Another one bites the dust

Feb 12, 2009 00:21

Who: Carys and Llioth, Javeri, and Suizen
Where: The docks and the beach
When: Evening on day 2, month 13, turn 18
What: Javeri's on the docks when Carys comes along and the two meet. They're joined by Suizen making a delivery. They remove themselves to the beach where Suizen makes a sandcastle for Llioth who is very interested in her. Javeri promises to visit while Sooz is a candidate and to play darts with Carys.

Evening has come to Ista and that means the docks are less crowded, less busy, and just as smelly. The breeze in from the ocean helps with the latter at least. There are few ships actually docked right now which means it's easy for someone to find a spot at the end of one to sit down and swing bare feet. Javeri's dressed with a loose shirt unbuttoned worn over a bikini with a sarong around her waist. Pretty much typical and it explains why those sailors still in port will occasionally whistle at her or stop for conversation. Right now however she's alone with her head tipped up to watch the stars. Or maybe the shape that occasionally blots out the stars in lazy circles.

Carys is one of the few strolling the docks at this time of night. She's taken her riding gear off, but the look on her face (irritated and sweaty) suggests that she's still a bit warmer than she'd like to be. Ah, Ista. At first she doesn't notice Javeri at all, and only realizes that she's there when the rider almost walks past her. Rys jumps, gasping a little, and then rolls her eyes. "Jeez, you scared me! I mean...well, it's not your fault, 'cos you didn't do anything. But I still got scared." When she speaks, it's a little hushed, as if she's talking to herself more than she's talking to Javeri. "Erm," and she clears her throat, speaking up, "Fort's duties."

A stomping tread comes by way of the beach, a wheelbarrow pushed along in front of the stocky resident. It being the end of the day, and hopes an end of duties after this delivery, she's forgone part of her usual ware to sport a bikini-top and a towel over one shoulder. A thump-bump of the wheel on to the dock, it's a rattling journey that has her heading towards one of the docked ships. "Hey, anyone still around?" she lets loose with a good set of lungs, aimed at one of the longer-standing docked tubs.

"Oh, I am so sorry," Javeri says quickly as she turns her head away from the sky to look at the person she inadvertently scared. "I was just sitting here. I was on the beach, but I got tired of dealing with someone so I came out for some quiet. Oh, but I'm not trying to get rid of you." She flashes a quick apologetic smile before nodding. "Ista's duties then. But do yours come with a name? I'm Javeri." There's a pause then and her head tips up to the sky as she smiles. "Sorry. Blue Chadamalith's. He's very insistent that I introduce him." Then there's yelling and she turns her head. "Hey, Suizen!" she calls out with a wave. "Skipper went ashore to round up his crew. Likely the ones left behind are down below playing cards." Suizen should hardly be surprised that Javeri would know the where abouts of sailors.

Carys hardly expected a flurry of explanations and an apology or two. Her eyes go wide, and she blinks. "Y'don't have to apologize about it, wasn't your fault really. You're a bluerider too?" She points a finger at herself, even in the darkness, and says, "I'm Carys, blue Llioth's." She sounds cheery enough, despite being a bit startled still. Then the shouting comes, and she jumps again. "Shards! I don't know what it is about night time that makes me all jittery." Suizen's call gets no reply aside from a "Hullo," seeing as how Javeri knew just what to say.

"Well, that sucks rotted wherry eggs...." Sooz grumbles, moving her wheelbarrow over towards the sitting 'rider, and accompanying standing one. "Sorry for bellowin' in your ears, but they wanted this today... thought there woulda been /someone/ about." Javeri just gets a wide grin, once she's close enough, despite the evening time hampering sight. "'lo - I'm Sooz, as this one's already probably said. Resident, potter, an' occasional loud-mouth. Sorry about that." Again. Still. Whatever. Actually, probably that last one, as she lets the handles go with a small thump, before going to plop down next to the Istan rider, being somewhat mindful of splinter-possibilities.

"Suizen is the second best potter at Ista," Javeri informs Carys with a laugh. "Although I guess since I'm a rider first now I can say she's the best actual potter at Ista." Said potter gets a wink and a grin. "Good to see you. And he should be back soon. Old Pembrok isn't the sort to get his head turned by a bottle or a pretty girl. Although he still buys drinks for pretty girls so he's one of my favorites." Looking at Carys now she pats the dock by her. "Come on. Have a seat. It's nice to meet you, Carys. Come to escape the bad weather? Ista's the best for that. And Suizen and I will protect you from the big bad scary sailors. Why, I'll throw myself between you and them even."

Carys grins, and then starts laughing at the 'rotted wherry eggs' comment. She's got good ears. "Nice t'meet you...Sooz...? Suizen? I'm Carys, or Rys if you want. I don't care which. "What are you bringin' to the sailors?" Javeri's gesture catches her attention, and the rider sits in the offered spot. "Thanks! Yep, gettin' away from the snow. We're havin' a problem gettin' fibers and whatnot, so there's a shortage on clothing and stuff. A little cold" The comment about protecting her from sailors makes Rys laugh. "Protect me? Hey, I might be small, but I'm wirey!"

"You say that like it's bein' a sacrifice, Veri; them as bein' sailors and all..." she teases the rider, before shaking her head, "Not the best by any means. But decent, I'll claim that readily enough. Oh, a load of mugs. Seems they broke more than half their supply, since last time they restocked. I don't mind them bein' clumsy - a couple of extra marks go a long way to dealin' with sore feet next time I'm dragged to a Gather. An' either or. 'less I piss you off - then I'll be runnin' so that it doesn't matter." Sooz grins a bit at the thought, then laughs at Rys' answer.

"Well, you were acting jumpy," Javeri says to Carys with a shrug as she turns her eyes out to the sea. "I was just offering. And getting away from snow would be good. I'm so far away from it I've never even seen it. But eww. Clothing shortage in the snow would be horrid. Luckily here we don't need to worry about it." She gestures to herself and then Sooz. "We've got the right idea. Live somewhere we don't need a lot to worry about. Other than the rain, but you know... even the rain is warm most of the time." Shoulders shrug as she looks over her shoulder at the ship. "Sure they'll be back soon. And you know going to gathers you can just ask me, right? I mean Chadamalith and I could take you." Not that she sounds entirely thrilled, but she makes the offer anyway with a faint smile the growing darkness nearly hides.

Carys nods her head with an "oh" at Sooz's response and kicks her feet a bit. "You'll have to show me some of your stuff, so I can judge your skills myself." The rest of the potter's remarks make Carys chuckle, and she shakes her head. "You're kinda funny, Suizen. I like you." Her attention turns to Javeri again, and she smirks a bit. "I know I was jumpy! The thing is, though, that if people tend to sneak up on me when it's dark out and I'm all jittery, I usually give them a black eye. It happens surprisingly often!" The talk of weather makes Rys groan. "I hate snow! I don't know why I keep choosin' to live places where it snows! But Ista's too hot for me, so I'm just stumped." Then, "I love gathers! Javeri, y'don't sound too excited about goin' to one, though. What's with that?"

"You just like havin' the opportunity to 'protect' people from the sailors.." Suizen teases Javeri, before grinning at Carys. "I do try - an' haven't really ever lived anywhere else. Visited once or twice, but always too cold for these bones. Gotta have my sun and surf, if only to mock others."

Javeri's feet swing back and forth as in the distance loud singing can be heard. Maybe the sailors coming back. Some sailors anyway. "Oh, gathers are fine," she answers Carys with a shrug of her shoulders. "I like them fine." Slipping her gaze to Suizen she nods her head with a laugh. "You know I do. How could I not want to jump between sailors and someone else? Or on sailors. Well, maybe not tonight. I'm kind of distracted." Another shrug as she tells the other bluerider, "Heat is great. You get men down on the beach with no shirts on. Walking around in almost nothing. I like to just sit with a big drink and watch them."

Carys smiles. "I like mockin' people, too." A curious expression creeps it's way onto her face, and she glances over at Suizen again. "So you're good at pottery, do you make good sand castles, too?" A random question, but the way she asks it makes it sound like it's completely relevant. "I've never made one, but I imagine it'd be kinda like doin' pottery stuff, right?" Javeri gets a funny look, and Rys snorts a bit. "You like watchin' the men walk around practically naked? That's a little funny. But you won't have time now if you're a rider, right?"

"Gathers are bein' all right as long as you're not havin' to wear shoes. Or ask random folks about where they were twenty odd turns ago.." Sooz mock grumbles, before snickering. "She finds the time - especially when she can be talkin' folks into sharin' drinks with her. Sandcastles? Well, I'm not the best at all, but I can dig a mean moat with the betterest of 'em all!"

"I'm not sure I understand," Javeri says to Suizen with a puzzled expression. "About...looking? You're looking for someone? Anyway if I take you I won't make you wear shoes. I hate shoes." She lifts her legs out and shows off her bare feet with wiggling toes. Then she tells Carys, "Umm. Yea. Why wouldn't I? Men are fun to look at. Especially the ones who do real work for a living. All those muscles. And they buy you drinks. Besides I let them look at me back. What's not to like? Oh, and sandcastles is not like pottery. Sand and clay are different."

Carys grins from ear to ear, and swings her feet some more. "Will ya come show me how to make one? Then you can dig a moat. Javeri, you should come help, too." Now that she's got sandcastles on the mind, it will be hard to distract her. Brilliant. "I don't know, I think men are boring. Well most of them anyway. Huh...I woulda thought that sandcastles and pottery would have been at least a little bit the same. But now that you say it, I guess it makes sense."

"Now, if you'd asked about mudcastles...." Sooz trails off, before pushing up to her feet, and offering a hand to Javeri. "You're totally gettin' to help me, 'less you wanna get the Ale-man to be joinin' in. Have't mucked around with sand like that in /Turns/."

"Oh, well, I guess I could come along," Javeri says as she looks up overhead. "Don't think he's coming down again soon anyway. He's thinking." Shaking her head enough that her beads clink she takes Suizen's offered hand to get up. "And men are not boring. Oh. Oh! You're...oh." She's really tan and it's still getting dark so any blush at her stumble is pretty much hidden. "Sandcastles, huh? We'll need to be close to the water. And we don't have a bucket or anything. Don't we need tools?"

Carys wags a finger. "Riiiiight, mudcastles makes much more sense." She shifts herself around and stands up, too, careful not to send herself over the edge of the dock. Javeri's stumble makes Rys' brow raise, and she tries to keep herself from snicker. "Er...yes, yes I am." Then she starts walking toward the beach and shakes her head a bit in the other blueirder's direction. "No, we don't need tools. It's not pottery, right? And I don't know about a bucket...we can try it without I guess."

"Hands should work well enough; specially if we're close enough to the water. Or hey - feet can be useful too.." Sooz comments, once everyone is up and moving off the docks. The wheelbarrow sits next to the boat, forgotten. Woe.

Javeri's quiet because she clearly said too much so, well, quiet. She lags behind the other two as they head for the beach. And now they don't want tools. Or even a bucket! The horrors! She lets out a sigh and shakes her head. "Well, ok I guess. But you should always have the right tools is all."

Carys looks over her shoulder at Javeri and shrugs a bit. "I believe you. I'll keep it in mind for next time." When she looks ahead again, she stops dead in her tracks and her jaw drops. "Llioth, what did you do?" The blue is sitting next to a massive mound of sand. His eyes are swirling a peaceful green, and he is trying to ignore the fact that there's a sand mountain next to him by not looking at it. He rumbles. "Well y'can't figure out what's makin' the sand black by diggin'..."

Suizen grins at Javeri. "Tell you what - we'll see how this ends up goin', an' if it falls down among our ears, given the nice mountain provided, we'll try it your way next time? An' we can even do it by the Sandbar, an' maybe get some of the sailors to be help?" Llioth just gets a bit of a grin, as she rubs her nose.

"Sorry. I'm a bit distracted. Don't mind me. I don't want to ruin the fun." Javeri smiles sheepishly as she trails after. "It's been one of those days. Anyway I am game for-" She stops and stares at the mountain. "Oh, my. That' That's a big...hill." Shaking her head she eyes Llioth for a moment and then grins. "Glad it wasn't Chadamalith at least. Don't we need a plan? I mean like what we want it to look like?"

Carys sighs. "I could use a drink /now/. He's been actin' like this all day!" She wags a finger at the blue and says, "When we get ready to leave, you better put all that back in that hole you made!" Llioth grunts, stands, and starts walking toward the water. On his way, he flicks a bit of sand in the direction of the three girls with his tail. "Shards 'n shells..." She drags a hand over her face, and then turns around to look at Javeri again. "Sure, a plan sounds great! I wanna make a big one."

"Well.... we could be usin' that mountain he provided. Moat down 'round the bottom, compress it inward, an' go from there?" Sooz offers after a long pause, before shaking it a bit, and looking at Javeri, head tilted in question.

"Well, I could go get drinks," Javeri offers with a look to the Sandbar. "I know who's in there. Could easily get three drinks." Of course she could and there's a grin as she ducks the sand kicked their way. "Or not a plan. If you two don't want a plan. Decide and I'll go get drinks and Chadamalith said if we need help moving the sand he can do it. Because he is one with the beach and understands the sand." There's a pause as her head shakes. "Don't ask, please. Requests? Or shall it be a round of greenriders?"

Carys winces, and hmms. "I don't think I want to use that whole thing, it's /too/ much! We can just take from it. I guess we could just make a little one or something. I should probably go home soon, anyway. Lli and I have to get up early." She smirks over at Javeri and shakes her head. "He's one with the beach? What does /that/ mean?" But she was told not to ask. "Oh. Well, greenrider sounds good to me! As for the plan...I don't know. Sooz? Something that doesn't involve carving one out of a mountain?"

"Greenriders? Er... you've seen what I've drunk before - go off that, or if it's havin' fruit?" the potter requests, before nodding at Carys. "Moat, four walls, a courtyard, an' maybe some towers? I've never done towers..." she admits, before making her way next to the mountain.

Carys nods her head. "Sounds good to me! You haven't made towers? But towers are the most important parts!" She moves over to the mountain, too. "So what do we do now? Just pile up some sand?" She looks back in Javeri's direction. "Hurry back, we hafta make this thing fast!"

The mountain is abandoned because drinks can be fetched. Before she goes though Javeri tells Carys, "Chadamalith is very interested in learning all he can so that he can understand the world and everything in it. He's very intelligent." This at least she sounds proud of as she gives a wave. "I'll be right back. Have a plan and we'll go with it." Then she's off because she was told to hurry after all. And before long she comes back with three drinks.

"Well, then... I'll build the moat, we can make Veri do the walls, an' you can do the towers? We'll use some of the pile here to be makin' a smaller pile to form from, plus stuff from the moat?" Sooz offers after a moment.

Carys smiles. "He sounds that way! Llioth is smart, but he's also very stubborn and has a hard time admitting when he's wrong. He can be a little stuck up sometimes, too." Or, um, all the time. Speak of the devil, the blue is back and this time it's personal. He lowers his head to try to sniff the drinks being held by Javeri. Rys reaches for one, to lighten the load, and shoos the dragon's head away. "'scuse us, Lli. We're gonna make a castle. You can help with stuff later." Suizen gets a beaming grin and a nod. "OK, sounds good!" Immediately, the rider starts scooping out sand to put in a much smaller pile to work from.

Looking flushed and quite possibly not just from hurrying with drinks Javeri hands them out to her fellow sandcastle makers. "Oh, Suizen! I saw Pembrok and told him your mugs were on the dock. He's sent someone to get them aboard." She's careful to get the drink to the potter without a dragon head getting too close. "Does he like fruit? There's fruit in here. Chadamalith is crazy about fruit. Oh, you have a nickname for him? His name is so short. I can't give a nickname. He doesn't like any I try." Shaking her head she has a big drink from hers and then looks at the sand.

"What about Dam?" Sooz asks, before taking the drink, "Thanks? So, this that greenrider you were throwin' about, or something else?" she adds, moving towards the pile of sand.

Carys shrugs a shoulder. "I guess he likes fruit -- he's saying he does -- but mostly he's just nosey and has to know what everything is. He questions things a lot, like most dragons do. He gets into details a lot, though." She taps her lip and thinks, and then says, "What about 'Ama' for a nickname? Or 'Lith' or something? 'Ada'?" Llioth gets awfully curious, again, and this time tries to move toward Sooz and sniff /her/ drink. He sits back on his haunches and huffs. "He says make a sandcastle, he wants to see one."

"No, I couldn't call him those. Maybe I don't like them? He says Chadamalith is fine anyway. I think partly because people have trouble with it sometimes. No one else is his whole clutch had such a long name." Javeri seems pleased with this as well. "Anyway eventually we'll find one that works. I don't mind if other people want to call him something and doesn't seem to care." Shaking her head the former potter watches Suizen and Llioth with a laugh. "It's a greenrider, yes. And don't share! I didn't flirt with Geordie of all men to get a drink for a dragon."

"You snuff sand into my drink, an' I'm gonna talk your Rys into attachin' your head to my pottery wheel 'til I've made enough mugs to keep me in greeriders for a turn. An' that's a lot of mugs..." she mock threatens the dragon, "... an' one pain in the bottom Geordie, to boot." That is all swiftly ended with a sip of her drink.

Carys says, "It /is/ a pretty great name! Kinda sing-songy. I like it." Then she tips her head. "Geordie? There's a name that needs to be shortened. How'd you flirt with him?" Sooz's threat to Llioth just makes the rider choke back a laugh, and Llioth thumps his tail in dissatisfaction. Hmph. He turns his head to stare at her some more, and croons. "He says he won't snuff sand in your drink if you make a sandcastle now." Her brows furrow. "Well sheesh, Lli, you don't have to be so rude."

The Istan bluerider gets a grin as she tells Suizen, "You know I think he wants your sandcastle. Not ours. We should sit here and drink while you make one. Can't tell the poor boy no." Turning her head to Carys now Javeri looks at her and there's a tip of her head as she laughs. "Do you really want to know? I could show you. And Geordie is shortened."

Suizen rolls her eyes. "I see how it's bein'. It's the poor, put upon potter who's put to work, buildin' sand castles while the 'riders drink an' flirt. No respect...." she mock-mumbles, before putting down her drink and moving over to the pile. Feet are used to separate a bit of the mountain away from the rest, then she's quite happy with digging her hands into the sand, quickly building a trench. And getting sand under nails.

Carys laughs. "Don't show me on /me/! Pretend your drink is Geordie or somethin'. Wait, his name /is/ shortened? From /what/?!" She just smirks over at Llioth and doesn't comment. The dragon shifts himself to face Suizen and her work-in-progress. He lies on the ground, head tipping to the side to watch her better with one giant eye. "So much for teachin' me how. Lli doesn't want me to touch it."

"Good," Javeri tells Carys with a grin. Then the grin fades and she says rather quickly, "I don't mean that you're not- I mean I'm sure you're. I just...sorry." Shaking her head she lets out a sigh and then looks at Suizen. "Sorry. You're on your own. But I'll make it up with some of Paddy's rum later if you want." Then she holds her drink up and makes big eyes at it. "My goodness, Geordianan. You're looking quite spry tonight. You've been hauling nets haven't you?" Lowering her eyelids a bit she leans closer to her drink trying not to laugh. "Me and my girlfriends are awful thirsty. We've been...busy. Do you like my new bikini by the way? They did. Now if we only had drinks." She stops with a laugh and says, "The rest is history."

There are several muffled sounds from the sandcastle area, and shoulders shake. "... I'm not goin' to be lookin' anyone in the face, next time I go in... though for some of the rum, I might be willin'. Usually only get the ale.." she admits, before she turns a bit, having quickly dug a circle. That part was easy. The next part is... not so easy. Digging her fingers into the damp sand, the potter starts to smoosh sand together from inside and outside the pile, working on making walls. Sort of.

Carys just smirks at Javeri's first comment, and tries not to laugh even though it's kind of apparent she's amused when she says, "Don't apologize. It's funny when you get all stumbly." Then she can't keep herself from laughing anymore, and slaps her knee. "Geordianan? That's /terrible/! Well you did a good job anyway. It's funny when girls get what they want that easy from someone. It's an art." Llioth sniffs at a wall, and snorts. Not acceptable. Rys calls, "Sooz, he says make a tower!"

"It was a weyr warming present," Javeri says with a grin as she explains the rum to Suizen. "I've been real sparing with it and since we don't really entertain there's still plenty left. Chadamalith prefers to go visit people rather than have our space cluttered with company." There's a roll of her eyes as she laughs. "And I didn't tell them who it was I was out here with. Although he could be spying." She peers into the darkness around them before calling out, "Missed all the fun. Move along now." With her grin still in place she looks at Carys and shrugs. "Sorry. It's just...I've been having a rough seven or so. He chased for the first time and I'm still sorting it all out in my head. But I've perfected the free drink moves. Of course now it's just cause I'm friends with most of em. They don't even expect me to go play in the sand."

"Hey, now. No directin' from the Sand Galleries - otherwise, I'm goin' to be expectin' you to help, an' that just means a big ole mess, given the size of things.." Suizen says to the dragon staring at her. Despite the fact, after a bracing sip, she starts to lump more sand where two 'walls' sort of waveringly meet.

Carys nods her head in understanding and lets out a soft 'oh'. "Did he win the flight, or did he /just/ chase? I know what you mean, though. It's kinda weird at first. Not so bad once he chases a couple more times, promise." She opens her mouth to say something else, and then stops to look over at Suizen's castle, and Llioth's tail thumbing. The dragon rumbles at his lifemate, and then stands. "OH! Er, well, um...Sooz? He says that your castle is good, but it's not perfect. He says that he wants you to come back to Fort with us, and practice making castles around the eggs in Peirith's clutch so that they'll be nice and safe. Will you stand as a candidate?" Cue grunt from Llioth. "Oh. Please?"

Watching the potter and the sand and the dragon Javeri grins as she has another sip. "He chased only. There was horrid. Not that...Anyway. It can't get worse or I'd likely die." Shaking her head she's happy to let the conversation go when the other bluerider speaks. "Oh! Suizen! That's great! Suizen and I were candidates together here." This last directed to Carys.

There is a long moment of silence, as Sooz processes that, before she turns, sandy fists on her hips. "Well, if it's anything like bein' here, I doubt there'll be all /that/ much time for sandcastle buildin'.... But..." here she trails off, then shoots a look at Javeri. A tilt of the head is given, then a quirky half-grin. "If you're not mindin' a bit of a delay while I clean up an' pack up the clothin' Fayre requested I kept handy last time... and... wait, that won't do any good there. Do the stores have any heavy clothin', Veri? I'll freeze. If I can't find any, you'll have to come visitin' - heck, even if I do." After all, it's one thing to Stand in the Weyr you've always lived at. Quite another to go do so where it's /cold/.

Carys looks over to Javeri with a grin. "You were? That's kinda funny! So you know how it all works alreay, then, Sooz." She decidedly doesn't say anything more about flights, and only smiles at Javeri once more. "Hey, what else is in a greenrider, anyway? Fruit and what? I'll haveta remember." When Suizen accepts, Rys beams and claps her hands. "Yay! You go get ready. Llioth says you've gotta hurry, though, because the eggs need castles now." She looks over at Javeri again. "You're the all-knowing one, I guess."

"Sooz! Of course I'll come visit! And I'll be there hatching day no matter what!" Javeri scratches her head and then nods. "I bet there's warm stuff. There's got to be. Besides surely Fort's not having such a clothing problem they can't put sweaters on their candidates' backs!" This last is said with a look to Carys as if she might be able to answer this or not. Giving her head a shake she tells Suizen, "You can get stuff here I am sure. And whatever you need you can tell me and I bet granny can arrange. She can arrange anything. Oh, or Paddy! He knows everyone after all!" Another look at Carys and she laughs. "It's funny because I've only been at the Weyr since I was searched. Suizen's been here longer. But I guess I know something. That's nice for a change! A greenrider is rum and limes and water and sugar and mint. Best drink ever. Well, the best drink is whatever is free, but still."

Suizen pauses a moment, then eyes her drink. One last drink is taken, then handed over to Veri. "Hopefully they're havin' the same rules, but either way, probably best not to be smellin' like the Sandbar right out. An' to some degree. Hopefully it's mostly the same. We don't have to be servin' the tithe wagons in bikinis and a sarong, even if you're a guy, right?" she asks Rys, while brushing off the sand from her legs, and muttering to herself, "Definitely the 'good'' the brush an' the like... an' that... that should be good, keep it down to a bag, what with gettin' warm clothes there...."

Carys nods her head. "Yeah, we have enough stuff at Fort to keep you warm for a while. You just need to get a jacket for the trip *between* is all." Then Javeri is nodded at again. "Rum, limes, water, sugar, mint...I'll try to remember. If I can't, I'll just come back and have you get me another free one. But I wanna watch you do it! Sounds funny. Thanks for this one, by the way." Sooz's question is laughed at. "You won't have to servin' tithe wagons in bikinis and a sarong. And the rules are the same, don't worry 'bout that."

"The rules were horrid!" Javeri says with a laugh. "I am so glad I don't have to worry about that again. Not that weyrlinghood rules were so great especially at first. Well, still are...although we don't really have much right now so that's good." She looks at Suizen and asks, "Do you have a jacket already? If not try the box on the bottom shelf where they are kept. Shoved behind two others. I learned that's where the better ones are kept." Hasn't been so long after all that she was getting her own. Looking at her fellow bluerider she nods. "Sure. I am happy to give demonstrations. But I won't reveal all my tricks!"

Suizen nods, "Right, basic clothes, tolietries, an' a jacket. I can do that. I'll be right ba... oh! Will you tell Paddy an' Sonah, an' Fayre? Oh! And tell Fayre I'm not askin' while I'm there. That's just a call for trouble. Right. Time's a wastin'. I'll be right back." Thankfully, she doesn't have to deal with the wheelbarrow, in that the captain's emptying it. Sand gets kicked up, as the potter heads towards the weyr proper at a good trot.

Carys pokes her tongue out at Javeri and pouts. "Well you're no fun, then, if you won't teach your 'apprentice' /everything/." She calls, "Be quick!" out to Suzien as she trots away. "Hey, Veri, when you come visit Fort I'll have to take you to The Leaking Cavern. It's a good bar."

"Suizen, I'll tell everyone I promise," Javeri tells the potter as she hurries off. "You have my word," she hollers louder before laughing and tipping her drink all the way back to finish it. "Oh, come on," she then tells Carys with another laugh. "I won't even share all my secrets with someone- Someone I know better than you." There may be another blush or their may not. "And a bar sounds good. I'll need a drink if I come visit for all sorts of reasons. And if you're going to buy it's a deal."

The someone-someone doesn't go unnoticed, and Carys finishes off her own drink rather quickly and folds her arms. "Oh? Who's this someone?" She really doesn't have a sense of manners when she gets curious about something, and it's definitely showing now. "Is Someone a man?" Then Rys lets out a little sigh. "Oh /fine/, I'll buy you a drink. Or two. Or however many you need." Yes, need. "You've gotta play darts with me once, though. You and Sooz and I can play or somethin'. The dartboard is pretty beaten up, though, but that's ok."

There's not a word from Javeri and without thinking she takes a drink from the glass given to her by Suizen. Better someone's remains than no drink at all. "It's nothing. We're just friends right now anyway. And, yes, he's a man. And we're just friends. And there's nothing there right now." Shaking her head she grins sheepishly. "We're waiting. And buying me a drink is good. I'll bring you something! Something...I don't know. But something. And I'm not real good at darts so as long as there's no marks on it you have a deal."

Suizen doesn't take all that long to get things together. The most time is finding her shoes - which is shoved into the bag, and a jacket to wear between - which is also shoved into the bag. A shirt is shrugged on over the bikini, and the potter's heading back to the beach, after leaving word with one of the assistant headwomen to shove her stuff in a box for a quick time-being.

Carys flaps a hand dismissively. "Nah, no marks. Truth be told, I'm not very good at darts, either, but I still like playing." The topic about Someone is left alone for now, the rider seemingly satisfied with the response given. All she says is, "Well I hope it works out." She gets perky and bounces a little, clapping her hands. "Ooh, you'll bring me something? I love presents." She looks around the beach a bit and taps a foot. "I know she hasn't been gone long, but Sooz better get back here!"

"She'll come along," Javeri says with a laugh. And when she spies her there's a wave from the former potter to the now candidate. "There she is! And no marks is good. Because I'm already letting you steal away a friend." Shaking her head she looks at the glasses in her hands. "I love giving presents. It's not anything great. But I like to keep my fingers in the clay is all. I do commissions too. Slowly until my life is not so hectic."

"Sorry 'bout that - couldn't find the shoes, an' the box of jackets got shoved two shelves down." There's a roll of the eyes, before the potter grins crooked. "Last time was /much/ easier. No hurry, 'cause I already lived here."

Carys grins from ear to ear. "That's always nice to hear. I like givin' presents, too, but usually they're things that're kinda dumb. I don't mean for them to be, but the people receivin' them don't really care for 'em." Then, "I can't wait to see some of your pottery stuff, then!" Sooz gets a happy wave, and Rys gestures to Llioth, who is crooning at the new candidate. "You ready t'go?"

"This is so exciting!" Javeri tells Suizen with a bright grin. "Oh, and Chadamalith says goodbye and that he will be happy to come see you. He's been pestering me about going more places." Rolling her eyes she laughs quietly before looking at Carys. "I love gifts. And yea I'll bring you something. I don't know when I'll make it though so don't hold your breath. We've just started wing shadowing and I'm not sure when my time off will be. And I'll stop talking now so you can get going and all."

Suizen grins at Javeri. "Good, an' I'll be glad to see you both, so make sure Paddy an' Mic don't have any reason to ground you two, 'kay?" she tells them both, before making her way over next to Llioth, "Ready an' waitin' - an' does that mean I should be scritchin' if you're doin' that? With Jekzith, it did, but that's mostly 'cause any time was a good time for scritches."

Carys nods to Javeri again. "Oh, I know you're all busy and stuff. Wing shadowing is fun, actually. I liked it a lot. Well, it was really nice meetin' ya, Veri! Thanks for the greenrider." She gives Sooz a quick look-over and nods. "Well make sure your jacket's on tight, and you /have/ to wear shoes. You don't wanna lose your feet *between*." Llioth isn't opposed to scritches, and lowers his head with a soft croon. /His/ candidate.

Suizen offers Llioth a scritch, then shoves feet into the shoes, with many expressions of distaste. Because shoes are evil and horrid and plotting against her.

Javeri stands back out of the way and waves to Suizen and Carys and Llioth. "Take care! I'll come see you soon! And we won't get in trouble!" Once they've disappeared she trudges back to the bar to return the drink glasses.

~javeri, llioth, suizen, carys

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