Isn't she pretty?

Feb 07, 2009 23:10

Who: Javeri, Chadamalith, and an assortment of npcs including one flashy green.
When: Lunchtime around day 20 of month 12, turn 18
What: Javeri's just wanting to eat a little lunch. Unfortunately Chadamalith has had his eye on a particular green and she's going up. Things go from bad to worse. Murphy's Flight.

Lunchtime, another extended lunch because of the weather but there was a breeze coming in so hopefully that would help out. Javeri had thought about going to the beach, but decided against it because Chadamalith hadn't been interested and it wasn't as much fun without him sometimes. Her plate was sparsely filled with just some fruit and a few thin slices of bread covered in preserves. She was pretty sure before she found a place to sit her juice would be hot and she let out a sigh over that. Saving came in the form of Y'mal who saw his fellow bluerider and lifted a hand.Javeri wasted no time in going over to sit with the older weyrlings, very nearly full on riders now.

"Thanks. I was afraid I'd have to go outside to find a seat," she said with a grin. The table was full of older weyrlings and she greeted them all with a wave before taking a drink of her juice. Nearly warm and she wrinkled her nose as she set it down. << Pinnereth is looking so lovely today is she not? >> The words interrupted the peeling of an orange. Javeri's finger slow down and she looks around the table a little more closely. It was made up of the older weyrlings, but there was only Gia, Pinnereth's rider, among them that rode green. >> Chadamalith. Stop looking at her. << Concentrating on her orange Javeri tried to peel it and to stop sneaking looks at Gia who was sitting between a couple of brownriders. She was fidgeting and giggling and acting unlike what Javeri had come to expect from her.

When the greenrider looked at her Javeri turned her head away and wound up meeting Y'mal's eyes instead. "He's kinda young," the bluerider said as he laid a hand on her arm for a moment. << You should see how lovely she is right now. Come out and see. >> Arm jerking out from under Y'mal's the orange is picked back up and viciously torn in to. "He's too young," she said, but it was mumbled and no one who heard believed her anyway. >> Chadamalith please stop looking at her. Please. Don't do this. << She knew he heard her, but all she got back from his was a series of images so fast they had her free hand clutching the table to help with the dizziness. Shaking her head she chewed on another piece of orange and stole another look at Gia. This time when the greenrider caught her looking she smiled back.

She took another bite of her orange and kept her eyes on her plate. << Javeri? Do you see how pretty she is? Javeri. Javeri! She's going to fly! >> He sounded so eager and excited that she had to smother a giggle against the back of her hand. >> I know you think so. And I know she is going to. Sure you don't want to change your mind? << Not that she expected him to, but it was worth a shot. She took another look at Gia because the girl was standing. Why was she standing? Another wave of vertigo hit her as Pinnereth's round green form is seen launching into the air through Chadamalith's eyes. The people at the table rise up in almost unison as Gia stands and goes hurrying out.

Javeri's stand is as hurried, but lacking in grace. The bench's height is misjudged and as she steps over it her foot gets stuck and she trips over it nearly landing on her face. Thankfully Y'mal had waited for her and caught her. As soon as she was upright though he hurried off after the others. Face burning from falling as much as anything else she limped out. As soon as she reached the bowl she looked overhead. She couldn't see anything from where she was, but up there if she closed her eyes she could see what Chadamalith saw. Another stumble as she hurried to the guest weyr left her with a growing limp and when she entered she saw she was the last one there.

Looking around she saw the other older weyrlings and a few riders. Her eyes swept around them as she tried to find Gia. She found her sitting on the floor near the foot of the bed looking at the other riders in the room. She didn't even look at Javeri who just tried to find a wall to lean against and be out of the way. Unfortunately Gia wasn't the only one not looking at her and another rider tried to lean against the wall where she was and she got her foot stomped before she could get out of the way. Slipping on a patch of water the rider had brought in from the bath he'd hurried from her elbow banged against the wall.

As she slunk almost into the corner she closed her eyes and tried to figure out what Chadamalith was doing. His mind was different. Even different than the different from before he'd rose to give chase and she felt lost in it. Forgetting the weyr and the other riders she just focused on him. The air was still heavy, but they were flying so fast and she could feel their wings beating as they flew, watching Pinnereth. She was beautiful. So big and green as she flew so smartly. From where they were they could see her and the other dragons. They flew closer now because there had been a falter for a moment in those gorgeous green wings that seemed to catch every last ray of sunshine. So intent were they on her that they didn't see the other dragon until it was too late. The brown was angling downward in an effort to claim the prize for himself and Chadamalith was just trying to get there from his place behind the others.

The collision jerked Javeri back to herself and so she heard herself cry out when the brown swiped at her blue. Shuddering and hauling herself to her feet she looked for the one responsible. At first she just wanted to hit someone, but Chadamalith was knocked around and still too connected she got caught in a whirling scene and clapped a hand over her mouth. She barely made it to the bucket kept in the corner before what little she had eaten today was removed from her stomach. Wiping the back of her hand across her mouth and then against her eyes to try to clear the tears from them she wasn't even aware when it all ended and she limped off as Y'mal and Gia found each other.

Stumbling out of the weyr Javeri nearly shrieked when a hand grabbed at her elbow. She jerked her arm away as she turned to see the face of one of the other riders who had lost. He gave her a look that was all invitation. But she couldn't imagine doing that and she just shook her head and turned to run off. Why would she want to...with him. No, there was no way. All she wanted to do was be alone. The last thing she wanted was to be some second choice. They'd lost. He'd tried so hard and they'd lost and now she just wanted to be by herself. Tears blurred her vision as she left the bowl and ran flat out for the jungle. There was a clearing where they sometimes had picked fruit and that's where Javeri found Chadamalith. And that's where they sat. She knew it would pass. Knew they'd feel better. But until then all she could do was sit there and be miserable with him.

~javeri, *flights, **vignette, *weyrlinghood, ~chadamalith

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