks my spirit." His head tilts so he can see Ella then and he winks at her.

"Oh I'm sure she wouldn't do that." Sulisah replies, smiling at the pat and then over at Fiorella. "She seems really sensible and nice, must be if she's doing work for the Weyrwoman, right?" There's a glint in her eye that hints she suspects the report wasn't for good behaviour.

Fiorella does stick her tongue out at Winston. While she might act a bit older than she is at some points, there are others where she's definitely still a child, and this is one of them. "/If/ I find one in my bed, I'll know who to blame it on." she grins back towards the man. She'll blame him. There's a sigh as the report is brought up again, but she does offer a smile to Sulisah, "Thank you."

In a state whisper Winston tells Sulisah, "Best you do it then. Then I can tell her I had nothing to do with it!" He clearly sees no reason to act his age right now. As if a rest day excludes him from maturity as well. "The Weyrwoman enjoys making sure everyone is busy," he says with a nod of his head. "Why the first time we met she threw extra duties at me. Not that I mind because a man should never mind when a beautiful woman takes a shine to him." Yep. That would be why she did that.

"You're welcome, Ella." Sulisah just goes with the name that's been used up till now, the girl didn't seem to be objecting after all. Winston's 'whisper' sets her of giggling again, and she replies in a similar tone with, "Maybe best we wait a while though, she might forget." There's a quick wink to Fiorella just to confirm it's a joke, then she asks, "Hey, do either of you know anything about writing songs?"

Fiorella just glares at the pair for a moment. Plotting against her, how very unfair. "-Any-way..." she starts again, moving on from the subject of the weyrwoman doling out duties, "No. I don't, but T'rev might. His father's harper. Or... well he was before he retired anyway." Beat. "So yeah, he might know.."

"I can only sing them, I fear, Suli my darling," Winston says with an apologetic smile. But then Ella's speaking and he grins at her instead. "Aha! But Ella the wise has an answer. I bow before your superior knowledge. And offer to bring you with me when I go wheedle some cake from the cooks just before lunch. So long as you don't tell T'rev I am spoiling your meals."

Sulisah grins at the mention of T'rev, nodding slightly, "Now that sounds like a good plan, though... maybe not. Just an idea I had for the can... hey was that Ro?" She sits up suddenly, looking over towards the bowl exit. "I'd better catch her up. Bucket." She looks around, finally finding said implement exactly where she left it. "Nice meeting you Ella. Good luck with the bugs Winston! Bye!" And with a quick wave she's running off towards the bowl and the figure that may or may not have been Rhodya.

Fiorella giggles, "Bye!" she calls afer Sulisah, soon looking back to Winston with more giggles to follow. "I won't," she assures. If she gets an extra piece of cake, why would she. Right? "I should start working on my report though..." she admits with a sigh, "So maybe I'll see you later?"

"I shall save you a piece of cake," Winston promises after he waves to Suli. "And it shall be our secret." He taps the book he holds with his finger and tells her, "And I'd best be finishing my reading. I am dying to know what happens next!" He chuckles and winks at Ella. "Until later, Ella my dear. Go write that report."

*candidacy, balkaiv, ~winston, sulisah, fiorella

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